Chapter 06: Mrs M’Lynne the Elder Wife


I could barely sleep last night, my mind was far too preoccupied thinking about what I had to do today, about this expectation the Elder Wife had left me with.
In my tent I stripped my robes off last night, standing naked in my boots as I toyed with what I might look like tomorrow, to have to wear nothing but my boots as I shuffled through town to get to the lake. I eventually sat with my knees to my chest in my cot thinking, my cock sitting atop my testicles as they sat between my thighs. With a sigh I shook my head and laid down to sleep. That nudity, I felt, had a lot of finality to it for some reason. Come the morning I paced around my tent, I was so tempted to simply wear the robe and show up, force her to answer me. But I could remember the tone of her voice, she was expecting me not to do anything testy. That much felt clear to me.
I slipped my boots on, I swallowed as outside my tent the quaint tribe of Broken Rock already stirred to life. I couldn’t help but whimper silently, taking a deep breath, and pushing my tent flaps open. I stepped outside onto the streets. For the first time in my life I was naked and in public, and this was the occasion, a short ten or fifteen minute walk to the lake to speak with one woman.
A breath for confidence, another to make sure, another for good luck.
I pushed the flaps open and out I stepped, my eyes closed, my cheeks burning red in embarrassment. I couldn’t dare open them, I knew there was a whole crowd here, that they were all staring at me, whispering, commenting in shock no doubt at me! Gods how embarrassing! But as I took a step, and another, I realised more and more I couldn’t continue like this, I had to open my eyes, what was I going to do, just feel my way to the docks M’Lynne had pointed out? And so, I crept my eyes open, so slowly I swore I could feel the friction on my eyelids.
And just like that they were open, my eyes looking around the tribe around me.
The street my tent sat on, its faint dirt road and its few sporadic wooden huts was not all that busy. A woman of the tribe, her thighs covered by a patterned flag, was squat by her door beating the dust out of what looked like a rug. There was a pair of Minotaurs standing in another building, beneath its small wooden porch as they spoke. A deeply pregnant and naked elf woman carried herself carefully along the street with an empty basket.
Nobody…was looking, not one. I felt like a fool, like an idiot standing naked in the middle of the street looking around me like I was lost as I tried to find the crowds of jeering voices but there were none.
There did come a voice though, a deep one. “Hey, did you need help? You seem lost?” It was deep, booming, masculine. I felt it like a drumbeat as it ran up my spine and made me shiver. I knew it was a minotaur but I looked over, to the humble little cottage across from my tent. In its door a minotaur had just stepped out a few feet from me.
His fur a soft clay brown, with a long ashy white mane of hair atop his head that fell every which way. Sitting over his two soft heavy bovine ears that I saw twitch. Running over his long ivory horns, both of which seemed adorned in strange wrappings. He had large golden eyes that looked me up and down, regarding me with curiosity, and a wide muscular chest. His bovine legs began to move, shifting his dark brown hooved legs into the dirt.
Oh my Gods this wasn’t happening, was that really him, the bull from last night? This can’t be happening, why him, of all bulls? Why this one!
His hips were thankfully covered by a wrapping of animal furs. Mine however, were not, at all. And he was coming right for me!
I let out a sudden shocked squeak, reaching down to cup and cover my shame as I kept an eye on his approach. Blurting out something like “N-NOITSFINETHANKYO-“ right at his confused golden eyes. Cutting off only as I unceremoniously scampered straight into the log palisade of the gate.
It was a painful smack, I felt my whole body come to a dead stop as I fell to the ground and tumbled onto my butt, it thankfully helped cushion the fall. I winced as I shook my head in shock, my palms to the dirt as I looked at the stationary, inert attacker that was the log palisade, confused for a moment as I moved to adjust my glasses. Which had of course fallen off my face which probably explained why things were still a little blurry.
The bull was by my side now with a concerned smile on his wide muzzle, he reached down with one of his huge arms, which I gazed up at following the thick pipe of his hard muscle to his wide shoulder. In my still recovering daze it took me a few moments to realise he was offering me a hand up.
“Goodness, you right?” The bull bellowed with a chuckle. “Didn’t mean to scare you, sorry…”
From the angle, through my blur as I looked up at him I felt myself swallow. From down here I could see up the furs, in the dark I made out something heavy, shapely, two heavy shapes behind it. My throat was dry, and I felt myself shrink away. Even in the shadows and the half vision, I could make out his manhood, or his bull hood, I suppose.
The same one from last night.
My eyes fell on my own manhood, I looked at it, limp against my soft thighs, the pink tip just poking out of my foreskin, the soft vein along the side. It hadn’t occurred to me before but I felt my manhood was awfully subtle.
“Did you need me to get somebody for-“ he asked and it was then I had realised I had just blanked out before him. I gasped and shook my head slowly and took his hand in my palm. I blushed as I felt it, rough and calloused leather, somebody who worked with their hands. I squeaked out again as he effortlessly hefted me off my butt to my feet again. Beside him, almost a foot and a half shorter than him still.
How could these minotaurs keep being so immense!
“N-no thank you! Sorry I was just startled and I…” I mumbled looking around myself for the shape of my absent glasses. “D-do you happen to see my glasses? I can’t see very well without them…” I said softly. I saw his huge frame lean down and he took something and I saw him offer it to me, I felt a sigh of relief escape me as I slipped the spectacles back onto my face, only to let out a hard wince and a sigh as I blinked and noticed there was now a rather prominent crack in my left lens. I could still see out of it fine enough but I grumbled in disappointment, as the reality that I would have this distracting crack in my vision for a long time. I doubt the minotaur had a precision lens maker in their midst.
With my vision restored I saw the friendly smile of this Minotaur as he stood over me closer than ever and I felt a blush overcome me as I once again nervously reached down to cup and hide my manhood from him. A feeble attempt, after all he’d had plenty of time to look at it.
“So, you must be that outsider who arrived, I was wondering who that tent belonged to.” The Minotaur gestured to the flaps of my tent that ever so slightly billowed into the breeze. “A scholar or something I heard?”
I swallowed a lump down my dry throat as I desperately wanted to get back to the running away part again, but I knew better than to be impolite. I gave the Minotaur a nod. “U-um yes actually, from the Capital College in the South, I’m here for the next few months to record and take notes of this tribe.” I said with a blush.
“Aha, well I am glad you chose our tribe then” he grinned. “Broken Rock is a place like no other I assure you, you’ll learn a lot here.” He smiled. He offered his hand again, more subtly, open, but with his knuckles down and his palm up. “Rapps Stumpward, I am a lumberjack, I fell trees so I am usually gone during the day, but morning and night I am around.” he said with a bow of his immense, bovine head. “Guess this means we are neighbours now.” I looked at the hand. How it was offered, I knew it to be a friendly gesture, like shaking hands, but I nervously reached out, unsure of how their gesture differed to ours.
His eyes were back to regarding me with a smile as I looked up into his face for any indication of how to proceed. I didn’t parse much from his gaze and so I timidly curled my palm down, my fingers wrapping around one side of his hand and my thumb around the other.
“Alfied Brandt, b-but everybody just calls me Alfie.” I said with a weak smile.
I felt my heart leap as Rapps’ thumb gently came down to caress over my smooth knuckles and he smirked, looking at me in the eyes before slowly letting go. “Interesting.” He bellowed playfully. “You take my hand like a woman would.”
I felt a blush rush over my face. Oh gods they had masculine and feminine gestures, nobody had written that in the old books! I had done the gesture wrong! Masculine and feminine gestures! How did not a single person ever write about such a thing, surely this hadn’t materialised out of nowhere within a century!
I opened my mouth to protest but he was already slowly walking toward and out the gate “I’ll see you around Alfie, nice to meet you.” He said politely over his shoulder, hefting a large steel axe from his hut wall to his shoulder as he walked with his heavy steps into the dirt path out of the village walls and toward the forest.
I closed my mouth again slowly, swallowing deeply, beginning my own walk out the simple gate and toward the wide basin of the lake.
He didn’t tell me the masculine way to take his hand…

The terrible embarrassment of making such a fool of myself in-front of Rapps Stumpward had momentarily distracted me from the other more terrible embarrassment of me being completely naked as I walked along to the lakeside where M’Lynne had agreed to speak with me. I suppose in that way it had been a blessing, but I could’ve done without cracking my glasses.
After a while I grew tired of cupping and hiding myself so I gently took my hand away from my manhood and walked normally as it became more and more clear that I was alone. Truthfully after a while I started to enjoy myself! Without the shame of being seen naked I started to get quite the thrill. It was so naughty to be walking naked like this, and the climate of this basin was so much more pleasant without my heavy robes keeping the breeze from running over me. It was rather relaxing after the hiking and stress to just take a nice leisurely walk along the lake through the grass and along the paths.
Finally I reached the spot, seeing the familiar figure of this female Minotaur as she sat out on a rather simple looking wooden dock. The water line lapping near the top, her bovine legs hung off the side and her hooves were submerged in the water. She lacked a mane or hair of any kind, it seems she was rather hairless besides her fur. I couldn’t tell if that was just something to her or if females of the Minotaur race were just naturally without the manes of hair their masculine kin seemed to possess. M’Lynne turned to greet me and smiled in pleasure as she saw me naked, gesturing for me to sit down with her on the dock. My eyes drifted to her chest again, seeing her prodigious breasts, exposed, she lacked the gown she wore yesterday, she was entirely naked much like me, but I couldn’t make out her womanhood between the soft plush of her pressed thighs. Her tail curled in comfortable delight as I sat down. I noticed beside her she had a small woven basket filled with strange things, one appeared to be a heavy clay jar and some kind of tree branch.
“I am happy to say you look much less out of place without that ridiculous robe on.” She smiled as said softly. “I don’t know how you could even wear such a thing, far too heavy, you must have been sticky beneath it.”
I puffed out my cheeks indignantly, biting my tongue on the trouble her insistence had caused me. I did however pause and ask “Why is it you wanted me to he nude anyway Miss M’Lynne? I mean maybe my gown was sweaty but I don’t…” She cut me off softly and nodded “Well beyond it being an ugly thing that makes you stand out, it’s also to get a new mentality into you early.” She began looking out over the quiet and steady lake. “I suppose you can consider that your first lesson Little Alfie. If you truly want to fit in, if you want the bulls and wives of this tribe to accept you, you have to look as we do.” She began. “Outsiders hide their bodies, it’s one of the first things I usually must teach out of newcomer wives in my duties. Somebody who hides their body hides who they are.” She said looking at me and taking in my form. “A bull that hides his body hides the strength of his chest, of his arms, he hides his scars from old wounds. He hides his manhood’s size, the robustness of his testicles.” She chuckled softly. “A wife that hides her body hides her breasts, hides the work her teats have done to feed her young. She hides the natural shape of her body, hides her hips and how much work her loins have done.” M’Lynne listed out diligently. I nodded slowly as I tried to drink in this exotic and alien way of thinking.
“Folk who hide things are distancing themselves by choice, they are seen as what they appear to be, an outsider who can’t be trusted.” She said simply.
“I suppose that makes sense…” I sighed. “So…if I want to fit in this tribe at all, I will have to be naked?”
M’Lynne nodded. “At all times, some folk of the tribe will wear simple coverings, but a bull should only wear the fur of what he’s hunted and skinned himself, and the wives will often wear knitted or woven fabrics that show their clan colors and runes but other then that, our kind do not clothe unless the climates call for it. It is better to show as much of your body as you can, the folk who do wear some kind of clothing usually try to cover as little as they can.”
“The body, it’s a big part of how our kind communicates non-verbally. You will see more of that as you come to integrate, how much gestures and posing means to a conversation, not to mention clothing tends to obscure the body markings and body paintings. Which is frowned on quite a lot.”
My ears perked up at that. I had seen some of the bodies with markings on them. Paints or tattoos or some such. “Body paints, I have seen those actually.”
M’Lynne nodded in reply to me. “They are an important way to show ones individuality and personality, think of our body markings as our clothes, they say a lot about the person who has them. Symbols or shapes or such. Bulls will emphasise scars from fights, wives may mark how often they have given birth. They are important, temporary and permanent ones.”
I nodded again. “Sh-should I get body markings?”
M’Lynne looked at me for a moment and nodded “I would say yes, making that extra effort to fit in, that will demonstrate your mindset to those looking at you. My husbands and wives will appreciate such a display.”
“Well…any suggestions?”
M’Lynne gave a playful smirk. “Oh I had one in mind that would be perfect for you. Though, I must warn you, it’s going to be permanent if you agree to let me do it.”
A permanent body marking. At the time I didn’t know how to think of that. I used to be afraid of tattoos, of doing that kind of thing to my body, but it seemed clear, if such a thing was so important perhaps I should get one. “O-okay, I’ll do it. If it gets the people to trust me more then I think it’s a worthy trade, and I mean a tattoo isn’t so strange back home for my kind…”
I saw a look of playful delight on her face as M’Lynne reached into that basket and took the jar and the branch and she gestured with me to stand up in front of her. I did as she said and stood up, my boots to the logged floor of this small lake dock. My eyes looked out over the lake slowly, watching the small boats that moved over and across it, the shifting, tiny figures in small log structures all across the shore of this lake.
M’Lynne carefully dipped the branch and its whittled end into what looked to be a thick, gritty paste in the sealed jar. She was looking as if she was being intensely careful not to touch the paste herself. Once a good amount was on it she shuffled in and I blushed hard as this kneeling Minotaur placed herself at my thighs, her warm softer hand moving up to touch and push my thighs apart, her muzzle inches from my limp manhood which I reached down to cover in shame.
I felt a sudden panic, a change of mind and I opened my mouth to express that I changed my mind and didn’t want this body marking anymore but she pushed the whittled end of the branch into my mid thigh and I let out a soft squeak of shock as she slowly pulled the branch around my thigh, pushing into it deeply, making sure the whittled and exposed wood of this branch and its paste scratched against my flesh. It felt uncomfortable but it wasn’t particularly painful.
“H-how exactly is this permanent?” I said timidly, it was too late now to not want this marking anymore I suppose.
“This branch is from a tree called the Balqi-balqi” she said softly, drawing around the circumference of my thigh and with an indignant slap forcing my hands off my manhood when they got in the way off her slow careful circle, drawing a line of this paste around my right thigh. “It’s bark and leaves are fairly harmless but if you work back the bark to the wood and it touches you it scars and stings very deeply.” M’Lynne said with a nod as she finished on my right leg and moved to the left leg. “Our tribe learned some millennia ago that you can use this scarring with a paint to imprint the skin with that paint, and it’s more or less permanent.”
“It doesn’t feel like it’s scarring me…” I said, wanting nothing more than to cover my cock and my soft balls as she worked her soft warm hand around my thigh. I nearly squeaked again when I felt her wrist bump against my testicles twice while she finished the circle.
“It will, give it an hour and it will start to itch, just don’t touch it, and it should stop again after some time. After that you can wash this paste off once it’s completely dried and starts to flake away.” I nodded and M’Lynne finished taking care to wash the paste off the tip of the branch as I inspected the new markings that would be on me for the rest of my life. They were simple, remarkably simple, just two bands of this soft earthy red color. Wrapping around my thighs like bands. I felt a weird joy as I looked at them, they were simple, and honestly I didn’t think they looked so bad!
With the branch back in her basket and the paste resealed, M’Lynne looked up at me and smirked.
“Subtle, I know.” She gestured “But yet another reason to not wear clothes, this marking has a great deal of meaning and it would be so easy to hide or obscure, and the message you sent with this would just be unreadable. Whereas if you were nude, all can see and all can understand.”
I nodded meekly and asked her “W-what does this marking mean.”
I could see her consider the question but shake her head “A little too hard to explain to an outsider, someday you’ll get it, but all you need to know for now is that I think this marking might help you integrate a little better into this tribe.” I looked again at the bands around my thighs now, reaching back I plied my butt cheek open and to the side to help me see the band as it hugged around on my thigh behind my butt. But with a swallow nodded and looked back at her.
“Don’t touch it for about two hours and then you can just wash it off with water.” She nodded. “And the ink will remain in your skin.”
A saw this female Minotaur looking, eyes locked on my manhood as it sat against my thighs, eyes taking in the gentle shape of my cock, and the softness of both my testicles. I blushed in absolute shame but she looked up at me and smiled and said “So you wanted to ply me with questions, here I am, sit down and ask away.” She said politely. “I am supposed to help you understand our ways better right? Well, you’ve already proven to me you are willing to understand and learn our ways, so ask and I will answer as best I can.
The gazes and nudity, those things had been embarrassing, shameful, but I couldn’t help but beam as I carefully sat down, puffing out my cheeks as I was careful to keep my thighs open and up as I put my butt to the wooden dock. Finally, after all these days, I could start getting to work!

The talk was long winded, and I did start to wish I had bought a notebook with me. But I did remember to write down most of the notes when I eventually returned to my tent.
We talked a great deal about many things but of particular note was the way the tribe was made up, how it worked which was truly fascinating.
Rather than being a typical town, with rows of homes, it seems as if this entire time I had been oblivious to a particular nuance. The tribe was not so much one large tribe, but a bundle of clans huddled together for strength and security. When M’Lynne explained to me the function of the clans in the tribe a lot more things started to make sense. A clan, it’s large extended family would grow in Broken Rock, the clan would build their own homes, often build their own central building which would be the communal focus of their family. They build their own utilities, their own storage, their own small farms for simple foods. These clans would grow wide out from themselves, rather than the tribe itself growing bigger the clans grew bigger and thus the tribe did. These clans often had a single patriarch who led the clan with the help of the other males. The wives of these bulls followed the Lead Wife or the Matriarch in a similar way. Children were raised and educated communally in the clan.
That’s why the layout of the tribe was so strange to me, I was used to streets and districts, when it turns out really the tribe is just one large collection of small micro villages all right next to each-other. How fascinating! Even the chief himself and his home are part of this, I had been oblivious to his whole clan around his home.
This is why trade is so rare in the tribe, because it’s expected each clan and family provide for themselves, every clan is strong on its own. Where I lived, where my tent was, was the smaller part of the tribe where Clanless Bulls and smaller families not yet able to stand on their own, shared. She was hesitant to say but it was clear from the way she spoke that living in this area came with a degree of shame. A family was looked down on for being unable to support itself, for being too small, too weak. And a bull, a breeding age male Minotaur who was clanless was clearly a kind of cultural taboo. To be treated with disrespect or suspicion.  Much the same with clanless females and women. There is clearly a great sense of cultural honour and nobility in the strength, size and how prolific one’s family was here. Wives and bulls would marry into families, clans would shift and change, absorb each-other or split apart peacefully or violently. Wives and bulls would leave their clans either in peace or in disgrace. Clans had their own record keepers and traditions, their own sigils and colors and histories. To be quite honest it’s not so different to how the nobility acts back home all things considered!
Trade does happen for simple goods but it was more a mutual exchange of respect, trade with absolute strangers was incredibly rare. “After all.” M’Lynne told me. “How can you trust the product you have been given if you can’t make judgements on its origins? If you cannot visit their farm, if you can’t invite their hunters to join your party so you can see how they prepare and render their meat, if you can’t watch their carpenter saw the lumber. Why should I trust you if I can’t be sure of who you are? If I can’t be sure of who you are, how can I trust you aren’t trading in bad faith?”
She really wasn’t kidding about that! I guess that simple nuance really is everything to this culture. Trust, mutual coexistence and mutual openness. Somebody who wasn’t open had something to hide, and somebody who had something to hide was not to be trusted. It isn’t that the Minotaur did not share, they were quite a communal folk (heck some families had communal wives!) It’s that their kind did not trust easily, they needed to be with and see another to learn their ways, their personality, their thinking, and then once they did they were quite open and eager to share and coordinate.
I wonder what the cultural origin of that way of thinking is, perhaps the wars, maybe the plague? I had to pick M’Lynne’s brain for more knowledge, she was a great help in really making me grasp Broken Rock much better. We talked so much that I didn’t even realise it was the warm heat of midday beating down on me, and we only stopped when she commented that she had obligations to keep and had to call it.
There was still so much to learn from her but I ended our conversation with a final comment.
“If at all possible is there…a family, a clan you could put a good word in for me? I would very much like to meet and speak with one, see how they function from the inside!”
M’Lynne massaged her large throat in thought, giving me a considering nod. “Clan Clayrend” she said to me. “I need to meet with one of their younger wives to help her breastfeed, but they are a very amicable and open family, I’ll ask if they would be willing to meet you and let you know before I head home for the night what they say.”
I was elated, I nearly jumped out of my own body in excitement. “Thank you so much Miss M’Lynne, you have been so very helpful so far! How can I repay you!” I asked excitedly.
She smiled and bowed her head “All I wish to see is you with my kin, to record us and represent the people of Broken Rock with the dignity and respect they deserve. There are great things and long struggles and a lot of history that deserves to be seen and read.” She smiled, placing her warm hand atop my thigh softly. “Be open to our ways, be open to living as we do and becoming like us, embracing our way of life and I promise you this tribe will accept you like you were born here, Alfie.” She smiled as she prepared her things and stood up.
“Is it possible to speak with you again some time, there’s so much to learn from you still.” I asked.
M’Lynne nodded “Feel free to visit my home in the tribe again, if I am free I will often be there to chat some more.” She said with closed eyes and a warm smile. “Goodbye Alfie, and by the way, if my understanding of your human way of speaking is correct, I believe the correct way to address me is Mrs M’Lynne. After all, my duty is marriage to the tribe, I am everybody’s wife. No matter what, even if, say, you were to join us, I’d even be yours as well.” She said with a playful wink which spiked a hard red flush through me.
And like tidy I watched her walk away, her plump feminine frame walking back toward the village.
I was eager to get back to my tent after that encounter, as I mentioned I forgot a notebook, and so I needed to write down all this stream of new information. As I stepped back towards the more busy parts of the town I felt an embarrassed rush as I covered my shame again and quickly stepped into my tent. Signing as I was back in privacy, kicking off my boots to walk on the soft grass that made up my tent floor. I pursed my lips  as I looked at the ground and the rate at which the grass was already starting to die. I needed to do something about making my surroundings more pleasant, but that was for another day.
I spent the rest of the day recalling and writing everything M’Lynne had said to me, as best I could between the grunts of irritation as sharp itches came from my thighs. Eventually as the evening came I did as she instructed, taking some water from my canteen and using a small rag I washed the dry flaking paint paste off my thighs only to gasp and see that the colored clay red pigment was still there, as if it had been painted into to my skin.
It really was permanent.
I could deal with that, permanent body paint was fine. I actually kind of liked how they looked.
The itching though, Gods I hope the itching wasn’t permanent…

My attempts to relax, after working on my notebooks, came to a sudden and crashing halt as I heard a woman’s deep voice say. “Are you awake mister Brandt?” A distinct and familiar voice said. I looked up in shock to see the blurred silhouette of a thick bodied female, The Elder wife, on the other side of my tent flaps.  Ever so dim in the evening light.
“A-ah yes, yes Miss-I mean Mrs M’Lynne, just a moment.” I sighed as I swallowed back down my heart after the shock had jumped it out of my chest. Walking to the tent flap I felt my hand reach out to take my robes before I paused, realising who I was speaking to, what she had said a few hours ago and I shook my head and blushed as I moved to the tent flaps, I don’t know if I could ever get used to this idea of nudity.
I looked down at my cock and swallowed cupping my hand over my shame and held the flap open. Looking into the immense feminine frame of M’Lynne the Elder Wife.
She bowed her head and I smiled at her, I caught her eyes flicking to me covering my manhood and I saw a slight smirk.”Mrs M’Lynne, please, I was just doing some writing.” I said as I gestured for her to enter my tent.
She obliged and I moved to go sit down on my bedroll, gesturing to the rug it sat atop. “Sorry I have no real place to sit, this is still a work in progress.” I said with a look around my tent.
She raised her hand and smiled “No need to stress, I am only going to be here for a moment, it is getting dark and I would like to head home and relax so I am just stopping by as I said I would in regard to Clan Clayrend.”
“Oh, goodness yes of course, how did it go?”
M’Lynne smiled. “They are actually quite excited about the idea of speaking with you. The Matriarch of their clan was very fond of the idea of speaking with a scholar, as was her husband.” She said. “They asked me to put forward an invitation to you, they are having a dinner as a clan tomorrow to celebrate the beginning of their new work year. So the invitation is open for you to go and introduce yourself to them.”
I was ecstatic to hear the invitation, but to hear what it was about, it seemed far too formal and personal for a stranger to be present at.
“O-oh gosh, Mrs M’Lynne Would I not be intruding terribly for such an occasion?”
She shook her head. “An invitation to such an event is not made lightly, I assure you Alfie, that a refusal would be more of an insult than an acceptance.”
I swallowed nervously and nodded my head “I would be delighted to go then, is it just a dinner party?”
M’Lynne twisted her wrist in an emphasis of vagueness. “So to speak, it’s more of a party of celebration rather than an intimate moment, they will have dinner but I am sure Clayrend has their own customs and their own entertainment I am not aware of.” She said.
“Sounds like it could be fun! What time is it, and where?” I asked. M’Lynne shook her head again and I felt a little flush of embarrassment as I realised I had said something wrong again. Making mistakes around her felt shameful, I knew she probably didn’t stress over it as much as I did, but her demeanour was that of a calm motherly figure and a teacher, so whenever I made a mistake it felt like I was failing in my job here in Broken Rock.
“We don’t do time here, you outsiders and your ideas of time always confused me, the dinner begins at sunset.” She said softly and smiled. “The Clayrends are the clan along the walls closest to the lake, they are brick renderers, relatively new in the tribe, so it won’t be hard to see them, they have a large open yard where they sun-dry bricks in spring and summer in their land, and kilns for baking clay bricks during the day. Their sigil is brown and orange, you won’t have trouble finding them.” She assured me, waiting for me to acknowledge her before she went on. “The Patriarch of their Clan is Tabbard Clayrend, he is a great tall black bull with a greying beard, I am sure once you get there he’ll take the time to introduce you to his family and his wife. He might seem intimidating but he is a very personable, quite a cheerful and jolly old bull, he’s been south to the human lands in the past actually so you’ll have plenty to talk about.”
I let out a relieved sigh. I hadn’t noticed how tense I had been. I don’t think the true weight of the stress and responsibility for this expedition and study had sunk in until I felt it lift off of my shoulders somewhat. That was another obstacle out of the way. I had an in to a Clan in the tribe. I could make some real progress. “Thank you Mrs M’Lynne, I am excited to meet him, I am sure it will be a very enlightening night.” I could feel an uncertainty though, there was a lot of pressure riding on this, I knew that. I reached behind my head and scratched the back of my head as I looked at the Elder Lady and simply said “Any um…suggestions and tips for a first time meeting with a minotaur clan?”
M’Lynne chuckled at my frankness and put a hand on my thigh as she pushed to stand up on her two powerful hooves. “Bring a gift of some kind, ideally some kind of food or drink. And engage!” She smiled. “And don’t be shy, if they dance, dance. If they play games, join in. If they talk to you, engage them. Speak with the sons and daughters of the clan. I know the Clayrends, they are hard and proud workers, their family loves to talk about their craft and they’ll jump on any interest shown to explain their ways . If you engage them and show interest they’ll talk your little human ears off until you can’t take it anymore!” M’Lynne said with a giggle and a shake of her head, as if she was remembering just such a moment.
I stood up too and smiled, but I felt it on my own face, the nervousness on me was heavy, my smile felt weak. “Thank you, really Mrs M’Lynne, honestly if I hadn’t gotten this kind of help from you, who knows how far behind I would be with my studies.”
“Think nothing of it, I hope you learn more of our people from this, and I hope it proves enlightening.”
With that I walked with M’Lynne to the dirt road outside my hut and smiled again as she wandered off, only realising that I was standing naked outside my tent with a flush moments after it happened.
As my hands cupped my manhood my eyes flicked subconsciously to the home of the bull I had met yesterday, Rapps Stumpward. His home seemed empty, but that was to be expected as he said he worked during the day, I doubt he’d be back until it was well and truly dark. I noticed that the extension of his home seemed to be filled with many lengths of timber, unprepared and unsawn logs. But the ground was covered in sawdust.
I really do wonder what that bull got up to there, I should really ask someday to watch him work. I’ll make a note of that. If I am here in autumn and winter particularly, I will need to get firewood from somebody, and a lumberjack sounds better than anybody else for that.
I went back into my tent and sat down with a sigh at my small desk, my thighs open, once again my fingers ran along the marking on my thigh, tracing the new mark on me. I contemplated writing more notes but I was too distracted, itching and a slowly winding nervousness.
My food is still holding up, but my water is starting to thin. I will have to go and fill my cask up the day after tomorrow. I feel a deep churn in my stomach, because more and more its becoming clear that I will have to go outside to accomplish tasks, hell tomorrow I will have to walk to the other side of the tribe and I will have to do it completely naked!
But I can’t just put my robes back on now, now that I know it might be considered insulting or suspicious I can’t let the tribe see and know me like that!
What a position to be caught in.
I suppose I will just have to suck up and do it, keep reminding myself that it’s not strange to be seen exposed, that they don’t really believe in the idea of modesty here, it’s more about honesty.
Walking to the lake was one thing, but walking through the dead middle of town is another! The tribe is far more busy, far more eyes.
If I can express honesty for a moment reader, I am very conscious about my body, I feel terribly nervous when I am naked. From a younger age I always felt like I had to hide it, never show it, that’s why I always wore such baggy robes and clothing. I was ashamed. But now, here I am in this tribe, this is the most naked I have been in my life, no doubt, I was wondering when the last time I had ever been naked this long was. And I don’t even think as a newborn baby I was even this naked most of the time.
Everybody, they can see my body. I can’t hide here, one gaze and the minotaurs and women of this tribe can just see my body, see my skin. My butt…my penis. There’s no secrets or modesty, hell it even feels weird to be shy here, I wonder if there is such a thing as a shy person in Broken Rock, am I the only one?
I want nothing more than to wrap myself up in my robes again and hide my shame from everybody, but at the same time, there’s something inside me that enjoys this…like a deeply buried part of me is excited I can’t hide any more, some voice in my head is singing out. Because I have nowhere to hide anymore, I can’t just vanish away, I can’t be a faceless scholar like I grew so comfortable with.
I need to be Alfie Brandt, I need to be seen, and heard now, no more hiding from anybody, especially not from myself.
The knot is loosening in my stomach now, must be part of that delayed confession feeling…
Maybe Lady Matilda was onto something after all.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

(Chapter art by the lovely and patient Momma Uni!)

There’s not an awful lot to report here, but everybody say a warm welcome back to all the Fur Affinity readers, I did initially leave the site high and dry because to be honest with you I got sick of having to wrestle against FA’s horrendous formatting and uploading rules, even now doing things the way I am still feels like I am doing something wrong, but I was recently convinced by a friend and reader of mine to give it another shot because really the audience for FA is really good and it did see a rather large glut of success there for the few chapters I did upload. So hell, whats so bad about giving it another chance.

We’re progressing along well, though I may have to slow down the rate these come out to once every two weeks or so, I can only really afford at the moment to handle one artist a month. Which means my production bottleneck is down to one chapter a month. I want to pay my artists well so I don’t want to try get lower prices, but it is something I have to keep in mind. As much as I love Broken Rock, I have had one or two close calls when I have accidentally spent too much that month on art.

Anyway, thank you all so much, as always make sure to follow me on Twitter if you want to keep touch with my updates and whereabouts. As always please make sure to give the artist some love, this story wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them lending their pens to my work!
Thank you all for the read!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.