Chapter 05: Intrusive Thoughts

@Xehmi & Gabiszon_Cyn

I got to work today with my assigned tasks. A great piece of advice I learned from Lady Matilda was if it was ever at a loss for my next step, I was to make a list of the things I needed to get done and list out beneath those how I planned to do that.

So that list is as follows!

-Find somebody who can help me integrate better into the tribe.

It occurs to me that if what the chief said is true, I will need to find a way to endear myself to the people of this tribe. There are so many mysteries, everything in this culture is so alien and all I want to do is just run up to somebody and throw questions at them. But I know that won’t end well for me. There has to be a way to make an impression that will let the bulls of this tribe know I am not a malignant entity and I only want to learn of their customs! There has to be somebody in the tribe who can do that, a head of culture, somebody who fulfills the role of a curator, a religious leader or some tribal whose job it is to oversee customs or traditions, something like the equivalent to a church pastor or some such?

-Secure a working relationship with some families in this tribe.

Not much is known of the minotaur’s ways, but we do know one thing about them, and it’s that their culture is built entirely around the family, the bloodline, the clan. If I am to understand and record the customs of their people I will first need to follow the branch all the way back to the trunk, the family unit itself. I will begin there. I will need to secure a friendly acquaintance with some families in this tribe, so that I can ply with questions and observe. Once I have a strong foothold and a solid understanding of the nuances of their family structures, I can delve into more of their society and community.

-Secure a supply of food before my rations run out.

Pretty obvious, learning they did not trade here came as a shock, it goes against any understanding of a culture I know. I will need to find a way to secure a food supply for myself. I luckily have a good store of rations so it’s not so much a crisis, but I will have to address this as soon as I can. I think once I have a good connection with a cultural figure and a family it should be easy to figure out how to secure food.

With this knowledge I made my tasks for the day and it started with me paying a visit to the chief once again. Under the guise of telling him I had set up and to thank him, but mostly as a coy way for me to press the question to him.

Chief Hulbrik was working in what I could only assume was the workshop of his tall and grand longhouse as I spoke to him. The room stunk terribly, stunk of his powerful scent, of his odorous sweat, but the just ignored it as I watched him work. He appeared to he sitting at some primitive foot — or hoof I suppose in this case — powered wood lathe.

Curious and curiouser! It’s not unusual for a Lord figure to have a workshop but I will say it is indeed rare for he himself to be in there working. I wonder if this is indicative of their expectations of leadership, that in their culture the minotaurs expect a leader to work. I suspect that’s true. The chief nodded and considered my question for a moment before he suggested I speak with what he called the “Elder Wife.”

Apparently, the Elder Wife is some sort of guiding figure of the tribe’s women, both it’s elves, and it’s humans. And even further still she is apparently one of the tribes few true born females, a female Minotaur! Something extraordinarily rare in their kind, so it seems. According to Hulbrik, she was a singular woman of wisdom who was there in order to offer guidance to girls as they grew, assistance in taking new women in and helping them integrate, and finally acting as a midwife during births. It seems as if it is traditional to have a true born cow be the Elder Wife across most the tribes. “Their numbers dwindle, true born cows are vulnerable to the plague, always have been since the days of the dying.” He said solemnly. “Few are left at all to birth true born daughters, and those that are born rarely make it into adulthood.” He added as he worked the timber across the noisy lathe, effortlessly booming over it. “The Plague is a cruel curse to our people, no cure was ever found, our people were helpless as it ravaged us, the bulls that survived tended to be immune and so we male folk generation by generation grew to resist it, but the cows…” Chief Hulbrik shook his head. “Even after all this time the plague still strikes the cows down, if too many of them are together it spreads through them like fire and knocks them down.

“That’s…horrible, I’m so sorry to hear that…” I said quietly.

Hulbrik shook his head, holding the shaped wood to inspect it closer. “The plague was centuries ago, bad or good, it’s part of what shaped the cultures of all the tribes, from Broken Rock to the Coastal tribes, the plague hurt all minotaurs equally.”

“Sorry if this is a raw topic…” I asked stepping forward, hands holding my robes in small bunches. “But…if I am correct, am I to guess the plague is what caused the great clan wars?”

Chief Hulbrik sighed and nodded. “You would be correct, it is a long and storied part of our history, little human, far too long and I am too busy to explain it today. But with the populations of cows in devastatingly tiny numbers, the tribes were forced to fight, forced into savagery…” he took a moment, I saw his thick finger trace thoughtfully over one of the scars, on his thigh. “Decades of bloodshed, fighting over what few cows were left, the tribes that didn’t give into the savagery rarely survived. The greater tribes would skirmish over populations of true borns, as did ours occasionally…but our tribe found other ways to handle the lowering populations.”

“H-human and elf women?” I asked.

Hulbrik looked to me and nodded. “It was known your kind and the elf kind could carry our calfs and daughters of their own blood for a while but the desperation I suppose is what really cemented the crossbreeding. Human and elf wombs could keep a tribe alive and once that was known they became a commodity to skirmish over just as much as the true born.”

“So thats the origin of the border raids?” I said, finishing a sentence in his mind. Hulbrik nodded. “Since the better times we always had willing wives of other races come to our lands but that number was simply not enough, and so it became regular for tribes to organise raids into the forest villages of the elves and the human towns to kidnap girls.” Hulbrik shook his hand “I hope you don’t mind little human…these kinds of memories are painful and I can’t spare today to entertain them, I have far too much work to do.”

I nodded deeply and stepped forward. “No, really I am sorry I shouldn’t have pried into something so heady so hastily. Though…please if there is some time I could…I would like to organise some times for us to discuss history like this?”

Hulbrik nodded “I am fairly busy for the next week or so. But after that I will find time for you Mister Alfie.” He said, smiling weakly. “Try me in perhaps…five maybe six days or so?”
I nodded. “Of course, thank you for the time, and thank you for the information, I will go speak to this Elder Wife, and see if she can help me.”

This Elder Wife was respected by all the clans and families and had working relationships with all of them and so if I was looking for my cultural headpiece, I would say I probably found her!

She didn’t live far from the Chief Hulbrik’s home actually, close to the exact centre of the town. If I had to make a guess it was probably so she could be within range of all the families. Her own home was the large stone and log style I had expected from the nicer houses in the tribe, it seemed humble but wide and spacious. I knocked at the door frame and quietly stepped in, making myself known. There, I finally met this Elder Wife, a tall and wide bodied figure. A distinctly female frame but as tall as the bulls. She lacked their horns, and her exposed chest revealed not hard pecs and abs but heavy, smooth breasts, with thick darkened nipples. She was a light brown with dark brown eyes, and a smile on her face. Her fur was short and clean and the stink of the room was a pleasant contrast to the overbearing masculine stink of the Chief, it was a more organic and homely, like warm milk and the clean fur smell of some show-horse. She swathed her bovine legs with some soft sewn gown, adorned with unknowable symbols. I shuddered under her gaze, she had such a soft and welcoming look, as she sat comfortably by her hearth, her nimble bovine fingers preparing what looked to be tea in a small carved cup.

M’Lynne, that was her name, singular, and without a family name. An Elder Wife did not have a family name, as she explained, as she was in essence “Married to all families, I am the wife of the tribe, not one bull.”

I explained myself to her and she nodded, commenting that she had heard of my coming and was excited to finally meet her, and once I finally began to explain to her my current predicament, she began to nod. “The chief says that there is no more core figure to the family’s in this tribe than you.” I said softly as I sat on my knees in her hut, my own scholars robes against my body. “So…I would come to your home now to humbly request your assistance ma’am, to help me introduce and warm myself to the good folk of this tribe.” M’lynne nodded and let out another comforting smile. “I understand your predicament, and I can indeed help you with that.” She bowed her head gently. Her voice was feminine, but booming from her wide chest. “Not today I am afraid, I am busy, but tomorrow I am free, I plan to spend some time by the lakeside and relax, and I would love to have you join me Alfied Brandt.” She said with a bow of her large head.

I stood up excitedly and smiled at her “Oh goodness thank you so much ma’am, I…”

“There is however one stipulation though…” she said in a deep voice, raising her finger gently. Reaching over to pinch the off-white of my robe. “I do not want to see you wearing this ridiculous outsiders garb when you speak to me.”

“Wh-you mean?”

“Naked.” She nodded “Come to me naked or don’t come to me at all. That is my one and only stipulation.”
“M-may I ask why I must be nude ma’am?” I asked in a meek voice, shrinking away as the reality of what she asked began to soak into my muscles, weighing them down like wet cloth.
“You don’t need to know why Mister Alfied, you simply need to do what I ask.” She said in a soft but commanding way, in the way ones mother light chide her boy for not cleaning his room.
“I will explain all your questions to your hearts desire tomorrow, but if you wish for me to indulge your requests, you will come to me free from that offensive mess you are wearing.”
I don’t even remember if I agreed, I just nodded, swallowed meekly, and thanked her for her time as I walked out and back to my tent.

What an odd request! That I be naked, why must I be naked? Offensive garb, by the Gods was I really wearing something offensive this whole time? Why hasn’t anybody told me!
I did notice, as I walked back to my tent, the teeming few on the dirt roads, the women, the bulls, they eyed me with suspicions. Not so much ire, or hate, but they looked at me as an outsider, like I wasn’t one, like I couldn’t be trusted and I might suddenly lash out.

Was M’Lynne right?

Was it my outfit?

As I sit in my tent now and scribe this out, I can’t help but wonder why she simply refused to tell me why I had to be nude, it’s driving me absolutely batty thinking about what I might be doing wrong now, I just wish she had told me! Could I really do this? Walk to the lakeside naked? What a shameful thing, so many of the tribes folk would see me… I suppose most of them are naked, the most any of them wear are simple furs or flags to give them some modesty, most of them simply walk around unclothed though. In all honesty, me wearing clothes probably made me stand out as much as somebody not wearing clothes back in the capital would. I didn’t really understand how this would help, but if I want this to work, I really must do this. Just this once, then I can get some answers and find a way to dress more modestly for my hosts.

I made notes of my updates as the morning became afternoon and became late afternoon. Slowly, the idea of having to be naked  in plain view was growing more terrifyingly solid, becoming less of an abstract obstacle and more of a real obstacle to cross. The panic was rising in me, a restless need to flee or run away. I felt my breathing growing heavier, my heartbeat felt wrong, silent invisible hands pressed on my chest and something rotten was in my blood.


I stood up from the writing desk away from the scrolls and books and walked across my rugged tent floor, breathing slowly, I gulped down some water. Flashes like a dozen ill studied and ill prepared exams were flooding in on me. I needed air. Just like I needed those nights back on the college.
Air, water, walk.

I pushed my tent flaps open, the panic made it hard to choose a direction but I did, I spun in place and walked toward the centre of the tribe. Past the staring curious eyes of the bulls and women I passed. Breathing slowly and squeezing and relaxing my fists in my sleeves over and over again. I had made it some distance before the panic had stopped. Standing on the corner of some dirt road street of the tribe. I was nearer to the lake side of the tribe now, and I saw from the gate facing the lake a procession of Minotaurs and women carrying green piles of reed and thatch in on their backs. In mighty bales, wandering and chatting casually as they took them somewhere into the heart of a dozen or so huts. Thatchers if I had to guess, reed weavers and roofers and such. The economy of this tribe seemed so vague, obviously there was industry, but how did it work? If trade between clans and bulls was rare, what incentive was there to work? Why would people make things without a motive for profit? It went against every lesson I studied for commerce and merchantry back home.

I was so out of it I didn’t sense a figure creeping up on me. A firm black furred young body stood next to me and then followed my eyes to watch before looking back at me.

“They dry it, and then it can be used for roofing and reinforcing clay.” A young but booming Minotaur said. I was so shocked somebody was talking to me I didn’t even know what to say. The bull had coal black fur and short hair. He shrugged at my confused expression. It was then I noticed he was naked, his thick, leather and fur sheathe on display between muscular thighs, atop a tight pair of black leather testicles. I swallowed and snatched my eyes away from them to his eyes as he inspected me. My eyes met his and he gave me a cocky, confident smirk, which made my cheeks turn red as I looked up at the taller bull.

“Welcome to Broken Rock outsider, guess I’ll see you around if I’m lucky.” He grinned. Winking at me as he turned around and slowly walked away, toward the procession of bulls and women carrying the thatch. Speaking briefly to an older looking Minotaur before walking with him into the circle of huts. I noticed on his shoulder blade an orange painted symbol, like nine or so bricks stacked in a wall. And a glint of silver as a ring hung from his right ear.

After I had lost some time to the parade of thatch I decided to head back. Taking a deep breath and walking back to my tent. I had done a fairly good job of getting myself lost but with a vague direction in which my tent was I headed back and soon found my way back to camp. Grumbling as my robe for a moment met the muddy ground and stained before I hefted it up slightly. The walk was not much of a pleasant one as the stray looks were more obvious to me now I had calmed down. Which really drove home how far I had walked from my tent. It was dark by the time I had returned. Sighing as I kicked the mud off my boots with a rock by the flaps of my tent.

I looked up from the tapping to accidentally lock eyes with a bull. Standing across from me under a covered section of a hut. Staring at me as he leaned against the wall. By him were all sorts of carpentry and sawyers tools: axes, saws, frames and hatches. His fur was a soft clay brown, with a long ashy white mane of hair atop his head that fell every which way and sat over his two soft heavy bovine ears that I saw twitching curiously. The white hair seemed to flow over his long ivory horns, both of which were adorned in strange wrappings. He had large golden eyes that looked far too gentle for a body that size. He looked me up and down, regarding me silently. After that he uncrossed his arms from his muscular chest. He gave me a wave and I shrank away in embarrassment, waving back. The bull walked around to the door of the hut and quietly stepped in and vanished from sight. My heart raced and I stepped inside my tent with a sigh. Letting the embarrassment reduce as I left my boots by the tent opening and stepped onto the drier grass and rugs of my shelter.

I found myself pacing back and forth in my tent nervously. Looking at myself as best I could in the tiny facial mirror on my desk. I tried to imagine myself outside naked, as if that might inoculate me to the embarrassment, but it didn’t work. As the night wore on, I eventually swallowed and reached to undo my robe. Even in the safety of my tent it felt bizarre to shed my clothes. But there I found myself looking at my nude body. Pinching at myself, worried about how I looked. Even then, alone, I was trying to hide my own body from my own judging gaze until I forced myself to show off my body to the mirror. Craning my body and head to keep an eye on myself from all angles.

I blushed and as I pretended to sit down and work, to test how it felt with the lack of modesty. The feeling ended up getting me hard as I sat on the wooden stool. The taboo of this all proved betrayingly exciting.

Shameful, I shouldn’t think like this, deviant thoughts were no good!

“This isn’t that weird…p-plenty of cultures embrace nudism…” I repeated softly to myself as I stood up again and tried various poses in the mirror. “Perfectly normal…” I said as if I was repeating a prayer. “Nothing strange about being naked…nope…”

I bit my lip as I began to squat down, slowly, knees bending as my eyes locked on my flaccid cock in the mirror. Watching it hang as my ass grew lower to the ground.

I had to try to resist, but I couldn’t. I let out a soft moan of excitement.

And a chill of excitement flooded me as I heard a deep groan of approval milliseconds after I did it. Powerful, masculine, deep. Responding to my own from somewhere not at all too far.

I let out a gasp of shock, looking around to find myself alone and still safe in my tent. Motionless, locked in place, back arched, butt still out I bit my lip as I heard the deep groan. Confirming to me I hadn’t imagined it. I heard it coming from my side as I squat over my bedroll. Swallowing I lifted an eyebrow hearing the deep groans coming from a slight distance outside the canvas wall.

Already so squat to the ground my fingers carefully lifted the bottom edge of the tent up from the ground to locate the source of the sound.

And there I found it, across the dark, dirt road by the same hut was the white thick mane of hair and clay fur of the bull from before. Leaning against what I could only assume now was his hut, beneath the covered section.

His furs were gone, and his fist was wrapped around a meaty, cock. Massaging and jerking up and down as he relaxed against his hut, eyes on the deep purple sky. His flared head flexed and in the faint light of only a single lamp I could see the glisten of precum dribble from the head. In the dim I could see the pair of hanging, fat orbs, gently swaying as he stood hooves in the mud. Groaning as his hand stroked up, fingers massaging against the ridges of his flare before sliding back down. The bull, was masturbating, right outside, in the open, enjoying himself in the dark!

I let out a soft yelp and dropped the flap of the tent, looking away in shame, palms to the ground as I still sat in my squat. Swallowing as I heard another soft grunt. My heart pounded, my throat grew dry. I heard him groan again.

Why not watch? It’s not like he could see me, and besides…am I not here to study them, when is the next time I will get a good look at this anatomy? A voice bounced around inside my head.

My eyes flicked over to the flaps of my tent. Easier to see from, closer to the bull. I could feel my tongue run against my teeth as I slowly stood my body up. Walking my naked form across the dimly lit interior of my tent. Reaching the flap I made myself thin and eased the flaps open, eyes shooting open as I was met with the blatant display of bovine sexual anatomy. This white maned bull grunted, his thick, powerful legs pushed his immense weight into the mud.

He was so much taller than me, so much broader!

Slowly, hands gripping the flap as I pried it open an inch or two to watch, I slowly lowered myself back down again, squatting down, shrinking myself even more as I watched his muscular arm grip the fat mass between his thighs. His fist squeezed when it reached the thick medial ring of his inhuman dick and easing when it reached the flare. It was rhythmic, again and again, up and down, my eyes watched eagerly. My hands gripped the flap harder, I pressed it into my lips and nose like it was some blanket on a bed I was desperately hiding behind.  It was then, as I clutched the flap and watched that the bull let out a deep sigh, and stood, taking his hand off the cock and took deep breaths, staring in frustration at the sky as he paused to take a break. And I felt myself leap out and whine silently in my own head.

No, don’t stop, I only just started watching! I cried out in my head.

He stared at the dark purple sky for a moment as I felt my weight shift on my legs and I leaned forward. Arching my back and gritting my teeth. As if staring into his side might put him under my influence. Silently begging him to continue. Eyes fluttering wantingly.

And just like that, I was in front of him, on the damp dirt of the covered part of his hut. My eyes flickered shut for a moment as I imagined the fantasy encounter. “Don’t stop!” My fantasy ghost begged him “I need to see this finish, this is the closest cock I have got to see yet.” My ghostly self begged. I felt myself arching forward, for real. My hands coming down onto the grass inside my tent as I arched my ass up and back as if I was really doing it, puppeteering my ghost as he bent over for this bull. Between my thighs, my ass, my tight pink hole, sitting above my subtle hanging balls. “I’m no woman mister bull but, imagine my body as one! Will that help?” My ghost offered to the unresponsive minotaur. The image was far too powerful now and joined in with my ghost self as I moaned quietly, feeling my eyes roll in delight as I felt my ass wink in firm squeezes. Imagining those huge eyes admiring my ass.

Was I really thinking this? This wasn’t a fantasy any guy should ever have! Echoed somewhere in my head, disbelieving. But he was suddenly drowned out by the excitement of seeing this white haired bull grip his cock again with a smile, massaging it playfully. My eyes rolled again and I moaned, grinning as I got drunk on the fantasy that he was standing behind me, staring at my tight pink ass and massaging his gigantic cock. That I was the source of this returning excitement. I felt a dribble of precum escape my prick, falling to the grass.

The bull shifted and looked around his area slowly taking a careful seat on one of his thicker sawhorses. Sitting as he held his cock and massaged it. I groaned and sat up, up too, gasping as I ran my two fingers across the half exposed head of my cock which got a moan from me. Losing myself for a moment I began to ride my ass up and down, slowly, shaking my ass in the tent as if my ghostly fantasy self was really showing off for this bull. I’d sit down against him, and when I did I swore I could almost feel the warm, firm muscle of his bovine thighs as if my hand gripped it and I squat in his lap. A tongue hanging from my mouth I imagined the flared tip of that bovine head prodding against my anus. His hand was back on track, squeezing and massaging his cock. Back to enjoying himself.

Enjoying himself! Gods I wish I was really there!

Oh Gods no! This can’t be real, this is shameful! No, I can’t have this fantasy! Some part of my mind squealed out. No more, this is already wrong enough! Have you no shame, doing such a degenerate thing Alfied Brandt!

I clamped my eyes, feeling my ghost as his ass was pushed open by a probing penis, sliding inside in my fantasy. I let out a moan, and heard him let out a bellowing moan. My eyes shot open, and I saw as the bull was tense, gripping his cock and his sawhorse as thick, heavy ropes of cum spurt out in straight, aimed shots directly into the dirt as the bull groaned, each pulse strong but growing weaker.

It all boiled over and I gasped and watched with heavy breaths as my limp penis dribbled soft weak strings of my ejaculate into the grass between my feet. My ghost revelled! My mind spun as I realised that my lucky ghost would be sitting right there as this handsome bull spurt thick ropes of his cum all over his ass. My eyes rolled again, I moaned loud, loud enough for the bull’s ears to prick. I let out a gasp, as if in slow motion his head began to turn around to look toward me. I let go of the flap of my tent, letting it fall closed. And then I promptly fell off balance, ending up on my right thigh as I stumbled away from the flap.

There was a shameful moment where I laid there on the grass inside my tent on my right ass-cheek, biting into my wrist as I watched my subtle penis dribble spurts of my cum onto my thigh. My orgasm continued to shiver across me as I desperately tried to stay silent and hope the bull hadn’t seen me.

After a few minutes of heart pounding silence I heard the terrifying sounds of heavy hooves pushing into the soil and damp dirt of the road. For a terrifying moment it sounded like it was getting closer but soon the hooves thundered against wood and I heard the sound of a door shift close, and the sounds of eerie silence as I laid unceremoniously with cum cooling on my thigh.

The fear quickly turned to shame, and then revulsion. I looked at myself and felt a nauseating feeling of disgust rise up in me. I shivered and slowly pushed myself up, shaking my head and meekly finding a rag. With some water from my cask I wiped the mess of my thigh with a sigh. Catching a look at myself in the tiny mirror again. My face turned bright red and I looked away. Unable to bear to see myself.

Had I really just lost control like that? And what was I even fantasising about? That was disgusting! What kind of pathetic guy thinks about that sort of thing? Honestly, disgust and shame felt too good for me, somebody should slap me. These kinds of fantasies were freakish, unnatural, sinful, I couldn’t ever think about them again! I sat silently on my bedroll as I rested my chin on my knees. Staring at my discarded robe sitting on my bag, but then the panic of me remembering I had to walk outside naked tomorrow slowly boiled up and I wrenched away. Looking instead at the tiny flicking tongue of flame inside my lantern glass. Letting myself sink into that. How long was I staring at that lantern, trying to disappear into it? I didn’t want to do anything else, I didn’t want to think. Every time I tried to think the thoughts just turned to a silent abusing and accusing voice within me I felt the threats of tears bubble at the corner of my eyes before I blinked them away.

I was so ashamed of myself. Ashamed of Alfie, ashamed of Alfie’s thoughts, ashamed at me. I let out a deep shaky sigh. Squeezed my toes and shimmied until I lazily fell onto my side on the bedroll. Somewhere inside my mind I could hear it chiding me still, like a disappointed mother or something listing out mercilessly the countless freakish things I had just done.

I didn’t want to think about what I had done, I just closed my eyes and pretended again, lost myself in a fantasy. A fantasy where ghost Alfied didn’t do what he just did, where he didn’t have these thoughts that crept up, where he was less of a shameful freak.

I fell asleep some time after.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt

(Left Side Chapter art by the lovely and always helpful Xehmi!) and (Right Side Chapter art by the talented Gabiszon!)

So we’re finally getting a good start into the story, and making good progress after months of waiting! I should say as a general warning from this point on the chapters start to get a lot beefier. This is the longest chapter yet I believe but they are getting much much larger from here. I am hoping everybody is enjoying, the response this story has been getting is great, I’m honestly in disbelief so many are so interested in this dumb story! As with all erotic stuff like this really the whole reason it exists is because my kinks and fetishes never seem to be getting the attention so really I am just willing more art and more porn of my story to come into being, so having so many agree and be such fans, it just warms my little heart!

Anyway as I mentioned on my Twitter the other day, I am going to be sweeping back through the the last chapters to polish up any grammar flubs, typos or formatting fuck ups so if the chapters appear to have shuffled around when you go back and read them it, that’s the explanation. My plan currently is to go back every five chapters to sweep up any mistakes I find in the previous five chapters. I do of course edit these things and proof read them but there’s only so much editing one pair of eyes can do unfortunately. Stuff slips through thats just the unfortunate reality of a one man show. If you do happen to find anything like typos or mistakes feel free to message me here or on twitter or something and I’ll get it fixed up as fast as I can.
I have a discord now as well! AlfieBrokenRockTribe#4206 Hit me up if you have any questions, and if you have any good smut focused discords! Always looking for more of those to spread the good word of Tribe Broken Rock into 😉
Added a Reddit account too! I am thinking of starting to upload Broken Rock there also as Reddit does an okay job of formatting, and I will be normally sharing my art from my artists on there anyway! If you are a reddit type follow me, and if you know any please give me some relevant subreddits to share A Tribe Called Broken Rock onto, I am sure theres plenty of good writing and furry erotica reddits that would love to read it, I am just having trouble finding any!
Anyway we’re still nice and on schedule, Chapter 6 should be coming out same time next weekend, currently the writing is about four chapters ahead. So we have a comfortable lead.As always make sure to give the artists some love, without them Broken Rock wouldn’t be nearly as much fun and if I can be so bold, if this is your first time here please fave or share the story around! Follow me here or on twitter! It really helps me gauge the reach of stories and such! And it helps grow everything along! Momentum builds momentum!
Thank you all so much as always, and see you next weekend!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.