Alfie’s Codex

There’s a lot to learn about Narvaron for the scholar eager to comb the pages and learn...

Here you can find Alfie’s trusty Codex, his reference matter for all things Narvaron, the Empire, The Duchies, The Minotaur lands and everything else in between.

You won’t find anything crucial to his thesis in here, but if you’ve wondered the details of things Alfie or the others have mentioned in his travels, here is the place to sharpen up on it!

Latest Codex Entry

  • Herrenval Ironmuscle
    Grand Chieftain: Herrenval Ironmuscle “The White Tyrant” Herrenval Ironmuscle was a former Grand Chieftain of the Minotaur, ruling the Minotaur lands between the years 405 to 475. Herrenval took his position at age 28 after several years of rallying what remained of the then disorganised Tribunal. His rule was a long and brutal one. Fraught… Continue reading Herrenval Ironmuscle





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