Chapter 07: Nice Moves Alfie

The morning was uneventful, I laid in my bedroll, deciding to sleep in for a while, giving myself a little break. It had been one week now since I left the lands of man and ventured north into the lands of the Minotaur. After I pulled myself out of bed I decided to get back to work taking down every note I could recall, which was wise, it had only been a night since I spoke to M’Lynne and the memory was already starting to fade.
The day’s moved onto late afternoon, and the evening is coming, the sun has set, I’ll leave this excerpt for now before I leave for this party at the Clayrends. I went for a look through my things, hunting for something that could be a good gift to bring to this dinner, and as it turns out, past me did have a moment of brilliance. I bought a great deal of things with me for bartering, from silver coins to gems, but I also bought smoke-leaf and liquor, specifically bottles of the capital’s specialties, brandy and whiskey. I don’t know what gave me the idea to bring them but I am thankful they did because this is a perfect gift, a celebration will probably already have some kind of drink at it surely, and unless one of the bulls has a still hidden in their home I am sure that there’s no way for them to get spirits like this on their own. This will be an excellent gift for dinner
The sun is starting to hit the horizon and the sky is starting to orange, as nervous as I am I have to do this, I have to visit this Clan.

The walk was as nerve wracking as I expected it to be. I couldn’t stop myself from blushing, from shrinking away as I walked past others. My hand in shame cupped and hid my testicles and cock. An awkward move as in my other hand I held a sack with both bottles of liquor within, ringing noisily against each other with each step.
Bulls conversing with each other, mothers trying to keep their young calfs from running off.
They all walked around just as naked as me, but not even close to as embarrassed. I wandered deeper into Broken Rock, the houses growing more dense, but still retaining that feeling of small villages of buildings stitched together. Colored flags and banners hung from the wood and stone walls, some were on poles in what I now realised were not streets but villa courtyards, some even had rudimentary fences or walls. Now that M’Lynne had noted to me that the tribe was a collection of congregated and cooperating clans all side by side it was hard not to notice it now. It felt so obvious that part of me was embarrassed I hadn’t noticed it before.
I thought I got lost for a moment but I stepped out into what was clearly the centre of the tribe and I felt myself break out of the embarrassed panic of my nudity as I was awestruck.
I had been in this tribe for days, had wandered to the Chiefs villa, but I hadn’t come though the village centre. It was paved, all with deep orange bricks that didn’t look so dissimilar to the bricks of the old Capital townhouses from back home. The bricks had been arranged in a circular pattern that layered out. All throughout the square dozens of folks moved about. Human women and the occasional elf woman, Minotaurs, folks of all ages and heights and shades wandered around even in the evening. In one area of this circular courtyard there were two or three large carts, all covered by simple canvas, bulls loaded small wooden boxes into it. In another area a group of calfs played some kind of rough and tumble game, one small crimson coated calf held a wooden pole in his hands as he ran away from a group of calfs chasing him. He was suddenly taken down by one of the calfs who leapt up and tackled him to the dirt where the attacking boy snatched the pole away and before he could stop, he was running away and holding it now as the others chased him. I couldn’t parse much more of the rules than that, it reminded me a little of capture the flag though, maybe that’s what it was.
In the middle of the tribal circle stood a huge centrepiece, a giant chunk of boulder, grey and sharp, dead in the middle surrounded by grass that had grown slightly up the side of it. This giant chunk of rock had been here for a long time it seemed and I had to wonder, how it got there.
A rock of that size would be a considerable effort for even a crane, let alone any cart I could think of, I had to wonder how the Minotaur had managed to move the rock here, if they had even moved it here at all, perhaps it had always been there and the village was built around it?
All around me the tribe was alive, a great pulse of life beat here. The folks of the tribe were that beating heart.
I felt a warmth bubbling in my stomach as I let out a smile. It feels stupid to say, but until this moment I didn’t consider this, the simple reality, the warmth and comfort of a community in harmony. In my mind for months leading up to this journey Broken Rock had been a thing. Not a real town, an object like a model town or a diagram I had to study. In one moment the shuddering immense reality that this place was a living, breathing organism crashed down on me. This place was home for so many, their whole world. The most important thing in this wide green and blue world.
My smile grew wider, my hands slowly released my manhood, and slowly I walked across the tribe square. Moving through the crowds, breathing slowly. Nobody stared or looked, nobody watched in shock or torment. The only looks back I got from the women and the bulls of this place were glances, and smiles. Some even greeted me.
I was at the other side of the circle now, and I let out a giddy, quiet giggle as I kept walking, my soft uncut cock bounced gently against my thighs and my testicles gently shifted beneath it, a subtle reminder I wasn’t hiding myself anymore.
I let out a deep breath as the air sailed across my naked body, caressing me with a cool breeze that was rich with the earthy scent of the lake.
M’Lynne was right when she said that it was hard to miss the Clayrends. Their village was a massive thing on the very edge of the tribal wall, in fact in parts of it sprawled out beyond the palisade wall to the lake, the log fortifications having been taken down to allow them the space as if it were an overfull sack of grain splitting its seam to spill out.
Their banners were shifting around off their buildings, an earthy brown base with an odd symbol in a brighter earthy orange in the dead middle. Stitched in with thick yarn. It was an open series of rectangles stacked side by side, with a triangle of dots in the very middle. It was oddly familiar though, I wracked my brain trying to figure out why it was so familiar and as I walked closer it occurred to me it looked like a wall, like bricks stacked together or some such. And I understood why as I stepped into an opening in the perimeter of logs and into their land proper
They were brick-masons, of course that’s what their sigil was.
Their villa was arranged as a series of small and rugged looking wood and earthy brick buildings all facing around two major things. A giant yard of flat dirt with row upon row, column after column of dark wet mud bricks that were patiently drying in the sun. And in the distance a large pit which seemed to be of some importance. There were perhaps a dozen buildings here all with that same wood and brick look, some with the larger earthy mud bricks or some with the smaller orange bricks. I wondered how many lived here and I got my answer as I stepped further in and looked upon a cleared area within this open yard, where a collection of wooden tables sat by a trio of iron braziers filled with unlit firewood. At those tables, sitting on those stools or standing around it was what had to be somewhere between thirty or forty folks, Minotaurs with what seemed to be predominantly black fur with just as many fleshy bodies of human women, all of various ages. They were focused amongst themselves but as I stepped closer I saw the group at the table look over one by one as they noticed my approach.
I felt some apprehension creep back into me as I stepped closer and closer but I came to a stop right as I noticed a figure stand up. He was huge, an enormous bull, ashy black fur, deep crimson eyes, he had the same general look to him as Chief Hulbrik. Heavy piped arms and a huge chest with a rounded gut. His horns were long and pointed and a bright ivory. His mane of hair was a darker black, short as if it was recently cut. And across his muzzle grew a short and neat looking beard. Both his beard and his mane had specks of grey through them. He was certainly mature, he looked to be the oldest here as he walked around his table toward me.
“Let me guess.” He boomed out in a voice so deep I was shocked to learn baritones that low were possible. “You would be our invited guest?” He said with a curious look.
I felt myself wanting to freeze up for a moment, before I grabbed myself by the proverbial shoulders and nodded giving the bull a bow. “Alfied Brandt, sir, I am the scholar, Mrs M’Lynne said you spoke about me?”
He nodded and his curious look broke into a smile, it grew wider, then wider…than wider as he opened his huge arms and walked toward me.
It was then I noticed something I hadn’t before…
Oh Gods, his cock…is enormous…
It was exposed, no fur covered it, no cloth. His bovine manhood simply hung between two huge muscular, bovine thighs. It was flaccid — but that wasn’t saying much — wrapped in a dark black flesh sheathe, and behind it two gigantic testicles hung free and low. Both of them swayed as he walked up to me and stood next to me with that huge welcoming grin.
For a moment I was paralysed, he was a giant! Every part of him was huge! He towered over me by perhaps two whole feet, and as I flicked my eyes between his cock and my own I couldn’t even imagine my own beside his, he was three, four times larger than me?
I felt my body shudder as he offered me his hand, I felt myself like I was shrinking away by just being near him. He had a powerful scent, of sweat and deep earth, mud and grass and clay. It was visceral, masculine, unapologetically so.
My body reacted without my brain, my hand reached out to his flat palm, and I took it in my soft smooth grip, feeling the aged leather callous of no doubt decades of hard work. The feeling of contrast between my smooth and untouched fingers wrapping around his rough palm. It didn’t occur to me until he grinned and laughed again, his rough thumb massaging my knuckles as he looked at my hand that I had offered him the feminine hand. It hadn’t even occurred to me to resist or avoid it, his presence commanded me and I gave him my hand. So I gave him my hand as requested.
“Tabbard Clayrend!” He offered with a chuckle easing my body effortlessly to face the group around the tables who all looked at me with a mix curiosity and that same warm welcoming energy this mature bull had.
“This is my family!” He said with a grin as his hand moved to my shoulder to grab it gently and shake me ever so slightly in excitement. The rough aged leather on my shoulder. “Clan Clayrend, builders of the roads, and masters of the brickwork.” He said with pride so vivid it might’ve made a lion embarrassed. “Family!” Tabbard said to the tables, addressing them in his jolly booming voice. “This is Alfied Brandt! I believe if my memory of the South serves right we are to call him Mister Brandt?” He said turning the smile back to me.
I blushed and shook my head “Oh, no please I insist just call me Alfie, I don’t want this to be so formal.”
Tabbard nodded “Not a mister then, but an Alfie. This is Alfie, he is a scholar from the South, they say he’s come to record and study the ways and customs of Broken Rock, so that the humans and outsiders may understand us better.”
The tables all smiled and chuckled, they all continued to look on though.
“T-thank you, I hope I can meet and speak with you all tonight!” I managed to stammer out.
Tabbard gestured to somebody with his arm and a woman stood. Curvy, wide figured with heavy breasts and thick, wide nipples. She had long curls of red hair that had started to grey in her maturity. I swallowed as she walked to Tabbard’s side, closing her eyes and smiling as she wrapped her hands around Tabbard’s immense frame. My eyes drifted between her legs to see an immense and thick bush of red hair, flecked grey in her maturity, her womanhood seemed just as mature as she.
“This is Celica Clayrend, my wife and Matriarch of Clan Clayrend. Carrier of my eight sons and three daughters.”
I swallowed at that number. As she bowed her head to me. “Alfie! It’s a delight to meet you finally, M’Lynne spoke so much of you, and your desire to learn of us?”
I nodded softly as I looked at the mature woman as she held her husband, just as short as me in comparison to such a giant. “Y-yes Mrs Clayrend, I wish to…watch and observe and learn from your Clan, I have so much to learn of this tribe and its people and I believe the best place to start is with a family, and I can’t think of a family greater than this.” I said, offering her a nervous smile as her giant of a husband watched me.
I suddenly remembered the weight in my left hand and blurted out as I hefted it up and took bottles out to pass the amber spirits to Celica and Tabbard. “Please, a gift!” I bowed with my head. “As thanks for my invitation, and as a sign of thanks for this honour to sit and eat with your family.”
Celica looked at the bottle of brandy in her hand and Tabbard bought the whisky up to let out a grin. “Whiskey! My goodness Alfie, this is far too nice.” He sighed with a grin. “It’s been years since I had a taste of human spirits.” He chuckled as he handed the bottle to his wife who took them to the table to let the family see the gift.
“I am not much of a drinker but I have been told the capital brandy is some of the best in the world.” I tried to add, as loud as my subtle voice let me.
Tabbard chuckled “It’s been so long you could’ve got me a bottle of cheap garbage and I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference anyway.”
One by one I was introduced to Clan Clayrend, it was brutal, overwhelming, body after body came to greet me. I went around the tables in a vague order with Tabbard at my side and Celica by my other.
Kalden Clayrend was Tabbard’s first born son, as big as his father, minus the gut. An enormous built bull with a commanding look on his face, he was ash furred as well and had proud horns. He greeted me, and introduced his wife, a girl who looked perhaps a couple years older than me, with deep blonde hair tied back, and a round swelling pregnant stomach beneath her breasts. He introduced his two sons and his daughter, one a young bull who was perhaps a teenager, another calf who was still only a few years old as he sat between them, and he held his infant daughter up to his chest as she giggled and babbled irreverently.
Another son, and another, I finally came to his daughters, all married to their own husbands, all with sons and daughters of their own, of particular note was the eldest daughter Huleh Clayrend, and her husband introduced, Haligen Steelhoof I believe his name was. She had her own infant daughter who sat on her lap and looked very grumpy at something that I am sure anybody but her couldn’t understand.
Four women at one table were introduced, not family, I realised. They were actually concubines or wife servants. The way Celica described them was more on par with a concubine but they did also appear to be workers on the estate too so I am not sure. Celica called them “Handwives.”
Needed to make a point to ask about what a Handwife was.
They were all various ages, with the youngest looking to be about my age and the rest somewhere in between. The oldest Handwife was a woman named Jeena Habrieve. She had soft long blonde hair and a very enchanting pair of green eyes. She looked almost as old as Celica, perhaps a little younger. She blinked slowly at me and smiled and rested her head on her hand, waving the other playfully at me which got a blush and broken eye contact from me, which given her giggle was exactly what she wanted. As I was being introduced to the rest Jeena stood up quietly to step away from the table with another of the Handwives, heading into the largest of the buildings in the estate and disappearing within as they conversed quietly
Finally the impromptu tour of their enormous clan ended with the youngest of Tabbard’s son’s, and slowly dawning realisation of familiarity. A plucky bull by the name of Kait Clayrend. Kait was apparently two years younger than me. He smiled at me wide and warm, confident, playful. He stood up from his stool and once again my stupid wandering eyes moved over his body. He was taller than me by about a head. Warm light crimson eyes and ashy fur, his ivory horns shorter than his older brothers but still pointed up and proud. He had a silver ring through his left ear which swayed slowly with every gentle twitch they made. He wasn’t as enormous as his older brothers, but that said nothing of his fitness. He may not have had the bulk of his brothers but he was lean, all muscle. Between his thighs his cock hung, not yet as enormous as his brothers, but certainly dwarfing me. His two big black leather testicles were tighter to his body, and I saw his sheathe shift as he was introduced. His dark black mane of hair was cut recently, allowing it to grow a little longer at the top, but it was quite short at the sides. He was paralysingly familiar.
His hand rested on his hip and his other hung down by his bovine legs as his eyes studied my own body and then looked into my eyes with another smile. “Funnily enough, father, he and I have actually been introduced already, though he was…a little more dressed when I spoke to him.”
My mind was flung suddenly back to the line of thatchers, of the mysterious ash coated bull who had explained them, to the odd orange sigil on his shoulder which I had now realised was the same symbol sewn into their fluttering banners.
“Marvellous!” Tabbard roared out with a chuckle slapping my shoulder gently, or as gently as a giant bull could. “It’s as if the fates ordained this night to happen!” the patriarch cheered out. Tabbard’s excitement was palpable, infectious, but it washed over me as I blushed and once again let my hand fall into the feminine gesture, and let the young Kait take my hand and run his thumb over my knuckles with a grin. Up till now my nudity had been somewhat abstract, like I could feasibly lie and the people of broken rock wouldn’t know I had never had clothes, but that fantasy was shattered with Kait, he had actually seen me in my robes. For some reason in my mind that felt more taboo, as if this young bull was seeing me in a way he shouldn’t, even though his circumstances were no different at all. Though perhaps it was his eyes, the way they ran over me, drinking my form in, he was really enjoying the site of my body. Part of me wanted to reach down and cover up in shame, but another watched in silent thrill, knowing he was seeing my nudity, seeing my frame in comparison to his.
Did he like what he saw?
Was I exciting to look at?

He had an energy I was instantly warm to, smiling and perked up, his gaze into me was…
“Kait’s my hardest working boy you know!” Tabbard chuckled out. “Clay’s in his blood, see that hut there?” Tabbard pointed to a small wooden and brick homestead, with what looked like a pair of wide double doors to a wooden porch, a wooden shingled roof and brick walls. “My boy Kait built that all himself, two years ago, because he got so sick of sharing rooms with his brothers.” Tabbard said roaring out in delight at the story.
Kait grinned and looked proud at the building before gazing right back at me. “It’s a work in progress, the floor is good but the roof shingles need to probably be redone. I like the doors though.” He chuckled. His voice was warm, smooth, deep. Like a rich melted butter. I felt a flutter in my stomach, a tickle even lower which made me clench softly.
I smiled nervously at him and I saw him offer his hand, again without even thinking I gave him my palm softly and felt it, the rough of hard work but the warmth and softness of youth. I felt my heartbeat in my chest, and Kait grinned as he held my hand for a moment. I had grabbed his hand again without even thinking, why had I done that! I was acting like such a fool!
I couldn’t help it though, something about it all, the tension, the apprehension, I could feel it in him too, my heart felt entirely too big in my chest. Between my thighs I felt a flush of warmth, blood flooded my subtle cock just as much as it flushed my red cheeks. I grit my teeth, feeling my prick swell ever so slightly, excited, stirred
What in the hells was going on with me?
“This spot beside me is free.” He gestured to an empty stool. I saw his thin tail curl and uncurl behind him. I swallowed into a throat I didn’t know was dry.
I didn’t want to say no to him, I could see an empty seat across near where Celica had gone to sit down…but as I looked back at Kait any desire to refuse him just bubbled away like water on a hot pan; like pure heat was transferring from one body to another, linked by his hand on mine. “O-of course, I’d love to!” I said softly which got a grin from Kait, he gestured and led me a few steps toward the stool, slowly he let go of my hand as we got near to my stool.
Somewhere deep inside a mysterious voice ever so slightly cried out in disappointment, as if he was trying to make sure I didn’t hear him.
I carefully took a seat, my soft butt coming to sit down on the warm wooden stool, my legs open just wide enough to avoid touching my legs with Kait. I blushed out again as I felt my balls gently press against the wood of the stool. Kait smiled at me and looked back over at the head of the table as Tabbard took a careful seat with a mature and fatherly grumble. “So it looks as if we are all here.” He bellowed out resting one massive fist against his table.
“It brings me great joy to see all these faces here, and as with every spring we sit on the edge of a big work season. The spring will be dry enough soon for us to lay the first bricks in the yard to begin to dry, and I am hoping this year we can have our kiln burning the entire season.” He said, which got a chuckle from the family, a joke that had gone over my head.
I felt so out of place here but I suppose that came with the territory of just meeting all these folks, I suppose except for one.
“I spoke with the Chief just the other day, and then with the Patriarchs of the tribe. And I will again the day after next. The chief was quite on board with the idea of trading for our surplus bricks after the trades are decided. Salt, steel and wood was what he offered in payment and I gladly accepted.”
“So we are doing it.” Kalden said, his hands over his chest. “We’re really going to pave the whole tribe?”
Tabbard let out a chuckle and smiled “Think of it! Every path in Broken Rock paved by our hand! Does Grasswind have paved streets all through their tribe, no no no!” Tabbard said gleefully. “We’ll be the envy of all the great and minor tribes! And every bull from here to the Frost Passes when they see the brick streets of Broken Rock, they’ll say ‘Clan Clayrend built it all with their own hands you know!’ Every household in this tribe will think about us every time they don’t have to sit and clean mud out of their hooves when the autumn rain comes!”
“Here here!” The many bulls of the table concurred.
Kalden nodded slowly and looked at the middle of the table. “We did the calculations though Father, to pave all the paths between the clans and the streets. And to be able to keep up with our trades with the other clans for food and wood, that’s…a lot of bricks.” He said with a sigh.
“And our calculations had us within the means to make that many bricks!” He smiled at his eldest son, leaning in as if to add a reassuring emphasis. But I couldn’t help but notice he did lose a degree of that perpetually jolly energy. “But yes, I won’t be dishonest to you all, we are looking at a very long and hard work season, we normally get four loads out before the autumn comes and brings an end to production, in order to fulfil our obligations we will need at least five, six if we want some wiggle room for comfort.”
The table was a little quieter at that number. All around me the bulls and wives seemed to be doing the maths in their head if such an ask was feasible.
It looked as if all of them came to different conclusions.
“I want the trenches re-dug for drainage and I want to make sure our awnings are prepared at all times for the spring rain. The first bricks will be in their molds by the end of the week and out on the yard to dry the days after, the kiln I want filled and lit by the end of next week.” Tabbard said, that jolly tone suddenly back, but reinforced by some deep commanding tone.
The family all nodded, some were still not so convinced but Tabbard gently lifted his arm. “We can do this, I know we can, I would not have made the offer to Hulbrik if I didn’t think we could handle it, we keep our clay and mud supply running without delay, and we make sure we don’t make mistakes with the Kiln and I see no reason why if we don’t apply ourselves we can’t do this. Heck if we do it right we can even start laying the roads in late summer before the autumn even begins, get most of it done while the weather is still perfect.”
The Clan’s spirits seemed lifted, all a little more confident. It felt so odd to be there, I had no context for this deal. But I felt the need to speak up, engage them, after all M’Lynne had said I needed to, so why not.
“I had my first real look at the town circle today…I saw it was paved, was that by chance…your clan’s doing?”
I got the response I wanted, Tabbard beamed up in delight. “Indeed it was, Alfie! All handiwork of the one and only Clan Clayrend!” He said proudly. “You are lucky to see it, it was only paved just a year or two again now, before then the centre of town was just one big trampled dirt mess, when the rains came it was awful, just a bowl of mud and water!”
Celica spoke up as well, her arms crossed beneath her heavy bosom, her elbows propping up her heavy breasts as she looked at me. “It was actually the idea of our young Kait, who suggested it all in the first place! He even stood by his father as Tabbard made the suggestion to the Chief.”
Kait smirked and looked at me, extending his toned neck just a bit, as if he were stretching out to bask in more of the praise. “Really it was only my idea, the whole family helped.” Kait said in his smooth voice. I smiled at him softly, feeling myself gazing into him for far too long as behind him Jeena and the other Handwife stepped out of the building, carrying bowls and plates in their hands and walking them over to carefully place them onto the tables before leaving and moments later coming back with more. Food steamed ever so slightly within them, red meats like mutton, a fowl of some kind, bowls of stewed vegetables, something that looked like fish with a sauce. A great deal of food came out, four whole trips just to lay out the tables, and even then Jeena and the other woman came back with large dark clay jugs and stacked matching cups. Everybody at that table waited patiently and chatted amongst themselves as everything was set by the handwives.
Bowls, what looked to be a simple spoon was laid out before me, and finally a cup. A hefty stink of hops and malt was wafting from the jugs as it hovered near my mug, beer. Before I could protest Jeena leaned and filled the clay cup with the amber drink that foamed a healthy white head almost instantly.
The meat was carved up by Tabbard and Celica who plated up for the whole family and the handwives, and finally the dinner began.
Eating was quite a confusing thing, I had not really experienced dinner with the bulls yet, I was used to my cutlery set but it seems that was not the case here. Carved wooden spoons were provided to all, beyond that it seemed eating with fingers was not at all a taboo here like it was back home. No forks, and the knives were only a handful and were shared by all, being passed around the table as needed to cut meat. No two of the knives were the same from what I could see either, meaning they must’ve simply grabbed every decent knife they could for eating. Though, I suppose even back home that most would probably struggle to find enough cutlery to serve 40 bodies, short of the wealthy I guess.
The conversation calmed from what it was before, becoming more general filled with less serious things, more gossip. I kept trying to follow along as best I could as I ate carefully and sipped the bitter tasting beer, but most of it was beyond me, and every so often I’d find myself being distracted away by Kait who smiled at me and asked me something, or made an observation.  He cheerfully told me about what growing up was like, he asked me what my home was like, if things were different. Inane questions, but I didn’t mind and Kait didn’t either, it seemed both of us were content to just keep it going for the sake of talking, for the excuse to keep looking at each-other. I couldn’t stop myself from breaking into a smile when I spoke to him, and then I’d blush and then I’d look away in embarrassment as he laughed softly in that deep voice. If we ever stopped, Kait would find an excuse to keep the talk going, and I would keep finding reasons to be distracted by him so I could keep looking at him, at his body.
“How do you find my family so far?” Kait asked with a grin. I looked around the table, taking in his clan and all the noisy, excited bodies as the folks enjoyed their dinner. “Inviting.” I replied back with my own, softer smile. “I was nervous to be honest but it seems like I’ve fit right in. Truth be told I am not really good at gatherings like this, I usually try to avoid these kinds of things…” I said, my finger playing with my hair. Kait raised his eyebrow at me as he ran his spoon through his food. “What, family gatherings?” He asked, clarifying. I answered with a nod. “What’s your family like?” he went on to add.
I felt my jaw tighten, and I swallowed a few times as I tried to think of a way to respond. “Much smaller, much less…warmth, much less…ease. Far more, formality, and propriety…that sort of thing.”
Kait nodded, leaning in slightly, curious. “What are they like?”
My father Andre Brandt is the assistant to the Baron of my hometown, a very busy man, very strict, very…expecting of propriety and status. My mother, Simone Brandt, she’s the second daughter to a noble family from the Capital and well…I spent my entire youth being tutored on how to be a proper boy of our family’s name. My father is not noble born he was awarded nobility by the Baron so…I’m the first Brandt to be born Noble and…” I paused.
“And…?” Kait said, sipping his beer, his voice bouncing into his cup as he spoke.
“Well…there was a lot of pressure put on me, always. When my family had gatherings I had to look perfect, speak perfect, be perfect. I had to talk to big, important, impressive people and act as if I was just as impressive and important as they were when…I was just some kid who had spent his life stuck in some estate house in the country. I was speaking to…like field commanders and vice admirals…sons and daughters of Lords and stuff…hell the royal family was at one of those parties once…I think…”
Kait seemed slightly bewildered, not confused, it seemed as if he grasped what I was saying, but he couldn’t really understand the tonality behind my voice. “I’m not sure I understand entirely Alfie. Why would it bother you to speak to somebody like that, what stressed you out about it?”
“Well, it’s hard to explain…” I sighed, sipping my own beer and looking down at my plate. “Like, imagine you’re just some boring kid, who’s only interests are books and reading and some old warrior, some son of the Empress even, is there and they ask you ‘What do you do?’ like ‘What does the ever important Alfied, firstborn son of Andre and Simone Brandt intend to do with his life?’ and you have to look them in the eye and tell them that…you aren’t doing anything, that you don’t want to be some naval captain or some field marshal, you don’t want to be a politician or Guild leader.” I said running my fingers along the rim of the cup, fist to my cheek. “There was always this expectation around my family that I needed to grow up to be as important as those people, but I couldn’t handle that pressure so I…tried to find a way out of that life.”
“Did you?” Kait asked, looking me in the eyes. “Find a way out of that?”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Sort of…it came time for me to take my path for my career and well…scholar is the life I chose, and so I took a scholarship at the College with some help from my mother’s family. My mother didn’t seem too convinced by it, she seemed awfully disappointed that I didn’t take the military life or some nobility pursuit but my father was approving…in his own distant cold way. I got him onboard by telling him that I was going to pursue Laws and Economics so I could become a bureaucrat for the Imperial Home Office…and for a little while I was doing Law and Economics but I just got so bored doing it so…I switched to Cultures, Arts and Philosophy and well…”
Kait perked up at this, his ears twitched, his eyes looked deeper into mine which got a blush from me again. I could see the slowly dawning realisation coming over him, warmth was on my lower thigh, my hairs stood on excited end as I realised it was Kaits hand squeezing my naked leg.
“By the ancestors…your parents have no idea you are up here…do they Alfie?” he said whispering near enough to my ear, chuckling deeply in disbelief.
I smiled back.
I heard my name called and I looked to see Kalden stood at the head of the table with his mother, Celica and he were gently tugging the cork at the mouth of the bottle of brandy. “Is there a particular way we are to have this human drink?” Kalden asked, in a way that I could tell he wanted me to come over and speak to him.
I looked back to Kait who had his bovine head in his hand and he grinned “Go on, I’m not going anywhere.” He said softly and with an inflection that made me break out into beet red again. His hand slowly withdrew from my thigh. I stood up slowly and walked to the head of the table.
I suppose it was lucky Kalden asked me to come over, as he tried to pour himself a hefty cup of it before I hurriedly explained just how much stronger a spirit was than a beer and how one was only meant to drink a mouthful or so of it slowly and enjoy it.
The brandy was poured out into everybody’s empty cups, a little bit for everybody to try, Tabbard seemed delighted to place the cup by his large bovine nose and sniff it with a contented grumble and a smile.
Once again I tried to protest my own drink but I ended up with some in-front of me anyway as Kait came to take his own and sit back down with me.
“What shall we cheer to Alfie!” Tabbard chuckled out. He seemed excited, M’Lynne had mentioned he’d been south before, I wonder if he had spent much time in taverns, I didn’t know if cheering and toasting was a tradition up here as well.
I was put on the spot as the whole family looked at me and smiled expectantly. I felt a rush of panic before my eyes met Kait’s, his smile reassured me and I smiled weakly back at them all — but mostly him — and raised my cup gently. “To your family and to your coming work season: may the Clayrends pave every street and may every bull in Broken Rock remember they did!” I said, my own excitement bubbling over my nervousness, winning out for a moment.
Tabbard roared out in delight and lifted his own glass “Here here!” He cheered, and the family joined him as we all sipped or drank down the sharp and sickeningly boozy brandy. I felt my gut reject the liquor as I sipped it down carefully, I screwed up my face and forced it down.
I opened my eyes only to see Kait’s smirk chuckling at me.

As the dinner finished more playful festivities came, the braziers were lit by Kalden as the other brothers carried something out of the largest of the estate’s buildings. A rolled up rug, large and thick, the heavy thing was rolled out onto the dirt carefully as the family gathered around. Their stools setting up around it, the women sitting together in a large group. I was curious what kind of entertainment would come only to get my answer as Kalden walked over and offered Tabbard his muscular arm, the old fatherly bull roared out in delight and grabbed his son and I watched as the two huge biceps flexed as Tabbard stood and walked to the centre of this big rug. “Awfully brave of you boy!” Tabbard chuckled as he stood firm on one edge, punching his muscular chest gently and tauntingly.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself father.” Kalden said as he stretched his own arms and hooved legs. “I am not such a small calf any more.”
Celica sat down with a cheerful smile beside me and the two bulls looked at her as she rolled her eyes and giggled. Raising her hand up. The two bulls tensed, bending over, their arms on the floor of the rug. Eyes locked on eachother. I had to keep my eyes from wandering, as my gaze locked on the gigantic hanging intensity of Tabbard’s huge testicles and his sheathed manhood, beneath a large, tight anus. His tail lifted into the air, pointed right at me and Celica.
Celica flicked her hand down suddenly and cried out “A’ROAH!”
Suddenly the two bulls roared out and pushed forward slamming into each-other with great force as their huge arms tried to grapple the other. I was shocked at first and terribly confused as the rest of the clan cheered, but I soon caught on — with a little help from Celica.
A’roah was a spar, a friendly show of bodily strength and power, a sport for bulls. It was a form of wrestling where the idea was simply to pin the other to the ground until the count of three. And the winner was declared after the best two of three.
Watching these two prime bulls spar was something spectacular, they were such immense creatures. Huge and full muscle.
The spar seemed locked equal for most of it, one not able to hold the other down for long until suddenly Kalden let out a shocked grunt as his father pushed him down forcefully to the rug and held him there as the clan cheered out. “1, 2, 3!” Before Tabbard roared out victoriously flexing his arms and grinning as Kalden chuckled and pushed his own frame from the rug.
Celica announced the next bout and the next round lasted much longer, everybody let out a gasp as Tabbard was pushed down and Kalden held him with strain, right before they were about to announce his win, Tabbard thrust upon his son and spun him around, throwing Kalden to the rug. The impact of Kalden’s huge frame slamming to the rug was such that the ground rumbled against my bare feet on the rug. Tabbard growled and pinned his son in a move that made Celica leap up and cheer, her heavy breasts bouncing as she hopped excitedly up and down. I even found myself cheering out!
The three was counted and Tabbard roared out even louder flexing again as his family cheered, before finally turning to offer his son his arm to pull him up. The two laughed and smiled and embraced. “Still the prime bull of Clayrend!” Tabbard chuckled as he walked toward his wife, effortlessly scooping her up into his arms. A massive palm on her soft doughy butt as they kissed each other deeply. My eyes were stuck looking once again at Tabbard’s manhood, which had swollen and escaped it’s sheathe, it was at an even more terrifying size now and it’s flared bestial head poked out. No doubt the exciting rush of blood had swollen it.
I looked away with a cough.
Various bulls of the family challenged each other next, one by one their bouts went by until finally I saw Kait step out onto the rug with a grin as he massaged his neck and his brothers all cheered out for their younger sibling.
I was excited to see who Kait would face, until I realised he had paced in-front of me and offered his hand, his arm to me.
Tabbard cheered out and clapped as his wife sat on his huge thigh. And the family all cheered out. I felt all the blood drain from my face as I looked at the hand.
“O-oh goodness I…I couldn’t, I couldn’t possibly…”
“Come on Alfie!” Kalden grinned at me. “It gets the blood moving, nothing is better after a big meal, it keeps you from getting sleepy!” The firstborn son reassured me. “I mean, supposing you don’t throw your guts up, that’s a little less pleasant…”
I felt a huge palm slap my shoulder gently and Tabbard grinned excitedly. “Come now Alfie! My son Kait is a prime partner, and to be fair he’s probably the only one here close to your size!”
I wanted nothing more than to stand up and run away, make an excuse, but M’Lynnes words echoed in my ear, encouraging me to engage, join in their festivities.
I swallowed deep and held my hand up and Kait grinned, grabbing my palm and pulling me up effortlessly to the approval of his whole family.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be as gentle as I can.” Kait teased in a whisper as he walked away.
I took a moment to nervously take off my glasses and leave them on my stool by my boots as I walked over and took my place across from Kait.
I had never wrestled before in my life, heck I had never even played much sport!
How embarrassing, this was hardly much of a match up at all actually.
I saw Kait bend over, legs open and palms to the rug and with another swallow I put my own palms down to the rug, blushing hard as I realised I was bending over in much the same way Tabbard had, and giving those behind me a prime view of my own…far smaller manhood and testicles.
My heart beat in my chest as I looked right into Kait’s eyes and suddenly I heard Celica cry out.
Kait was already bearing down on me quickly before I even reacted, I felt some hesitation in my mind but my instinct told me to brace and try to meet his charge which I did…about as well as could be expected.
Kait was on me, shoving into me and forcing a great deal of my air out of my lungs, his muscular arms wrapped around me grabbing firm and hard at my ass cheeks as he pushed his weight into mine. I let out a gasp to try to get some air as I pushed as much of my weight into my feet, holding my position for as long as I could. I surprised myself as I managed to hold back his huge frame. I tried to push some of my own weight back into him in retaliation, which for a moment was even working! Until I felt the weight move from my legs, his hands on my butt, I felt myself falling back and with noisy grunt I was on my back, Kait quickly moving in and pushing my legs open as he pressed his weight down, his arms pinning my shoulders to the rug. I gasped out as I looked right into his grinning mouth, his crimson eyes and I felt a warm mass pressing down.
My eyes locked between my thighs, Kait’s immense testicles pressed against my own, squeezing and grinding, I let out a gasp, and then another as I could hear distantly the sounds of counting.
Suddenly he climbed off me and grinned as he stood up straight laughing out as he looked down at me still on my back. My legs open right at him.
The whole clan cheered out in support and I felt myself smile, breaking into my own soft chuckles.
My heart pounded. This was exciting! Kalden wasn’t kidding!
I laughed as I pushed myself up and once again Kait and I poised for our next bout. My eyes took in Kait’s body, studying him more closely. Taking some time to think more clearly now. It was clear his weight was all in just upper body, hooves were not so great at spreading the weight of a body out evenly, if I went lower on his body…
Kait was moving but this time so was I, he was going wide again, trying to get his arms behind me but I went low which caught him off guard, I felt my shoulders and face press into his hard stomach and my own arms wrapped around his hard muscular butt, gripping in near his tail and pushing my momentum and weight into him. I didn’t feel it working until he was already suddenly falling back and onto his back with a grunt.
I almost couldn’t believe I had done it! I scampered up and pressed my weight into his stomach with my hands, trying to pin him down. I was so excited I didn’t even notice his cock was pressed against my stomach, the flared tip grinding against me.
I could hear the family start counting.
His manhood felt swollen…was he…hard?
Suddenly my weight began to move, and I tumbled face over butt until I was on my back by his knees, his arms having picked me up effortlessly and tossed me off him, and just like that he was on me, hooves to the ground. His arms pinned my thighs to the rug, and his huge, thick cock was inches from my face. His cock was swollen, and my eyes were wide and locked on it, his balls inches from me. Every gasp I took in his strong masculine scent as it became the only air to breathe. I watched in slow motion as from the flared tip a bead of cloudy precum dribbled out, and onto the rug.
Right as the bead vanished into the rug he was off me and standing again cheering out and I realised I had lost. I shook my head as fresh air once again entered my nose. Kait grinned and much like his father, flexed his arms in pride.
After a moment I saw his hand again, offering to help me up just like the others had and I took it with a smile already crawling across my cheeks, wrapping my fingers around his palm.
“Not bad at all, you surprised me.” Kait whispered approvingly.
“Maybe I did, but you’re far too strong anyway.” I whispered back.
Tabbard came over and offered us cups again of the cool beer, slapping me on the back and roaring out how impressed he was I had managed to pin his son down. This time I didn’t protest the beer, I simply gulped it down and laughed as my eyes locked to Kait who was looking back at me as well.
Eventually water was offered to me and I gulped that down greedily, Tabbard sat on the dirt beside my stool and regaled me of his time when he was younger and wandering the human lands in the rural country and the things he missed. I cursed silently in my head at not having a notebook to record this but within me another voice chided me.
This night was to relax, not to work! Stop worrying and enjoy yourself! All you ever do is stress, don’t you ever relax?
Sort of hard to relax when I think I have a bruise on my butt now…

As things got darker they got more intimate. The youths and children slowly peeled off one by one, carried to bed and in their place some of the clan bought out instruments. One was a simple looking wood and hide drum and the other was a curious looking string instrument with two tight strings. One of the Clayrend sons in law toyed quietly with the stringed instrument which let out deep bassy tones as he experimented up and down the neck of it. Jeena pushed her blonde hair over her shoulder as she tapped quietly on the drum.
More beer came out and it seemed the adults that remained all stirred again. I could feel myself getting more tipsy, but I figured another cup of this beer couldn’t hurt too much, right?
Music began to play as the two on their instruments began to match each other for a song, a rhythm and beat from Jeena’s drum as the bull played a deep bassy melody that eventually caught it and rode on it.
The yard we were in was dark now, lit only by the braziers now and in that intimacy the bulls and their wives that had stirred began to dance. The bulls in their more immense weight moved all in their hooves keeping their chests and arms still, the women it seems were more nimble and they swayed along with the music, wives seductively danced with their husbands. Who touched and groped them in much more directly sexual fashions.
I finished my beer and moved to sit the cup down by my feet only to look up and see Kait walking his way over, his cock still swollen but not as much as before, I could feel it in my stomach, a flutter.
I knew what he was going to ask me.
“Not too sore are you? Hope I wasn’t too rough before?” Kait said in a quiet voice as he stood next to me, I pushed myself up to stand next to him, adjusting my glasses with a smile. I shook my head as I felt my cheeks glow a healthy rosy red. “Not at all.”
The liquor perhaps, or something else…
“Got my butt kicked, but I did have a lot of fun though.”
“I was hoping you would, it’s a good way to let some energy out.” He said softly. “I am glad you agreed.”
The flutter in my stomach grew wider in the silence and Kait smiled at me and said. “Well, did you want to dance then Alfie, we’ll call it my apology for any bruises you get.”
My cheeks burned and I nodded softly. “S-sounds like fun!” I offered my palm, and without a word Kait took it in his, wrapping it around my own and gently walking me out amongst his clan. I had never really danced before either, which made it two things I had never done before tonight.
Not even with a girl, was it better or worse that my first dance would be with a man, I wondered?
Kait was spryer than the others, he smiled and danced more energetically, really moving his hooves and arms to the music, I started off in my own awkward sway but I slowly moved my arms to my head and let out a soft laugh as my hips kept swaying, my limp cock had began to swell ever so slightly and it wiggled with my testicles, between my thighs as I danced with Kait.
In the back of my mind like a distant and barely audible voice I heard some part of me feel as if this wasn’t right, that I shouldn’t be doing this.
I ignored it.
Kait stepped closer, I stepped closer, my heart raced as my arms lifted above my head, held up as I swayed my hips more. Kait’s smile grew deeper, and I watched in slow motion as his muscular hand reached around to gently come down and cup my left butt cheek. Still shifting his hooves as he smirked at me and I kept swaying my hips back and forth in time with the rhythm now. His fingers sunk into my butt, holding it in his warm rough fingers. He was so close now I could smell him again, wet earth, and sweat. It filled my nose as I bought my hands down slowly to rest on my chest as I looked up at him
A momentum was in me now, I felt an urge building, I couldn’t stop now.
I was hypnotized. Some part of me cried out to stop, but I looked Kait in his eyes and slowly, inch by inch began to turn around in place, staying close to him, and with a whimper and a single loud beat of my heart I did it, my soft pale, plump butt pressed back into his hips. His swelling manhood pressed between my cheeks, his heavy balls pressed once again to my own and utterly dwarfed them. He grunted softly as I leaned more of my weight into him as both his hands now were on my ass. Groping it, his fingers seeping into it until I felt the ache of them touching muscle. My hands fell down to my knees, and I held them softly, feeling my heart race I began to bounce my butt up and down to the beat of the drum.
Something inside me had taken the reins, and that feeling of wanting to run and hide was swelling suddenly, like my regular consciousness had just come back to find this fiend at the helm of my body but couldn’t stop it.
I heard Kait sigh softly, and I did too, feeling his huge swelling manhood pressed and grinding softly against me. I felt the friction of the encounter, and I felt that friction ease, and replaced by a feeling of warm slickness. I sighed again, feeling it, the flat flare of his non-human cock dribbling precum down into my ass crack. I felt my own cock twitch and from the foreskin of my subtle dick a bead of my own precum dribbled out and slipped off my cock to fall to the dirt.
My heart was pounding.
Kait’s thumbs pressed into my butt, and I felt him pull my ass open slightly, and with a shudder I felt something new, warm, slick, his flare, flat and pressing, prodding against my tight anus, which twitched at the sudden touch. I let out a soft gasp. Still bouncing my ass to the beat, but now every bounce down came with the feeling of that flat flare pressing gently against my butthole.
Gods please, let him push it in…
I had to stop.
It feels so good, I want more…
Good grief this was wrong, I had gone too far!
It’s so wide, so big, I bet it feels so much better than my fingers…I bet he can get it deeper than my fingers have ever gone…
The bouncing continued until my ears picked up on the change. There was no beat anymore, my rhythm faltered and like a cascade, a great fiery wave of shame crashed down over me as this fiend was forced off the wheel and apprehended by my “better self”.
I stepped forward suddenly, away from Kait’s hands and hips. Almost stumbling as I slowly turned to face him with a terrified gaze and a shame so grand I felt sick.
Gods, I felt sick.
I felt really really sick.
Kait looked at me in confusion, his cock was swollen, but the dark leather of his cock was barely visible in the dark, except each beat of his heart twitched his cock and gave it away as the slickness of his length reflected the dim light around us. He stepped forward, opening his mouth as his deep eyes looked at me with a great deal of concern.
I felt something coming up my throat.
Oh no, oh no no no no…
I didn’t dare open my mouth, I simply stumbled my way past him as Kait yelled out my name in concern.
I sprinted to the grass behind one of their storehouses and stumbled to my knees as it suddenly came up and out. I gagged and coughed as I emptied my stomach in an all too shameful display. Coughing and retching again as more came up. I could feel tears in my eyes, I didn’t know why, surely it was the strain from retching…
I heard footsteps behind me and a trio of bodies were on me. Kait was there, stepped back, watching in concern and worry as Celica and Tabbard put their hands on my shoulders. The compulsion to gag and cough had stopped, but now the shame was back. I felt my face turn a bright, embarrassed red.
I felt myself sniff deeply as I breathed deeply and Celica cooed out as she massaged my back, a cup of water finding itself in front of me, and in my hands to my lips.
“I-I’m sorry I am so sorry!” I gasped quietly as I finished drinking. “I-I think I maybe had a little too much to drink…” I said softly as I gulped the last of it down.
Tabbard chuckled softly and shook his head with a sigh. “Boy, we have all been there.” he said in his deep bellowing voice. “Sometimes it’s hard to feel it creeping up on you.”
“I-I think I should umm call it a night Mister Clayrend, sir.” I said, kneeling on the grass still as his hand was on my shoulder.
“Wise choice Alfie my boy.” He chuckled.
Celica spoke up. “I can have a bed prepared for you in the…”
“N-no I couldn’t, really.” I said automatically. “I appreciate it ma’am, But I could not force something like that on you, plus I-I think I might fare better back at my tent in the quiet.”
“Then I shall have Jeena help you back then.” Celica said with a warm smile. I wanted to protest again but from the look in her eyes as I slowly managed to turn back and look at them it was not so much an offer as a statement of fact.
Jeena eventually came to my side and smiled in concern as Celica explained to her what was happening and she obliged. Once I was confident enough to get to my feet, I tried my best to salvage the mess I had made of the night by offering my goodbyes, and my deep thanks and my sincerest apologies, all of which Celica and Tabbard waved off. Some sense of relief was there beneath my panic, they didn’t seem that upset by it, thank the Gods.
This kind of thing would’ve got me drawn and quartered back home with my parents.
My eyes moved to Kait, who was still there, still concerned but giving me a weak smile as he waved softly.
I smiled at him, and waved back.
“I hope this isn’t the last we see of you Alfie.” Kalden said with his arm around his wife’s waist. Celica nodded and Tabbard agreed “Certainly, you were an excellent guest and everybody surely enjoyed your company. Shall we make plans for you to visit again, this time with a little less beer.” Tabbard chuckled jokingly.
“A-absolutely, I would love to come back again soon and speak some more, t-that is unless you…”
“Nonsense boy, of course we would love to have you, please feel free to visit whenever you like!” Tabbard chuckled.
Kait finally spoke up, if his flesh was not dark, and his fur not black I swear he’d be blushing. “Yeah, please, come visit again soon Alfie.” He smiled.
I smiled back.
The walk back was quiet. It seemed late and that most of the tribe was in bed now, Jeena held a small wooden torch her hand, her blonde hair matching the fire as they both blew in the wind gently, she hummed some song softly and lead me through the abandoned tribe center, through the dark streets until we were finally back at my tent.
She stepped up and opened the flap for me, keeping the torch carefully away from the canvas as she smiled and let me inside.
“You sure you are going to be okay, little guy?” She sung out with a soft giggle.
“Y-yes thank you, I think some water and some sleep is all I need.”
She nodded. “Very well then, until we meet again once more little Alfie.” She said softly as I sighed and slowly walked to my small cask of water to try fill my canteen up again.
“Oh and by the way…” she said, still at my door, waiting until I looked back at her, squatting down by my bedroll.
“Good moves tonight with Kait, you’re a natural.”
Jeena let out a soft giggle and a wink as she let go of the flap and left me alone, the glow of her torch light slowly seeping away from the canvas of my tent, her singing hum slowly vanishing into the gentle breeze of the evening.
I can still feel it as I lay in bed finishing this journal entry. Kait’s excitement, the warmth of his testicles pressed to mine, his flared head prodding against my anus, dribbling precum against me.
I feel my heart pounding again…and my stomach spinning as I close my eyes and feel it all, I can even still smell him.
I gulp down another desperate drink of water to calm my stomach, and my nerves.
Liquor…makes people so foolish things reader…I assure you everything that happened tonight was the result was the alcohol, and had my mind not been so compromised I would’ve never done what I did with Kait Clayrend.
I know I would never think like that under normal circumstances.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

(Top comic by the friendly and stylish Dhem, bottom comic by the extraordnarily talented MidnaBlu!)

You know when I wrote this chapter and had this art commissioned it felt like I would never get to this point, but here we are, we’re finally in the real swing of the story of broken rock! The momentum is building and we’re making progress, Chapter 7! This is currently my favorite chapter I’ve written so far, Kait and Alfie’s relationship was something that just immediately captivated me and I started to focus on it quite a bit once I made him as a new character. Not to mention the chapter art for these is the best I have gotten so far! The way Dhem draws Kait immediately suited his personality, and the way MidnaBlu drew Alfie made me almost giddy, the cute and shy look he has in the comic is almost exactly what I envision in my head as exactly Alfie’s look!
Anyway thank you all so much for reading, again I can’t get over how many views these gets, its so exciting to hear peoples thoughts. I hope we get more as the story rolls on!
As always please follow me on twitter if you are so inclined, its where you will see the most updates for my art and progress for my story!And please, please, please show the artists some love, this story is the story it is because of their help!
Now, depending on how things go, we might be slowing down updates again, just as the art for chapter 8 is finished up, once again we’re having to slow down the throttle because at the moment I can only really afford to pay for one big piece a month for this story. I do have some big stuff planned for this story as things go on! So stay tuned!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.