Chapter 04: Welcome to Broken Rock


Much has happened today, it is very late here and I am exhausted. But fulfilled! I am excited to report that I have arrived and settled my affairs in the beautiful tribe called Broken Rock! I am here at last! After days of hiking for hours and aching feet I am finally here!
I woke early this morning and got a head start and as I suspected it was smoke I saw on the horizon. Little columns from the dozens of hearths and bonfires across the village. I got to a decent position of height and was relieved to see this teeming mass of huts and shifting figures by the lake basin! The trees of this humid place thin out toward the village, it appears nestled in by the lake and some decently sized cliffs. The cliffs appear jagged over the top leading up a rather aggressive and sharp looking singular peak which appears to tower over the township. If I had to guess this is the titular Broken Rock of this town’s fame?
Some further walking and I was approaching the town. Of note is what I observed to be the elderly remnants of what I assume was once a log and stone palisade around the town. I observed what I think was several broken arrow shafts dug into the logs. They were very old, if I had to guess; these walls once served a more active role in defending this village when the threat of attack was much higher. Perhaps during these clan wars? Who knows, all I know is these walls appear to be of much less importance now. They look like they haven’t been seriously maintained in a very long time, parts of this palisade look like they are vanishing into the green nature that is biting at the edge of this tribe. Oddly beautiful in a way, seems a noble enough death for something like that, left in peace, never needed again.
This tour as I approached the opening gate area brings me to the next most momentous event today. My first ever meeting, sighting, whatever you wish to call it with an honest to Gods Minotaur! And how…immense was it!
If I had to guess he was probably a guard. Standing nearby he stopped me, he held a rough looking iron axe  and stood at an imposing height. I can’t say for sure what it was but I am five foot four inches and I was only up to the very bottom of his…immense pectoral muscles. His biceps were a significant fraction of my total body width. His body was covered in short brown fur. A long messy mane of dark brown hair hung over his green eyes. He wore some rough and rudimentary iron armour pieces on his body strapped to his muscular body. His clothing was particularly spartan however, his body was exposed, shoulders and some parts of his chest covered but his massive bovine thighs and hooves were visible as was most of his chest. Thankfully furs covered his shame between his thighs, well most his very immense shame, I had to pry my eyes away from the two very large masses of dark brown leather that I could just so slightly see hanging from the edge of the fur.
His response wasn’t entirely aggressive. He did seem suspicious and confused by me but I imagine that is his job. After I explained to him my purpose and showed him some scrolls he was inclined to believe my story. I think he was more shocked that I could speak his language. I wonder if that was an uncommon thing. I have Lady Matilda to thank for that, It took some more negotiating with a second guard with a club and lighter black fur. Whom I can only assume was his superior.
The second minotaur asked me to wait while he went off to get more information, I was worried but some time later he returned and welcomed me in, saying that the chieftain wanted to see me immediately to greet me. I was shocked, I wasn’t aware how much was going on, how much was known. I can’t help but wonder if Lady Matilda has continued writing to him or some such.
I made my way through the town, in the shadow of this club wielding guard. That walk alone was a bizarre trip. I could feel my heart racing, each step was more nervous. This was truly it, I had arrived in the tribe of Broken Rock. I wasn’t sure what to expect on my way here but it felt so shocking regardless. So much sensory overload! My eyes flew around at everything, drinking in every inch of this mysterious culture. Making mental notes, cursing that I wasn’t writing down things as I saw them.
Their homes were mostly log, wood and mud, the larger structures had stones on their bases. All sorts of shapes and colors. A mess of buildings that looked huddled around each-other with these wide dirt roads between them. Gods! There was just so much to see, banners with intricate patterns that were strung by doors or to poles of wood, maybe flags? They surely had meaning, I have to make a note to study and record all these details, it’s just too much for me to list out here and I am sure there is far more detail and purpose to these things I will need to learn. The members of the tribe walked the roads between these buildings and they all stared and looked at me, no doubt wary or curious about this newcomer. Bulls of all different shapes and sizes, and more interestingly, women! Human — and scattered between them Elf — women all with long or short hair, very little clothes. Most were totally naked, many just wore simple furs or hanging coloured flags over their womanhoods. All of them wore nothing to cover their breasts though…and many of these women were deeply pregnant, most of them I should even say. Again I must resist the urge to digress, there is so very much I saw that simply can’t leave it here in a mess of paragraphs, I must find time to make entries for all these things. That is my purpose here after all, to focus, and record their culture.
Perhaps I’ll make a habit of listing out any of the details I learn that aren’t important enough to digress on, every so often!
Finally we reached the Chieftains home. The thing was a massive long-house. With wooden floors and huge log and plank walls. A tall reaching roof with ornate cross-beams. Around it was what seemed to be a small village all it’s own, of smaller huts, all of them however were much nicer looking than most of the tribe it seems. An effect of the superiority of the chief I am sure.
If the other minotaurs had been immense then the Chief of this place was his own element. I had suspected that might be the case but seeing is another thing entirely. The chief was taller, wider, harder bodied. He wore next to nothing bar his own furs for modesty and what looked to be a coloured sash over his shoulders. His horns were adorned with fabrics tied to them, around and over the dented mass. He had a dark auburn coat of fur and deep red eyes. I tried to count how many scars dotted his chest and thighs but it might just be an impossible task.
He looked older than the other bulls I had seen, and his gut seemed wider, heavier than the tight abs I had seen so far. Age perhaps, or ease, maybe both.
A hearth burned in the middle of this room and the chief sat on what looked to be a tree stump carved into a great throne, adorned with sharp rocks as ornery. And surrounding him were a great deal many more women, every single one was in some stage of pregnancy. I can only guess these were all his wives. They either sat by the fire and lounged, spoke to each other or tended to tasks around the massive house. I had been told by Lady Matilda that female minotaur were much much rarer, and that many human and elf women did live among their tribes from the periods where their borders were closed. But for some reason it shocked me, an odd contrast, so many humanoid women around these huge bulls. I wasn’t expecting to see so many of them and so few female minotaur.
Chief Hulbrik Quartzpick, that was his name. He was fierce looking, intense, he could probably snap me in half as easily as he could pick me up. However he was warm enough. Friendly, I was pleasantly delighted to hear him be so inviting. I wasn’t expecting that. He said he was glad to see me, and that he was glad to hear of my quest to study his people. His voice was booming, like the great beast he was, but he spoke rather concisely, as if he had been educated quite well.
“My people, my clans, we have many stories and so very much blood and sweat has gone into making this tribe. It deserves to be heard, it deserves to be recorded. The world should know of my people.” He said.
He offered me food and drink but I declined. He just wouldn’t have it though, the women bought me food anyway. After hours of hard hiking in the heat, honestly a heavy meal was the last thing on my mind, but I did catch on that it wasn’t so much about me being hungry, it was about me being an amicable guest. In order to be polite I relented, and he seemed delighted.
So we sat by his hearth and I ate what I can only assume was mutton. It was a very fatty very tough meat that was charred. And I sipped once or twice at this acrid and intolerably boozy drink. Staying turned out to be wise though. Our brief moment to eat provided an adequate time to discuss the logistic of my stay. Chief Hulbrik informed me that he could not offer me any boarding to sleep in, nor was any available. Apparently it is not in their custom to offer boarding. He did however clear a small place by the palisades of the tribe. Somewhere for me to set up camp and work. I had expected as much, which was a fine arrangement for me as did bring far enough camping supplies and a large tent. Food and drink however was more complicated.
Apparently, which worries me, there is no way for me to buy food, they don’t have butcheries or stalls here to buy meats. Food must be gained, very little food was traded here. I expressed concern at this and he chuckled. “Perhaps it’s not that way where you come from, but if a bull wants meat, he gets it himself.” When I informed the chief I was not a bull, he chuckled again and said “No, I don’t think you are bull material at all Mister Alfied Brandt.”
Apparently fish can be bartered for by the lake docks some distance up the lake shore where the fisher clans stay, and many clans do, and some herbalists will often trade for tubers and roots. But if I wanted good meat and vegetables I had to hunt it or grow it myself. Thankfully that option was there, I was relying on the supplies of metals, gems and fabrics I bought to barter for food to last me for the stay, but it seems if relying on this will only really give me a meagre supply of food unless I want to walk around to the fishing docks every day or two to get more fish. Thankfully I have rations to last me a few more days, I will need to figure out how to feed myself this stay. Now that I know the situation it’s got to become a priority.
I asked for his assistance going on for my studies and offered him the gifts I had bought as thanks. He seemed delighted and cordial and said he would do everything within his power to assist my studies where he could, but “If it’s the tribe you wish to learn more of, the tribe will have to accept your requests, not me. I know enough about your culture, where you come from, but my kin will likely need more persuading to accept you.” He mentioned. “This land has been in war for many years, many clans do not accept outsiders so readily.”
With that I said my goodbyes, his guard led me to the spot the chief had designated for my camp. Exhausted as I was, I had to spend my afternoon setting up camp. Preparing my tent and a campfire, my bedding, my sparse rugs for flooring over the grass, my travel desk and books. It took the rest of the afternoon but even still my tent is a mess, my books are simply in a pile and my things strewn about. I need so very much more for a comfortable camp worthy of spending several months here and I simply couldn’t carry any more. It was almost too heavy to carry just with my things and the travel desk, and as I sit here writing this days events it’s occurred to me how inadequate this desk will be, perhaps it would be wise to see if there is some kind of simple woodworker I can find to barter for even some basic amenities, it would make this stay far more comfortable.
But that is another day’s concern. I am exhausted and the evening is getting on. My cot calls for me.
At last however I am here, I can finally begin my work studying this tribe! It’s people, and it’s ways!
Now all that’s left is to figure out where to start…

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

(Chapter art by the talented Gabiszon!)

Everybody say hello the new swathe of readers we got over the weekend! I told you I would have chapter 04 out this weekend. And because I really did feel that bad about keeping you all waiting for so long I’m happy to introduce the first page of “Alfie’s Scraps” Which you can think of just as a very simple intermission chapter, a fun little single page of micro writings with doodles by yours truly to fill in some fluff and background lore that didn’t really fit anywhere else. You can expect these about once every two or three chapters. You can by and large skip them if you don’t care because they’ll never be story relevant, but I think they’re a fun way to add in just a little bit more fun and sexy anecdotes when they otherwise wouldn’t fit!

As for Chapter 05, again I feel like I might be stressing this but I am incredibly far ahead with the writing part of the story, the art is usually what is the bulk of the waiting. So as the art is mostly done for chapter 05 I will say expect the next chapter sometime next weekend. I’ve given all my new readers a glut of stuff to digest so I don’t want to swamp them with a giant pile of homework, I just want to reward them by giving them a big update!
 Anyway, thank you all so much, as always make sure to follow me on Twitter if you want to keep touch with my updates and whereabouts. As always please make sure to give the artist some love, this story wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them lending their pens to my work!

Thank you all for the read!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.