Chapter 09: Enough Sparks For a Fire


I got rather a rude awakening this morning, during the night I felt a cold chill and I heard the sound of rain falling on the tent, which was calming, normally rain is always relaxing to me, but it was then I noticed bit by bit how inadequate the tent was. For starters it was cold, all night, a chill was getting in from the damp earth as the soil sponged up the cool water, but then come morning I rather alarmingly noticed the water had leaked in under the flaps of the tent quite a lot. I hadn’t bothered to dig a drainage trench because I had assumed the earth would handle most of the rain, but it hadn’t and it was only a light shower, that is very alarming, if I am still in this tent when the autumn rains begin I might be flooded out. I need to work on finding a more permanent form of shelter for my stay, this tent just won’t do anymore.

And one of my books was ruined from the wet. I hope it can dry out, but the ink has run on some of the pages.

Just another thing I have to add onto the list. Maybe I could talk to Rapps next time I see him, he seems like he would know how to make a more stable hut.

Hell, Kait knows how to build too…

Where is that guy Rapps anyway? I really need to see if I am just missing him as he comes and goes or if he has just vanished and I would keep wondering. Once I had put the tent back in order it was time to eat and then make a plan. The obvious solution was the Clayrends, they had after all said I was free to show up whenever and I have a lot of questions to ask of the family.

But, Kait was there.

And I would have to speak with him.

I swallowed as I sat my tired frame against my uncomfortable writing desk, chewing my lip ever so slightly as I considered the discussion I would have to have with Kait.

I did want to see Kait again though.

I shook my head and took a slow breath as I stared at the fabric billowing along the tent sides, my butt was growing numb from sitting in this stool as I finished eating my dry traveling rations.

The turmoil was building in me again and my eyes moved to something that had since I got here become a mainstay of my desk clutter. The ornate bottle and quill for my enchanted ink, a link back to Lady Matilda, to some wisdom. I chewed my lip for a second, but before I even had a chance to contemplate if it was such a good idea I took the bottle and with food in my mouth and a wooden cup, I made up the mix.

A drop of the enchanted ink into some water, and a few careful mixes with a nitrate and you ended up with a clear grey wash. Using a simple brush you could take any piece of paper and wash it with the mix, give it some time to dry and just like that, every other bottle of enchanted ink mated to this one, should they wash their own pages would find imprinted on it my writing. Allowing for letters, etchings to be sent between two distant places with little effort. I finished my breakfast while the wash dried and with a nib in the ink bottle I began my message, a desperate plea to Lady Matilda.

Greetings Lady Matilda, I am sorry for such a delay in my messages, I regret it has taken me this long to speak with you, but I have been so busy since I arrived in Broken Rock that I haven’t had time to write.

I have so much exciting knowledge to share with you and I have been keeping notes, but to be honest with you Lady Matilda, I was driven to message you for an urgent other issue…

In my efforts to get into a comfortable position with a family in the Tribe I have started to get closer to one of the Minotaurs, a young bull named Kait.

I am not sure how to explain this, I am terribly ashamed…

He and I touched and got rather intimate…but nothing else! I am not sure what I should feel about this all my lady. Since it happened I have been in a great deal of emotional distress, I need some advice. I am torn, because my knowledge and my education says my feelings for him are wrong and sinful, and I need to control myself better. But as I examine my feelings on this, I find it hard to admit that I didn’t enjoy it, or it didn’t excite me.

You told me to integrate and see things from their culture, is this crossing the line? You are my only source of wisdom for this my lady, so I am desperate, whatever guidance you have, I really need to hear it…

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt

Once the letter was finished I sat there for some time, digesting what I had written. Letting out a deep sigh as I washed a freshly blank piece of paper and let it sit, standing up, looking over my shoulder every few minutes as if Lady Matilda would reply within the few minutes since I sent the letter. She of course didn’t. Once again that hope for guidance was gone again, and I was left with myself to make a judgement.
I closed my eyes and probed again. Deep into my mind to ask the question.

Should I go?

I think I should go, Kait and Tabbard and all the folks of Clan Clayrend are so friendly, why wouldn’t shouldn’t go? I can observe them working, observe their families, speak to them. It’s all a lot of valuable insight I could gain.

Kait was there though, and I would have to speak to him, it would be weird if I didn’t.

I took another breath and opened my eyes, once again trying to find invisible patterns on the canvas texture wall of my tent. I nodded, to myself, more an act of self assurance than confirmation. “I’ll go, it’s fine, I’ll go.” I mumbled slowly standing up and preparing my things. Speaking to myself as if this whole crippling mental dialogue was anything more than that, a mental dialogue, like it was some debate I could win or lose against myself.

I gathered my notebook, my pen, and after spending some time pulling my boots on I took them in my hand and stepped outside into the muddy street of Broken Rock, pursing my lips as I looked the muck, the Clayrends were really onto something here, if this was how bad a spring shower made the roads, then the autumn rains would probably make this place more of a swamp then any kind of road.

I noticed then that my hand was trembling, gripping my book and pen far too hard, I watched as my hand ease ever so slightly, eased and relaxed, the trembling lessened. I felt a lump in my throat more pronounced as I made my way slowly toward the town center again, slowly, cautiously making the journey to the grounds of Clan Clayrend. I hadn’t shown my face since that night, and the dread of having to grab my dignity and put it all back together and get on with the job was something of a point of dread for me. I had to keep repeating that it was okay, that Tabbard and Cilicia didn’t mind and that my disastrous exit hadn’t really hurt anybody but my own ego. Over and over until it felt almost like some weird prayer I was doing in my head, like I was willing that to be the case as I paced through the emptier tribe circle. Over the wet bricks of the clan.

Bulls and women wandered distantly across it but unlike the other day it seemed like less folks were eager to get out so soon, not in the rain at least. I watched a young calf sitting on the back of a wagon talk to another young calf standing on the ground beneath him, the two boy bull youths silently speaking about something. I hadn’t really thought about it until then but it really was quite the separation, I tried to consider what the two might be discussing, but I had no idea really, I didn’t know enough about what it was like to grow up here to produce any idea what two boys their age talked about in a place like this.

Back home boys that age discussed things they were just learning like they were authorities on the things. What girls looked like naked, what sex was like, what fighting in wars or working in adult places was like. All of these things were either brand new to them or they were tangential things they had gleaned from adults or older boys, but they’d speak like authorities on it.

I wondered if those calfs were like that, it would be a comforting little similarity, that even with such anatomical differences between a human and a bull that our childhoods as boys were similar.

Well, theirs was, I didn’t really have friends like that their age, I had books. I didn’t have time to do anything else once I was put on the scholarly career path.

The familiar shape of the Clayrend’s large estate grew closer and closer. The lump in my throat got harder, my stomach knotted tighter and tighter. A terrible feeling of awkwardness overcame me as I stood at the corner looking at their huge property and trying to determine if I could walk into their yard uninvited or if I should go knock. Was that curtesy here?

It seems silly to ask but I didn’t know!

I didn’t want to track my heavy muddy boots into their home though…

My hesitation was bought to an end with what must have nearly been a leap out of my own skin. Somebody coming up behind me and speaking up before a hand came onto my shoulder. I clasped my mouth with my hand to hide the noisey squeak I made, turning around I found myself looking at the head of the Jeena Habrieve, the lead handwife for the Clayrend estate, she seemed confused that I was so shocked but she quickly pulled back into a smile. Her arms hung over a small wooden stock which carried a number of hanging casks from it, which sloshed around noisily. Carrying water, I later found out.

The posture did a remarkable job exposing her heavy breasts to me which made me swallow and look away in embarrassment. She chuckled and looked at me. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite dancer.” She teased. “How can we help you here at the estate?” She offered politely. I was so desperate to not become a mess of embarrassment at the tease that I forced my mind to ignore it, I saw the casks of water, and noted the four of them as they hung. That much water had to be hell on her shoulders. Eventually once the bile of embarrassment settled again, I spoke up. “Well, I am here to begin my research on the family, I was hoping to get some interviews.” I said softly.

She nodded and smiled. “Little light on the family, Tabbard and Celica and a deal of the boys are all at the chieftains estate speaking with him. It’s just us handwives at the moment, and…” she smirked.

I knew what she meant before she said it.

“Kait?” I asked.

“Mhmm, such a fine young specimen that one, he’s out working in the yard, real commitment and focus, he’s quite the young man.” She purred, clearly enjoying this interaction quite a lot. “Unfortunately the family, I imagine, will be at the chief’s until late. Not many here to interview today unfortunately.”

I shook my head. That meant the only person to speak to today was Kait, and her…

Seems like I would have to let the poison of it embarrassment out early, and talk to Kait. Better to get it out of the way early I suppose.

Jeena looked at me eyeing my body up and down as she effortlessly kept the stock and casks on her shoulders before she looked up at me. “Why do you wear those?” She said gesturing to her feet. “Aren’t they a pain, they mustn’t breathe very well?”

I was confused a moment but looked down at my feet. “What? Oh…well my boots are good for hiking and they are durable…”

“They look heavy and look like they will be miserable come summer, and they are garish, no good at all. You need some sandals, much more appropriate. I’ve been making some new pairs so, how about I give you a pair of sandals instead. You can call it a gift, I just can’t stand seeing you trudging around in things like those. You’re better saving those for winter.”

Like an instinct, I wanted to protest but I smiled weakly and nodded at her “Sure, I suppose you are right, these might be too uncomfortable and heavy in summer…”

I was getting better at just going along with what this place threw at me, rather than trying to resist it, so I suppose I had that going for me.

Me and Jeena found ourselves in the estate. Sitting on the open porch by the work yard. In what I gleaned was the hut being used as the servants quarters. A more humble and functional domicile as opposed to the larger ones. Even Kait’s hand made hut for himself seemed more spacious than this, at least at a distance. Sitting my butt down on the hard wood I looked up as Jeena returned from putting the water away, and bringing back several pairs of sandals like those she wore. As I looked at them I noted, it was pieces of cork, lengths of woven fiber that stunk of some kind of oil I couldn’t make out. Likely for durability.

I looked the sandals as she put them down and she sat down, on her knees, her butt to her heels. Inspecting the various sizes I couldn’t help but look up at her. She could gage I was confused, I could tell, and so she asked. “Something the matter, mister Brandt?”

“I didn’t expect woven fiber and cork…for sandals, to be honest I was expecting…”


“Y-yeah, I suppose now that I actually think about it, that’s kind of…in bad taste.”

“Farming isn’t really a thing here, they farm vegetables and fruits occasionally but domesticating animals is not really part of culture up here, especially not cattle. It’s not as if they are offended by the idea of farming them, they just don’t care to do it.”

“Really?” I asked, shocked there was even an answer to this.

Jeena nodded and giggled softly as she helped compare my feet to the small pile of sandals. “I’ve asked, it was one of my first questions when I came here actually, what the deal was with the minotaurs and cows.”

“And…?” I asked, encouraging her to share the answer she got.

“Well,…think about how you feel about say an Ape, or a monkey, that’s how they feel about cows. They don’t use leather of that kind here or eat beef because well, would you wear leather made from a gorilla’s skin, would you eat steaks butchered from a chimpanzee, it’s a bit weird isn’t it, to utilise or eat something so similar to us right, even if it is an animal.”

I nodded carefully. “Good point, didn’t think of it like that…”

“They sometimes make leathers from the hides of deer and stuff but it’s rare, they prefer to just use fur and fiber.” She said, ending the conversation as we found a pair that fit me. I tugged testingly on one of the fiber cords it was tough, but softer than rope. As I slipped my boots off and put the sandals on I couldn’t help but notice that they looked distinctly feminine particularly when Jeena reached over to start wrapping and tying the loose fibers around my ankle. I suppose it couldn’t be helped, after all the only ones who would really need sandals would be the women of the tribe.

While she did that I caught a flash of black on the beige yard and I found myself lingering my eyes on the distant shape of Kait, the figure of the athletic bull out on the yard slowly working the damp dirt with a tamper, a heavy flat headed tool of wood which he punted gently against the ground, flattening the large earth work-yard. For what reason, I had no idea. I turned back to Jeena as she sat back down, with a clay cup of some beverage to offer me.

My nose tingled at the scent of alcohol swimming in a hefty fragrance of apple, I went to protest but she shook her head. “Its a weak cider, they give it to children so don’t worry, this won’t get you dancing like you were the other night.” She teased. I blushed again, holding the drink and taking a hesitant sip of the sweet, tart drink. Pleasantly noticing it didn’t seem to have the boozy taste it smelt like it did.

“So…you mentioned you came here.” I asked. “Are you new?”

Jeena turned her head left to right. “You could say that, I am first generation but I am a girl of Broken Rock.” She smiled. “I’ve been here for, gosh nearly fifteen years now.”

“Where are you from?” I asked Jeena.

“The western coasts, city of Ralphport. Not quite near the capital I am afraid.”

“Ah, well what was Ralphport like?” I asked, conversationally. I wasn’t actually expecting her to answer anything particular, it was more a quirk of the silent human conversation rules, always keep the ball rolling, but she answered, rather frankly.

“Miserable, cold, wet, filthy, stinks of fish and rotting blubber from the whale yards. Horrendous place, I am glad I am gone. Broken Rock is like paradise compared to there.”

“Oh…well I am glad you are…happy here?”

“Little guy I am more than happy here.” She smiled.

My eyes wandered back to Kait as he put the post down again for a second, stretching his arms and working them back and forth at the shoulder. Working the cramps out of his muscles as he looked up at the overcast sky, slowly becoming more blue as the day got underway.

“What bought you out here, if I can ask that?” I said looking back at her as I felt I had been letting my gaze linger on Kait for too long. Jeena was smirking.

“Long story, but…me and Celica actually arrived together at around the same time, she and I are…from the same circumstance let’s say.”

“Oh?” I asked, prying. Jeena pursed her lips and looked away, considering what to say. As if she was hesitating to even say it at all.

“Yeah, unfortunately kid that story is not mine to tell, you’ll have to ask Celica for the whole thing, but yes some time after Celica arrived I came too. She got me this role here as her first handwife. Back in Ralphport for was a chambermaid so I had…some of the same talents as a handwife already let’s say. Though, my old job didn’t involve as much sex.”

I took a moment of silence with her as the story wrapped up where it was. But a question forced its way out of my mouth, to ask.

“So, to be a handwife is it to be a…well…a concubine?”

Jeena leaned her head back and forth as she considered the question. “In essence yes, it is more servant duties and being an extra pair of hands to help when they need it, but yes, my duties also involve pleasuring the bulls of the clan if they wish for it.”

“All the bulls?” I asked with a swallow, she nodded.

“And the wives if they wish.” She winked. “All of them, Tabbard, Kalden, Kalden’s eldest son Moranth. Huleh and I have even shared some time alone as women with Celica.” She purred with a wink. Her eyes falling out on Kait who was back to work flattening the soil. “And of course Kait, I’ve opened my legs multiple times to all of them, that is what I do. I keep the water stocked, I help cook, I clean, I help with the work in summer, and then I bring the family of Clayrend to orgasm.” She giggled, slowly standing up. I too stood up, taking a few tentative steps with the sandals as they clung to my foot. The difference between these and boots was night and day.

“Lucky for the Minotaur I suppose.” I said gesturing to Kait, still working. “They don’t need shoes, their feet are shoes.”

“Significantly harder to clean hooves, don’t get too envious.” She commented.

There was nothing to do there but stare at Kait, admiring the way his firm muscles flexed, lean and sculpted like some kind of statue as he flattened the soil with the heavy log. In the time me and Jeena had spent talking he had flattened over half the yard. He’d clearly done this before dozens of times. He was good at it.

He ran his wrist along his head as he stopped a moment to consider his work.

He moved himself with a great deal of masculine distinction. It made me feel so shy in comparison, I was always so meek, worried to ever say or do something unless I was going to get in trouble. The way Kait looked oozed sureness of himself, a powerful masculine cockiness that I admired…I wish I had.

My stomach tightened, throat seized, my cock swelled ever so slightly.

Jeena giggled softly and I realised I had been staring at Kait this whole time and she shook her head with a sigh.

“He has a thing for you, you know.” Jeena said softly. Which got me to turn bright red and look away in shame. “It’s true, after I got back from taking you to your tent I was the one who ended up in his bed playing emotional support after. He didn’t say so but he was terrified he had said or done something, that it was his fault. And if that wasn’t enough, I mean sweetie we all saw him and you looking at each-other, and the dancing, how excited he got when he was wrestling. It’s obvious you two have more than a few sparks flying.”

I felt my stomach churn as she said all this, my hands feeling fibers as I fiddled with the cords of my sandals to make it look like I was doing something.

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it and Jeena made a tired sigh. “But, I can tell that’s causing some problems isn’t it.”

“H-he’s a…”

“Man, yes I have noticed.” Jeena smirked. “And I know how much they try to drill into you that having that kind of feeling with a man is bad back home but up here Alfie that stuff really doesn’t matter. Kait isn’t bothered, he’s more worried you are upset at him.”

I swallowed again, hard, uncomfortable, it wasn’t like Jeena was being malignant, but theses feelings were swelling still, coming back up. In an odd way that embarrassment felt like a relief, like a wound being sterilised. It felt uncomfortable, but I knew it was good for me to hear this. “I am just…very confused about how I should feel for him…it’s all very confusing.”

“You know it’s not like you are marrying Kait, Alfie, I think just looking at you that you’re taking this all far too seriously. You felt a spark of want, you were raised your whole life being told it was wrong, you were scared you and now you are overthinking it.” She said simply. “Spend some time with him, he wants to spend time with you, to be honest the boy is spending too much time working and he could use a good distraction. Stop worrying about it and just do it, let your heart make that decision and not your head. Because your heart will know if it likes Kait, but your head will just invent reasons why you can’t like him.”

I had a variety of things to say, but one in particular bubbled away, visceral, shameful, vulnerable, but it needed to be said. I had to ask.

“He…likes me?”

“He has a thing for you, that’s what I said.” Jeena responded. “Nobody falls in love immediately but it always starts the same way. You two are like tinder as dry as bone, all it needs is a little…” she smirked again, clicking her fingers. “Spark. And there’s a lot of sparks to be had.”

My head felt dizzy. And I felt sick again, not in revulsion but from the rush of blood to my head. I felt bad for all the venom I had wished on Kait yesterday.

It felt like I wasn’t supposed to have that kind of thing happen to me, people were supposed to ignore me, let me vanish in between them, let me sink out of sight in rooms. Alfie Brandt wasn’t meant to be noticed, or thought about.

Kait was making a terrible mistake if he liked me…I wasn’t likeable, I would surely let him down.

I wonder if Jeena saw the conflict inside, and she spoke up. Cutting in between my disparate egos.

“If you want my advice, go get to know him, if you just keep trying to stay near him but avoid him you’ll just orbit around each-other forever.”

Jeena stood up and took my empty cup. “Now, I have to finish some cleaning, So while that happens how about you walk your butt over there and have a chat with Kait.” Jeena said grinning, as she quietly and gently coaxed my next move in the direction she wanted. I sighed and nodded. Taking my notebook and slowly, carefully, standing up and carefully walking out into the sun, toward the black furred figure.

Kait had noticed, I imagine he had seen the pink blurred figure approaching him and leaned up from his work to watch. His eyes followed me, until I was standing beside him, looking up at him, my palms clasped over my thighs and manhood as I smiled weakly at him.

The bull smiled back, his hand on his hip as the other held the pole on his grip. “I was wondering if you’d come over say hello.” He commented in his deep, booming voice.

“Sorry I didn’t, I was asking Jeena some questions, learning about handwives.” I replied back to him, hands still clasped over my manhood as I looked up at him. It was captivating, standing there, looking up as he looked down at me with a smile.

“She’s an interesting woman our handwife, I don’t blame you.” Kait said his arm resting on his tamping pole.

“You’ve been working all morning…?” I said, but it turned into a question once I realised I couldn’t muster anything else to follow it up with.

“Mhmm, my father and my brothers are with the Chieftain, they are negotiating to borrow some of his carts, we have a great deal of red clay to dig and we’ll need all the carts we can get to shorten how much time it takes to get it home.” He said, still looking at me, still smiling.

“Well,… if I asked if you’d come be interviewed, would you be partial to that? You could use a break anyway.”

Kait broke into a grin, looking over at the handwives hut as if he knew the appeal to relax had come from elsewhere, he nodded. “Sure, but this job needs to be finished first, no exceptions there. I don’t half do a job.”

“Well,…let me help, two hands are better th-wait four hands are better than two.” I said stammering as I caught his gaze.

Kait smiled and heft the pole up in his arms again. Cocking an eyebrow “You want to help?”

“I have to make up for running off without it saying goodbye the other night.” I said back, so softly it nearly didn’t make it out of my throat.

Kait grinned and shrugged. “It’s hard work, it’s not too interesting, just have to warn you. But I won’t say no, it gets the job done faster.”

I had left my notebook and things on the porch to his hut and we walked carefully to a storage shed and soon enough Kait hefted out another of the tamping poles and passed it to me. It was a thick wood, not too heavy but given its awkward weight it was hard to hold it. A long wooden pole pegged and jammed into a thick wooden square. Once we had walked back to the yard I watched the young bull and then began to mimic how he worked grunting as I slapped the flat head to the soil, but lacking the strength he had I had to step on the head a few times. The damp dirt of the yard went from its soft loamy self to the packed in hard surface that half the yard already was. He wasn’t kidding though, this was hard work, before even half an hour had passed I was already sweating so much it was beading up on my skin. The humidity of a freshly rained morning was coming back with a vengeance.

I took a break as I stood on my tool and watched him as I caught my breath. “What exactly is the purpose of this work?” I asked with a sigh, resting my head against the pole.

“Flattens and packs the soil in, we have to do this a few times before the work season. We need to minimise how much soil sticks to the mud bricks when we leave them out to bake in the sun during summer. Best way to do that, pack the earth down tight, make the surface even and then the bricks are less likely to stick to the ground.”

“I see.” I said with a sigh getting back to work. I cursed silently that my feet were wrapped in sandals now, and I had left my boots on the deck. Perhaps heavy boots would’ve suited this job. Especially since the repetitive movement with my feet appeared to slowly be loosening the straps of my sandals.

“Not one hundred percent effective. We still lose a lot of bricks that stick to the soil. But the only other solution is wooden plates to rest all the bricks on as they bake, and we are slowly building up a supply of those but we would need significantly more to cover a good majority of the production. If only we had a decent woodsman to get us the wood, but the Barkeest are the only clan of woodcutters and the Clayrends aren’t quite important enough to trade with a clan that big.” Part of my brain knew I needed to pay attention to what he was saying, that Kait was letting out some valuable cultural observation. But my mind was far too occupied by my aching arms and dizzy head.

I simply wasn’t built for this kind of labor…

Eventually, we got to the last few feet of the yard, but the closer the job got to being finished the more it seemed to be out of reach, exhaustion was creeping in. But Kait looked just as strong and devoted as ever. And to add insult to injury my sandal slipped off my foot as the straps finally un-tugged themselves. The resulting stumble bought a pink to my face and a chuckle from Kait.

I sighed and bent over at my hips, tightening my remaining sandal and slowly tying the one that had slipped free back to my ankle.

So automatic was the motion, I hadn’t noticed how vulnerable the position I had made myself was, my head down, hands by my feet, my butt in the air and legs apart. It was only went the breeze ran across the heat between my thighs, and my butt did I realise the position I was in.

I slowly craned my neck over my shoulder, and there behind me, was Kait, smirking and gazing down at me. He was probably two feet away, but even that felt like he was inches away.

I could feel his eyes gazing down at my ass, and the relaxed and hanging pair of my subtle testicles between the plump haunches of my ass. The limp uncut cock hanging just as loose by gravity. I was silent, so still like some animal caught by something.

Between his own muscular, hard thighs was his own sheathe, heavy, weighted, swaying ever slightly in the heat as well. A swollen mass of his dark leather, two much thicker testicles just as eager to escape the heat as mine but far more pronounced. My mind flashed to the night, of my ass pressed against his hips, of grinding it excitedly against him, feeling his stiff cock between my glutes. My breath caught in my throat as I felt it just as sure as if it was happening, his hard cock prodding against my hole. I didn’t make a sound, but I felt it, the subconscious shift, my hands gripping the wooden pole as my feet shuffled open, standing wider, opening myself up to more of his gaze.

I felt so delightfully vulnerable, so helpless under this towering mass of strength and exuded masculinity. It was almost intoxicating. I wanted him to see me like this, my body knew it, my mind was too exhausted and surprised to make a fuss. I wouldn’t call it desperation, but my body showed it, just opened up to his presence and gaze. Like I wanted to show him that I did want it, quickly, while my nervous and confused mind was out of the room.

Please Kait, please see how much I want you. Please see how you make me feel before my horrible self stops me from showing you…

“Left the last patch for you.” He said with a wink, lifting his own pole onto his shoulders and hanging his arms off it as he gestured to the last patch of loamy soil.

Like a tidal wave my sense of judgement rushed back and crashed over me. And slowly I arched my back up and stood up. Closing my legs in tight. Red as a tomato I cleared my throat and nodded as I looked at the last few feet of the yard to be flattened. “O-oh yes of course…”

In a little walk of shame I shuffled over and began tamping the soil down while Kait watched and I felt a shudder run up my spine as with the final stomp I let out a sigh. Kait, and myself taking a moment to inspect and admire the work. The yard was finished.

“Well well, gotta hand it to you Alfie, we certainly finished faster, thanks for the help.”

I swallowed again and nodded as I took deep greedy lungfuls of air. “N-no problem. Happy to help.”

Kait looked back at me and smiled gesturing toward his hut. “So, I suppose you wanted to interview me, so how about we go relax, a promise is a promise.”

“O-oh I think I’m far too exhausted to even think about what to ask you now…”

Kait shrugged, and looked me in the eyes. “Well in that case, let’s just relax and talk instead.” He winked.

Kait gestured and like a love struck puppy I just eagerly and obediently followed as he walked toward his hut. His hooves pushing into the dirt as he took his commanding strides. His back muscles were so defined, so shaped that my eyes locked on them, and then his butt. And his tail. Before I knew it we were taking steps up onto his deck, the bull invited me to take a seat on the wood as he tamped his hooves to his stairs to get the dirt out and carefully walked inside his cabin to collect something. Pushing open his wooden doors that slid open along runners.

I looked up at the sky and felt my tired body sink into my butt. The sun was near enough to the horizon that I realised it was late afternoon. Had time really flown like that?

I suppose this was a large yard, and it was pretty monotonous work. It didn’t really occur to me until then just how much of my life back home was dominated by the ticking of some clock. It was unusual to go through a day without gazing at some clock somewhere to judge how fast or slow I was being.

Kait was back with a pair of cups and length of linen which was soaked with water, and resting on his neck, I watched a bead of the water dribble from the corner of that rag, down over his chest, over his pectoral muscles before vanishing into the black fur. I blushed and pressed my hands into my thighs as he sat down with a grunt, his back resting against one of the wooden posts holding his porch up, taking the weight off his back. His eyes took me in and regarded me as I sat and looked at him, my feet hanging off the deck, my butt pressed to the wood. He reached over and offered me the cup. Bringing it to my nose it was met by a minty herbal blast to my sinuses. It was a tea, but it wasn’t hot. He confirmed it as such with a smile. “Not hot, brewed it this morning. Still good to drink though.”

I didn’t need to agree too much, I was already drinking it.

We lingered in each others gaze for a minute as he relaxed and I looked at him. Still holding the cup to my lips. Part of me wanted to hide from his gaze, like I could will the cup to grow large enough to hide my face.
It was weird to think, but Kait was younger than me, but he outsized me in almost every way, it made it hard to think of him as younger.

There was so much to say, but there was one thought on my mind, and if it stayed inside me any longer it might just poison me.

“I…want you to know Kait…I had a lot of fun the other night.” I said softly. Admitting out loud to him and perhaps myself that reality. “Despite… getting sick…I just…wanted to make a good impression in front of your family and getting sick in front of them I just got really embarrassed and…”

Kait smiled and I watched him roll his right hooved leg back and forth on the deck, back and forth. He shook his head. “So long as it’s nothing I did.” He replied.

“Oh it’s nothing you did…it was my fault.” I said, speaking the truth. “I just drank too much is all…” I lied.

Kait grinned and leaned forward, gazing at me again.

Perhaps I was getting used to all this, nudity because my gaze fell between his muscular thighs, to the two, tight black leather orbs pressed to the hard wood, with the bloated sheathe resting above it. It was such an audacious display of nudity I would be shocked to see it a month ago, but now it seemed so normal. I only felt my skin blush a little at the sight. We enjoyed each-other’s silent company for a while as somewhere not to far somebody hammered something and that echoed around the tribe, but behind that noise one could hear the gentle breeze peacefully between the huts and the grass. A bird somewhere noisily disagreed with another.

“I’m glad you came back today, I was worried you might not come back.” Kait said softly, taking the wet rag off his shoulders and leaving it at his side as he cooled off enough. He smiled at me. “Theres something really enjoyable about spending time with you Alfie.” His deep, rich voice said as softly as it could.

I felt my heart leap in my throat, and I spent a few minutes desperately trying to swallow it back down.

“I…t-think so too Kait.”

Kait inspected me, I could tell his eyes were judging the motions on my face, which made me self conscious, but he spoke up. “Jeena’s told me about where you come from a little bit.” Kait began, sipping his own cup. “She tells me that, your people think two men together is some kind of…moral failure?”

I felt ashamed to do so, but I nodded. “T-they cast you out…people shun and hate those who…commit sodomy, I’ve even heard of terrible things happening to those who get outed for…being with another man.”

For a second Kait’s strong facade faltered. And I saw worry trickle on his face, he leaned forward, and put his arm against the deck as he leaned toward me.

“Alfie, I want to spend more time with you, I really hope you feel the same.”

I felt a bubbling sensation in my stomach which I tried to settle with a gulp of my own tea. But I leaned in some more and nodded. “I…I do too Kait…I’m sorry I am the way I am I just…I don’t know how to feel about this but…it’s all so confusing and…”
I looked at Kait’s eyes and took a deep breath leaning back. Calming myself before I made a mess.

“I-is there really…no shame for guys to be together like that here?” I whispered quietly, questioningly.

Kait’s concern, his worry, eased and I saw him warm up again. “None.” He said, he promised. “And I think your home is ridiculous for making you think there is. I mean…sure it depends on the clan and there’s some pressure on the first born sons to have offspring. But other than that nobody really cares, young bulls fooling around is more common than you think. But I suppose I lucked out by having older brothers who already have families. The pressure’s off me.”

I felt the bubble turn to a simmer in my stomach. His eyes did that as they looked into mine.

“Have you…ever been with another guy before?” I whispered, questioningly.

Kait considered for a moment before nodding, looking away. “Year or two ago I was with a calf around my age. Nothing really serious but we had a thing for eachother and we fooled around a lot. I’d been with women before, and have been with women after but it’s never…struck that same way, so ever since him I’ve been quietly hoping I’d meet another guy worth being excited over.” He smiled.

I was so nervous, that I was the one who broke the gaze and looked off. Trying to stifle the smile on my face.

How weird, don’t you think? That we should be ashamed of being seen as happy by another?

“What…stopped you two seeing each other…if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Nothing particular, we just grew older and grew apart, we didn’t see each-other as much, our clans slowly separated. One day we just said our goodbyes and never said hello again.”

“I’m…sorry that happened.”

Kait shrugged. “It happens, people leave your life…” he whispered, turning to me and giving me a warm smile. “And new people enter your life.”

Kait shifted his own legs open slightly, relaxing as he looked at me. His hoof noisily rumbled against the wood in a way that my own foot could never make. “What about you Alfie, have you ever been with a boy before?” He whispered.

I could feel the shame again, but I buried it down, shoving it aside. I answered truthfully. “N-no…I’ve only been with a woman before once…I’m navigating all of this…for the first time.” I said back to Kait. Everything about what was happening felt so surreal, like I was asleep. But maybe that was the exhaustion.

“We can navigate it together, you aren’t navigating anything alone Alfie.” Kait whispered to me.

I felt the simmer ease to stillness, a calm warmth inside me. I smiled.

“S-so how does…dating work…here in Broken Rock.” I whispered, cautiously, as if this new bond I had just managed to tie with Kait might snap with even a little too much tug.

“We don’t really do that sort of thing here…relationships aren’t something so formal unless it’s marriage.” Kait replied back. “Those together, they just spend time together, doing things, helping each-other.” Kait winked.

“W-what kind of things do they…we do?”

Kait chuckled and looked at me. “Well, what do you have to do tomorrow?”

I seized up as I was asked what my plans were. And I took a moment to think before returning to look at Kait. “Well, I have to get water, and find somebody willing to barter for food with an outsider…but…that can wait for another day if you want to do something.”

Kait broke into a wider grin. “I think I have something for us to tomorrow, if you’re fine surrendering a day to me.

I felt the urge to gasp in shock, to protest but once again my braver self shoved that urge aside. “S-sure, I have to do a little work in the morning so…let’s say a little before mid-day?” I said cautiously, still testing the thread we had just tied to each-other.

“Perfect.” Kait said with a grin.

I took a moment to explain to Kait where my tent was located and as I explained it I saw a female figure walking toward us, only to recognise it as one of the handwives from the other night.

Kait smiled at her and she smiled at him. Bowing her head, her pert chest very flat and still. “Your father sent me to come here, they want you at the Chieftain’s hut to make an introduction.” She said softly.

Kait looked disappointed at her and then to me “Tell them I’ll make my way over now. Could you give us a moment Awlna?”

The woman nodded and turned back, walking her way across the work yard.

Kait looked to me and my heat sunk as I didn’t want to have to leave so soon. But Kait’s smirk reassured me. “This isn’t the kind of request I can say no to unfortunately so, I guess this is it for today.”

“T-that’s fine, I should probably get back to my tent and do some note taking anyway.”

Kait nodded as I slowly pulled myself up and gathered my things carefully. He eventually pushed himself up as I took a few steps down and turned back to give him an embarrassed wave.

I didn’t get more than a few steps before I heard steps behind me. And Kait’s voice speaking up. “Oh, just one more thing Alfie.”

“Yea-“ I said turning around to ask. Only to be cut off, as his firm hand wrapped carefully around me, his warm, rough palm finding itself on my butt, holding it and pulling me in, my half open lips meeting Kait’s and with a gasp our mouths connected, and we kissed. Kait’s other hand held my soft shoulder and the other gripped my butt. My eyes skittered excitedly in their sockets. I felt his tongue push gently into my mouth as my nose pressed to his own wide snout.

My heart pounded in my chest, my eyes slipped down as I felt more, my own, soft limp cock pressed against his warm, hot swollen sheathe. I could feel his excitement, in his lips, his tongue, in his cock as it touched and slowly pressed to my own, smaller manhood. My eyes fluttered and slowly shut, I let out a moan into his mouth, so quiet it almost didn’t come out. Relaxing and letting my tongue nervously meet his in my mouth. Eyes shut, my hand gently reached out to touch his chest. Feeling the hot, warm hardness of his chest muscles.

Slowly, he pulled his lips from mine, and rather like a lost fish my lips still sat waiting for the kiss to continue as I carefully opened my eyes. Looking up into the eyes of Kait who looked down at me. My eyes skittered again, I felt like I was about to cry, but not out of any kind of panic. A bubble of all the right kind of emotion began in my stomach as we stood there, still being held in his strong grasp, my subtle human cock still touching against his thicker sheathed dick.

“Goodnight Alfie.” He whispered with a wink. “See you tomorrow.” He added, his face so close to mine I could feel the voice vibrate in my chest as we slowly, agonisingly, pulled apart from each-other.

Kait grinned as he turned around and walked back to his hut and after I finally recovered my senses from the kiss, I slowly, spun myself back toward the tribe and walked my way across the yard. My heart making contented, deep beats in my chest. As I stopped by the handwife hut to take my boots.

“You needed that.” A disembodied voice said. I looked around only to find Jeena smirking from the open doorway. Her hand gripping the doorway.

“W-wha…” I managed out.

“You heard me, you needed that, a lot.” She winked as she vanished back into building.

Boots in one hand and book in the other I slowly and quietly walked through the streets of the tribe, walking out into the paved town circle. Which was now much more busy compared to morning. I couldn’t help but wonder what all the carts here were. Why they always seemed to gather. I saw a beautiful looking black haired woman walking around with a smile as some adorable brown furred calf rode on her shoulders, his hooves swaying above her breasts.

The positive vibe of the circle made me shiver a little, relaxing. My mind wandered as I walked, back to Kait’s arms on my body, his lips against mine.

I was so zoned out. I didn’t even see Rapps standing in the covered part of his house. I took me a moment to say hello and shoot him a calm smile.

“You seem to be pretty out of it if you don’t mind me saying.” He said with a chuckle, carrying a plank on his shoulder. “You okay?”

I let out a soft giggle and sighed “yeah…I think I am okay…just exhausted…”

Rapps smiled and waved me off as he set the plank down on a pair of sawhorses. I swung my now free arms around as I could finally let the book and boots out of my aching grasp.
My bedroll called to me, and I didn’t feel inclined to ignore it, but before I went to it, I perked up, remembering. I walked to my desk and with a grin found the cloudy grey page now it partly filled with the etchings of writing.

Lady Matilda had replied.

I let out a yawn and snatched the page up, walking over to my bedroll before collapsing into it with a groan.
For a few moments I contemplated leaving the reading for tomorrow. But grumbled and pulled the page to my eyes as I laid. Reading while I was still conscious.

My little Alfie! It’s so good to hear from you, I was starting to get worried! I am so glad you arrived safe and have settled in, it’s such a relief to know it all worked out. It feels like it’s been years since I have seen you, my classrooms as so much more boring without you.

I look forward to finally hearing your updates, but for now, let’s just address your little concern shall we?

I think I know what you are going through, when I was doing my own recording trips to the desert towns in the south of Annhak I found myself in…a little tryst with this beautiful town woman named Anisha. That is a story for some other night but all these emotions you described, they are familiar to me. I felt ashamed, like I was doing the wrong thing, overstepping myself. I panicked at first but slowly I warmed myself up Anisha and soon enough she and I were very, very intimately close.

Your sexuality, how you feel, that’s for you to decide Alfie, nobody decides that but you, not me not the school, not the church, you. So rather than worry, rather than fret, allow yourself to explore it. Think of it as a nice hot bath, no need to dive right in, just ease in nice and slow, let it embrace you instead.

Follow your heart, see where it takes you little Alfie.

Besides, to be honest with you Alfie, I always had a feeling you would be the type more partial to cock than pussy.

Yours, your teacher,

~Lady Amliese Matilda.

(As usual chapter art by the extraordinarily talented MidnaBlu!)

Welcome back as always, I once again cannot express to you all have great it is having regular viewers read my silly, horny nonsense! The support this story has been getting is far beyond what I thought was possible, and the rate it grows every day is nuts!
I am sorry I took so long but I have the hopes that this chapter update will be big enough to satisfy the wait! Its also time again for a new Alfie’s scraps so make sure to read on the next chapter to see a bonus side chapter exploring Alfie and Kait’s first date! With some BIG news in store as well!
As always please follow me on twitter if you are so inclined, its where you will see the most updates for my art and progress for my story! Further more there’s now an Official Discord for Broken Rock! Its VERY early days as of right now, still polishing it together. So come say hi, share porn, be crime and do gay with me! Finally, as a secret bonus to the good boys and girls who read my footers, Broken Rock now has a Ko-fi open for donations! Now this will be explained more in detail in the announcement to be made in scraps. But 100% of the donations this project receive will go straight to the artists to help pay them for their commissions and keep the production of Broken Rock regular! But read on in the scraps and announcements for more information!
And please, please, please show the artists some love, this story is the story it is because of their help!
Love and peace to all of you!

Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.