Chapter 08: One Step at a Time


As far as hangovers are it was probably not the worst. But it did feel like the worst.
I drank greedily from my canteen until it was empty and grumbled, whined and stared at the roof of my tent feeling sorry for myself before I slowly pushed my bedroll covers off and crawled over to my cask, only to fill my metal canteen a quarter of the way.
I was finally out of water.
I sipped at my little remaining water as I sat on my bed and tried to plan my next move. I felt sluggish, and I knew I felt sluggish because really there was no next move to plan, it was really just “go get water.” It wasn’t that complicated. There probably wasn’t even a well that far from me, but then I stood up slowly, and felt a reminder, a creeping feeling, slickness against my anus, between my ass cheeks. I shuddered, warmth running up my spine as I realised Kait’s precum was still between my ass cheeks.
I wanted to curse his name, get angry, huff and puff and get all upset but that felt wrong, I wasn’t mad at Kait, I couldn’t be mad at him even if I tried to, and so I was stuck in the unsatisfying middle as my stomach tightened. I needed a bath, to clean myself. That’s what I normally did when I got stuck, right? When I was trapped in some mental deadlock I went to the college bathhouse.
My mind went to the river I had followed to the tribe, why not there? The town didn’t share the river water downstream from the lake, unless you considered sharing this massive basin as sharing water. A freshwater river from the lake should be fine to boil and put in my cask as drinking water and I can bathe in the water as I wait on it to cool.
I grumbled and stood up slowly, sighing as I hefted my empty wooden cask by its straps and holding it as I put my boots on, taking my fire making kit and boiling pot.
I stopped by the flaps of the tent, eyes looking at my robes that had been discarded there by my pack for days now.
This whole experiment with nudity had been a mistake, I should just put the thing back on, being naked like the bulls had only gotten me into trouble. I thought.
My hand reached to take the robe but froze as my fingers touched the heavy fabric. Part of my mind screamed to grasp, to just pick it up and put it on. But another part of me refused, adamantly. I shook my head and pulled my hand back with a sigh. Puffing myself up as I pushed the flaps open and stepped out into an overcast morning of heavy cloud.
I couldn’t give up now, I had to make the nudity a habit, I wasn’t going to give up and shy away again.
Rapps wasn’t at his cottage across the dirt road from me, though if I had to guess it was late morning and he was already off working. His hours seemed so extreme, I wondered if I had woken him up last night when I came back with Jeena; I hope I didn’t, if he worked that hard he probably didn’t need my foolish self waking him up late.
I was out by the Palisade soon enough, passing by a tired looking guard. Huge and with long unbrushed dark brown hair that hung over his eyes and around his bovine snout. His chest huge and his lower body covered by what looked like studded furs. I hadn’t seen guards here at this gate to the tribe since I arrived, so I suppose they simply rotated the guards around the gates on different days.
He leaned against the wall with his axe by his side, giving me a slight nod of acknowledgement. I didn’t have the hands to cup my shame, I just looked down and tried to walk faster, I could feel his eyes looking at my butt as I walked away.
The walk was pleasant enough, but carrying all this gear made my shoulders ache and about halfway between the edge of the woods and the tribe I had to stop and stretch the cramps out of my arms. I took a moment to look around this larger clearing as I did. Noting the small cottages and huts that pocked the otherwise clear and pristine grasslands. Some had small fences, others seemed to even be growing crops. I continued along until I was at the river, and my boots followed along its shore as I walked with the flowing stream to the tree-line. I stopped to look around, deeper into the woods seemed more secluded which would of course be better for privacy, but the trees and their heavy roots grew close to the edge and held the banks up. Here out in the grasslands the erosion had sloped down more gently, making it easier to enter and exit the river.
This would do, after all what were the odds somebody would come see me? And what hell was I so nervous about being seen bathing for? I was already naked in public, its not like they could see anything I wasn’t already showing five minutes before I got in the water.
I grumbled.
My movements felt mechanical, I put my things down and began to collect dry wood, and pile it up on the drier silty edge of the river, safe from the grass. I dug my stakes into the soil and tested their strength with the empty pot, letting it hang above the fire as I stuffed a small patch of tinder into the wood and lit the tinder with some flint and a knife. Carefully feeding the smaller branches into the fire and finally sitting down with a sigh. My butt pressing to the cool silt of the river bank as I looked at the running water, letting the fire breathe and catch for a while as I took deep breaths of the clean air, listening to the sound of the water moving through the river and some noisy bird in the trees nearby feeding its even noisier chicks.
I don’t think I had really appreciated how quiet this tribe was. I had almost taken that for granted in the excitement of arriving her. Truly, it would take hours to get somewhere this quiet if I was in the capital, not the two dozen or so minutes the walk had been. That said nothing of the cleanliness either. The capital was filthy. Some streets didn’t even have sewerage still, you blocked it out after a while but any time away from the capital, upon its return you were reminded of that stink. Here I was about to boil river water, if I tried to drink water from the River Mellian in the capital I’d almost certainly get dysentery and keel over dead in a few days. Hell you couldn’t even trust some of the wells, the nobles usually had their water delivered in from the country.
Why did I even live there? Sometimes I wondered that, you had to block out that feeling to keep functioning in the capital, but it was unavoidable, every so often the question would overwhelm you and you’d have to stop and sit around wondering why you even bothered putting up with the place. There was none to answer for today, I had no reasons why I kept living there.
Maybe after I had gotten my fellowship I could move somewhere away from the capital, maybe I could find a town like this somewhere that needed a professor or a scribe or a page.
I sighed, but it still oddly felt like I was short on breath. Something was wrong, I kept trying to ignore it, but a pressure was building on my chest.
I looked down at the fire again, it was a healthy enough size to stoke and once I had it really began to breathe to life. With that I took the pot off its hook carefully with a branch to avoid burning myself and stepped up to the river, squatting down to fill it up and walk the heavy thing back with a grunt, hooking it carefully back to make sure the stakes would hold, which they did.
With the pot above the fire and warming to boil I reached up and slowly took my broken glasses off, thumbing the large crack again forlornly, leaving them by my empty cask.
I stepped up to the bank of the river, eying its calm flow. Rivers were always deceptively quick but the river did seem weak enough that I felt safe at least sitting and standing on the edge of the water to bathe myself. It occurred to me then that the smooth banked silt of this river was probably the result of the winter melts, when the basin overfilled from the mountain snow and thus the Waking Waters, would grow angry and full.
I winced as I stepped into the water. It was as cold as I expected but I stepped in further and further, stepping into the river as it flowed up right to my thighs. I looked down at them, seeing the river lapping at my thighs, my cock soft and hanging. I got a strange feeling of satisfaction as I saw the waterline match up with the bands now tattooed around my legs in a nice act of symmetry.
I yelped and slowly, carefully sat myself down, feeling the cold water rush up and over my body, my butt and chest as my butt pressed down to the slimy base of the river bed. I shivered and sat rather like an unimpressed cat being bathed as I splashed water on my face and ran my fingers through my hair again and again. As unpleasant as the cold was, the relief as I felt the grime from the last couple days wash off me helped me ignore it. Now, if this had been a hot bath I’d probably feel pretty wonderful again, but alas.
It wasn’t much of a bath, I simply sat there and ran my hands over my limbs and chest and goose-pimpled skin as I washed myself mechanically. I dipped my head down and took a mouthful of the earthy fresh water in and rushed it through my teeth, gargling and spitting it out in an arc. I finally got that nasty sick aftertaste out of my mouth after a few more rinses. The bath was clearing things up in an odd way the cold water had froze away any mental fog. I didn’t exactly feel better, in fact I could feel myself getting worse. I just felt less…out of it, less mechanical. It felt like I was actually starting to wake up now and the hangover was wearing off.
I wanted to enjoy the solitude but I felt a feeling creep up on me. That same dark cloud, a feeling of wrongness like I’d done something wrong, and I had done something wrong.
I felt a knot in my stomach and I sighed as in the comfort of solitude and the biting cold water. I closed my eyes and slowly, tentatively, let myself probe the dark mass in my stomach. Like one might probe a sore or a scar.
I was back in the yard with the Clayrends. I smiled, I  laughed, I was enjoying myself as I stared at him. I lift my arms up above my head and sway my hips to the music, I look at him, his eyes watch as my cock jiggles against my thighs. There was a feeling there, one that in my investigation I looked away from and denied was there. His hand was on my butt now, squeezing it. I watched myself candidly as the moment played back in my head, I could feel his scent in my nose, so deep, so masculine, exciting, terrifying, dizzying.
And then I was against him again, grinding my ass to his hips and feeling his hardening bovine cock dribble it’s precum in excitement. That feeling was back, I desperately tried to ignore it, but as I felt his thumbs on my asscheeks, felt his cock’s flared head press against my anus, prodding it tentatively, I knew it was there.
I was enjoying it.
I wanted it.
I liked Kait doing it…
I liked Kait…

I couldn’t, it wasn’t possible, I didn’t like Kait! It’s wrong to like Kait!
This was sodomy, sodomy was wrong, it was immoral! It wasn’t just immoral, these feelings were wrong! Everything I knew, every second of every moment of my life as I grew up contradicted the feelings I felt. It was like waking up one day and seeing that the sky was a different colour, or if suddenly things started to fall upwards. This feeling was unnatural! Men didn’t have feelings for men like that, men were strong, men who were sodomites weren’t strong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong! This was all wrong Alfied Brandt!
I grit my teeth and took a shuddering breath, I curled my fist as my eyes clamped shut, but I could feel it, the warm tears pooled in the corner of my eyes. In this biting cold the tears felt like they were burning hot coals.
Another shuddering breath as I tried to calm myself, another, another, but this failed, I felt myself choke and once I did there was no coming back. I sobbed, bringing my knees up and pressing my hands against my face. I sobbed again and again. It all exploded out of me, like a rope in tension snapping, coiling and thrashing back. The mental fog of the sluggish morning had disappeared, and the rush of loathing, hate, bile and emotion flooded out of me suddenly. The hangover had been a blessing, too sluggish, apathetic, and sick to feel the psychological wound and disgust that fog had hid from me.
My hand slid up to my forehead to hold me there as my thumb pushed to my lip, I bit my nail as I kept sobbing. I gasped for air and wracked it out my throat again. It wasn’t mental fog anymore, it was more painful than that. It was mental deadlock, emotional dissonance. It was confusion, a terrifying black mass of confusion in my mind and heart. It seemed so simple to fix, if one was confused, try and rationalise, try to make sense of the mess. But the mess was so vast, so unfixable that there wasn’t even a way to tackle it. There was simply no way to rationalise any of it. Sodomy was wrong, it wasn’t moral, it was evil. But here I was with these horrible feelings for a male. I couldn’t make sense of that! I couldn’t deny it! They were there, I had those feelings, I had enjoyed them. But I couldn’t enjoy them, because they were wrong, they were evil!??I knew they were evil, I had been taught they were evil! My whole life, I had seen what happened to Sodomites back home, the things that people did to them to punish them for their wrongdoings.
Gods I had even said and done bad things to homosexuals myself. In school I used to sing those songs and tease the other boys for being girly, and I used to whine and get angry when other boys would sing those stupid little rhymes at me or make fun of my hair!
I had traced the paths through my mind trying to find a way to drain the emotional poison but there was none, there didn’t seem to be a solution and so the pressure had burst the only way it could.
Another fit of choking and sobbing. I felt myself try smack my forehead against my knees. As if the act of self violence would hammer the evil thoughts out of my mind, but it didn’t help.
It just hurt.
Everything hurts.
“I hope this is something I can fix.” I heard a deep, booming voice from behind me. I thought I had imagined it at first but my primordial brain knew I hadn’t and I turned around to see a figure on the same bank of the river where my pot was. He was mature, an older bull, the same muscular way they looked but with a heavy gut. His body lacked the scars Chief Hulbrik had though.
For a terrifying moment I thought it was Tabbard Clayrend but I realised the colour was wrong, this bull had a dark, earthy crimson red coat of fur, dark ashy black hair void of the grey like Tabbard had, it was tied up in some topknot behind his huge curled ivory horns.
His face seemed concerned, pitying, and he held a length of cloth on his broad shoulder, which I recognised to he some kind of towel. He wasn’t naked though he appeared to have his hips and an immense bulge wrapped on a tight off-white cloth wrapping.
“Seriously, I need a bath and well there’s this stranger in my spot and that stranger is crying. So either I fix this or I have to wait another day to wash. See my problem here?”
A dark part of my mind wanted to scream at him, to lash out at him for interrupting me and violating my solitude, but saw that for what it was, I just wanted to shove the emotional pain onto somebody else.
“S-sorry, sorry I just…” I let out a weak sob and it became a quiet laugh as reality gripped me and I felt how foolish I must have looked crying like this
“N-nothing it’s nothing there’s no excuse to cry I know…”
The bull shook his head and left his towel on the wet sand by my fire. His huge hooves stepping into the water, until he was beside me, towering over me. “Oh nonsense human it’s fine.”
“No,…it isn’t. A man should…control his emotions more than this, boys and girls and women cry… men don’t.”
“Ah, so you are male.” The bull said with a soft chuckle as he bent down to spoon the river onto his bovine legs and massage them. “Who in the fires told you men couldn’t cry?”
“M-muh…” I said in confusion. “My father did…and my teachers and…just…” I lifted my arm up. “Everybody did, polite society in general did.”
“Polite society sounds like it needs to come lick my balls.” The bull grumbled sharply as he spooned another hand of water onto his hip as he looked down at me, massaging his huge muscular thigh.
“You aren’t from around here are you?” The stranger asked me.
I shook my head at him. It was only now starting to creep in how strange this encounter was. The sheer emotional pain of before blocked it, but it was starting to seep in now. “I-is it that obvious?”
He shrugged “Its more you are male, honestly I just assumed you were a woman at first, but now that I know that is sort of a dead give away and we don’t get human males in Broken Rock that often, if at all.” He sighed.
“So where you come from, men don’t cry?” He bellowed out again after a pause. Deeply, the sentence vibrating off his diaphragm in voice so painfully masculine it made me shudder again. He sounded, offended, almost.
“I mean you aren’t supposed to…”
“Why not?”
“B-because it makes you weak…and it shows you a poor handle on your emotions.”
The bull chuckled and slowly, squat down, easing his own butt into the water and letting his bovine legs and waist vanish under it, his tail curling around and poking out of the water behind him as he reached down between his thighs, groping at something with a great deal of focus. The same off-white wrap came up from the water soaked. He silently rung it out and dipped it again, ringing it out a second time before balling it up and tossing it back to the river bank. If I wasn’t so cold my blood had gone solid I’d probably blush as this bull sat next to me, naked beneath the water.
“Let me ask you something human, do you think I’ve cried?”
“I…no I don’t think you’ve cried…”
“You know my wife died two years ago, exactly, as of next month actually. When she died I cried a lot, and then the days after I cried some more, and at her burial I cried so hard I threw up…” he grumbled. “My daughter doesn’t have a mother anymore, and she spent her whole childhood without one. Still doesn’t have one now that she’s ready to mother her own calfs. If she does she won’t have a mother to help her through that, I worry about that a lot and that makes me cry again. Sometimes I’ll be outside working and I’ll swear I can smell my wife again and I’ll look up and of course nothing is there. And then that makes me cry.”
He spoke this all  with a chuckle and a warm smile. There wasn’t any shame in his voice as he ran his huge brown palms over his wide chest, the river rushing against his gut. “I cry a lot, really.”
“Oh, God’s…I’m so sorry I…”
“Point is human, if I cry so much does that make me weak, do you think whatever human society you come from would call me weak?”
I didn’t know what to say, but I shook my head and almost made a noise.
“Crying is natural, sadness is natural, it’s no more shameful than drinking water or going to piss. And I mean sure maybe just like pissing it’s not so good to do it all the time or have everybody see you do it, but hell can you imagine somebody saying ‘Men shouldn’t ever piss, it means you’re weak.’ I mean really now.”
I felt a lump in my stomach release as I let out a soft giggle at the joke. Unable to do anything but imagine the absurdity of what he had said to me.
He had a point…
“T-thanks I just…” I began to say before shaking my head. “Thanks.”
“There, all fixed.” He said with a smile, his hands massaging beneath his armpits. “You’re welcome.”
“I’m…Alfie…by the way. Alfie Brandt.”
“Thean Woodstend” he offered back. “Nice to meet you Alfie.”
I sat next to Thean in silence for a while as he washed his face and then took his hair down. The long mass of ash black soaked and massaged in his fingers as I sat. The shivering had stopped as I sat there, getting used to the water as the sun cautiously peeked through an opening in the blanket of cloud before it vanished again.
“So, if I can ask, why are you crying, Alfie?”
I felt myself swallow, I couldn’t answer that, not a chance. But I felt the desire to confess, to say something.  He’d been so candid with me…
“I umm…well it’s a long story and it’s pretty…weird.”
“You could say I am a fan of long, weird baths.”
I swallowed again, looked at this stranger named Thean, and then opened my mouth. “I went to this…party thing in the tribe last night, one of the clans invited me.”
“Clan party, lucky you, go on?”
“Well, one of the bulls he…well I, he and I spoke all night and then I danced with him and…”
“And he touched me, I danced with him and he touched me, and held me and…I pushed myself onto him and grinded against him…”
“Did you not want him to?” Thean asked as he pushed his soaked hair behind his ears.
“N-no I well, I didn’t but…,”
“So you wanted him to?”
“N-no, but you see I was…”
He snapped his fingers and chuckled. “So you don’t know! What an odd thing to be confused about.”
I opened my mouth and looked at him before I looked away and nodded.
“Human. A lot of bad things can happen to you in your life, I would know. But trust me when I say dancing with some bull and getting to grind on him is not one of them. If you want my advice concerning that, seems pretty simple to me, rather than let it pain you and cry about it figure out if you enjoyed it or not, then make a decision after that.”
Slowly, Thean stood up from the water, pushing his enormous hooves into the soft bed of the river. I was met with an eye full of cock, a dark, dark smooth crimson brimstone leather sheathe hung, with two heavy balls receded back against his body from the chill as Thean stretched his arms and walked back to the shore.
“B-but…it’s not that simple…”
“Why isn’t it that simple?” Thean asked as he stomped his hoof slowly shaking the water off it. Reaching for his towel. “Your water is boiling by the way.” He added.
I was confused for a moment but I remembered half the reason I was here and I too stood up. Shivering as exposed myself to the bull. Only to have my cold shrunken cock and testicles be not even anywhere near what he was dealing with. I felt a flush of embarrassment as I walked back up the shore to my pot. Using a branch to carefully take the pot off and let it sit down in the cool sand, which hissed angrily as it turned to steam against the hot base of the pot.
“Because…it was a bull…and it was a man…I danced and touched a bull.” I replied to him.
“And?” He said back as he shook the water from his arms.
“A-and that’s sodomy, it’s…wrong, and it’s shameful and I shouldn’t do that with men, let alone bull men!”
“Why not?” He said as he ran his towel over his arms, his legs, his haunches. “If you were to bend over right now and present that ass to me, I’d commit “sodomy” right here with you right here on this river bank Alfie.” He said with a smirk.
I felt my jaw fall and I let out a shocked squeak feeling my face turn red. Did he really say that or had I imagined it? “T-that’s disgusting!” I said in shock, I was appalled he had said that.
“Let me guess. This is another one of those ‘I am not allowed to cry because they said I wasn’t’ things huh?” He chuckled.
“Sodomy is wrong…homosexuality is wrong, I’ve been told that my whole life…I know that, for sure. I shouldn’t have danced or touched that bull, I was drunk and he was drunk and we just…the music.”
Thean grunted, and nodded slowly as he finished towelling off, his huge arm offered me his damp towel, gesturing to it to towel off. “Ahah, I think I get it now, you were crying because you let loose a little last night and tried something new, and you don’t know how to feel about it and you can’t decide how you feel about it because you’ve been told your whole life it’s wrong and if you decided you enjoyed it, that would mean you did something wrong. I think thats the situation here, correct?”
I gasped to speak again but didn’t I just let the air out in resign as I took the offered towel and used the damp thing to run down my legs and arms.
“I also threw up in-front of them all…” I mumbled.
Thean let out a deep laugh and nodded. “Well, that can’t be helped.”
“I-if anybody back home in the capital found out what I did or saw that display last night, the Church…they’d demand my family be excommunicated and…and my family would have to disown me in order to stay in and keep their standings and..and I’d lose my scholarship and…”
“You aren’t in ‘the capital’ Alfie, you’re in Broken Rock.” Thean bellowed out, in a frank way as I gave him back his towel and shook my head.
“You just…don’t get it, I can’t have done that last night, it’s wrong…I know it’s wrong, I know better.”
Thean shook his head and sighed. “You’re right, I guess I don’t get it. Doesn’t seem like that big a deal to me.” The Minotaur commented as he gathered his balled up hip wrapping.
“You want my advice Alfie?”
I nodded.
“You can’t expect somebody to tell you what to think about this.” Thean began. “You aren’t going to get an answer. Take a deep breath and put these weird pretences away, pretend they don’t exist for five minutes and just sit down and ask yourself “how do I feel about this, did I like it or didn’t I like it?” And be honest.”
He shrugged “If you don’t, this big pile of poison will just spread more and get worse. But that’s just what I think.”
I nodded slowly and sighed again, tired now, exhausted, mentally and physically.
“I appreciate the advice…I suppose it is a pretty dumb thing to get sad and cry over.”
Thean Woodstend shrugged again with his wet towel now on his shoulder. “I used to be a fighter you know, I was even in great clan wars, I was a good fighter too. And I used to be the biggest intolerable braggart imaginable. I could have any woman I wanted, all I had to do was tell them all stories of how great a warrior I was.” He said with a weak smirk. “All except her, Elise, no matter what I said or did I couldn’t have her, she saw right through it all. I remember I tried to impress her by picking fights with bulls just to show with how strong and good at fighting I was, and she just laughed in my face. That never happened before her. She told me she could tell I was pretending, that this was all an act. That I didn’t want to be a warrior and all these displays were pathetic.”
Thean smiled and looked up as the warm sun finally broke through the clouds, I could feel the warm on my back as I faced this Minotaur.
“So what happened?”
“I stopped being a warrior, she was right. I was pretending to enjoy that kind of life, truth was I really fuckin’ hated it actually, but I mean that was the expectation at the time during the wars. Bulls had to fight, it was desperate and all the great tribes bickered like idiots. I was doing what I was expected rather than what I wanted. One day I just got so fed up with the fighting I just put my weapons down and moved out here. Followed my passion, the one I had abandoned, Farming.” He said softly.
“Built it all by hand, every log and every seed, and one day she came to visit and that night we mated and mated until she was carrying my daughter, and then we were married.” He chuckled, his eyes looking back to me.
“Decide for yourself how you feel about something, decide for yourself who Alfie is and if Alfie enjoyed what happened last night.” He said, breaking into a smirk. “And then come visit my farm back there with the trees in rows, because I think I want a turn grinding my cock against your ass.” He chuckled with a wink. Slowly walking away as I gasped out in shock and turned red all over in embarrassment.
“Thanks…again…thank you…” I managed to let out.
“Lets do this again, I usually come here pretty regularly. Let’s say…same time two days from now. Heres hoping I’ll be the crying one and you can console me.”
“Sure…two days from now?” I said, nodding to him as he nodded to me.
And just like that he waved, and he walked away. Disappearing just as quickly as he’d come.
The churning in my stomach had calmed, I squat by my cask slowly pouring the pot of lukewarm boiled water into the small barrel, letting it overfill for a moment before I carefully put my lips to the pot and drank the still warm water down in greedy gulps.
It had taken three lots of boiling the pot and pouring to fill my cask up. It was late afternoon by the time I had filled it all the way up. The sun was still out and the clouds had all but cleared off.
Next time I really should just go to the wells in the tribe for water…but I’d be lying if I said that this choice hadn’t been worth it.
My deeper mind was absent though, quietly calculating, grinding gears and processing something like a machine. I didn’t dare interrupt it as i hefted the cask onto my shoulders and strapped the barrel onto me like a rucksack. Grunting as the litres and litres of clean water crushed down on me in a combined weight.
Heavy, intolerably heavy. How the hell had I carried this and a whole pack for three days of hiking? Gods!
My legs wobbled, and I took it slow, no need to rush, one step at a time, Alfie.
With my gear in my hands and my glasses on my face I let my boots take me back to the open fields. I peeked over and saw it, a wooden cottage with rows and rows of trees in a line.
I was already flustered from the exertion, but I am sure my face got redder as the proposition echoed in my head.
And slowly I made my way back toward Broken Rock, to the quiet and still tribe within the log walls.
I felt better now, almost good, but certainly much better than this morning. And when I got back to my tent, I’d try see what the machine in my mind had decided, or if it needed more time.
One step at a time, Alfie.
Finally I was back in my tent, and writing the excerpts from today. But after a while I took a break, sitting down on my bedroll and closing my eyes. Taking a deep breath.
I took all these pretexts, all these pretences and beliefs and did as Thean said, discarding them. Removing all the excess fat until I had the meat of the conundrum to consider and then sat in silence.
I asked the question, taking breath and letting myself ask now that the obstacles were taken aside.
Did you enjoy last night, Alfie?
Do you want to see Kait again?

I asked the question and the nervous reply returned with a simple shrug.
I just need a little more time…If you’ll give me some time to think…if I had more data…more experiences it would be easier though, so yes…please, I want to see him again.
And so I left well enough alone, left the gears to turn some more in my mind.
One step at a time Alfie.
One step at a time.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt

(Chapter art by the extraordinarily talented MidnaBlu!)

Here we are! I am sorry for the delay but as I mentioned we’re caught up to the commission line, the progress at which the chapters come up is now down to the art as it gets finished. I am sorry that we had to stall like this but I can only really afford to pay for one or two commissions a month at the moment. This is the part where I confirm I have been thinking about funding methods, I have actually had one or two people come comment that they would help support the story if I had the option. So I have been considering opening a Ko-fi or a patreon or something so that those who are inclined can help toss some funds to help pay the artists for that month. Let me know what you think about that, seriously, I am really nervous about taking that step, if there’s enough interest in that I will do it, it would certainly help. But I wouldn’t want people thinking I was just taking money or something. Again let me know here or on twitter or something what you think, if there looks like there would be enough interest in something like that I will go about making some plans for opening it, maybe we can squeeze a credits section in here for all the supporters! I have been wondering what fun things I could do to engage a little more with the viewers!
As always please follow me on twitter if you are so inclined, its where you will see the most updates for my art and progress for my story!
And please, please, please show the artists some love, this story is the story it is because of their help!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.