Chapter 03: Lady Matilda


Gods these robes! Why was this what I was to wear, couldn’t they have given me something breezier or something? Ugh!

Today was an easier hike, less to climb up, but today has been the most humid day of all. The sun just boiled me and the plants around me, and the river. I have done nothing but sweat like a pig all day. I must smell awful…

The greenery on this leg of the trip has been thicker. The plants here are lush, healthy and green, they are clearly used to a lot of rain. I wouldn’t exactly call it a jungle or a tropical area. But certainly sub-tropical. Maybe there’s a swamp or a mangrove nearby. Who knows.

The old books we have on this land to the north-east  say that there is supposedly a desert very far north. That this lush forest inclines back down to a dry plain and the dry plains become shifting dunes. The plains and that desert are supposedly where the other two great Minotaur tribes are, The tribe of Grasswind and the tribe of Dune Shifts. Not sure how much I believe that but I can’t say it would surprise me. Some sailors say they have seen a desert on the northern tips of the continent after all.

The good news is that I must be near the end of my journey. I can see on the horizon the river climbing uphill, it looks as if it were a basin, surely I am getting closer to the lake, that’s got to be what that means.

Part of me wishes Lady Matilda was here, she could do something amazing like put her nose to the wind and find the lake exactly. Or follow the soil to find a lake. I talk up her abilities but truly she can do stuff like that, she spends most her days reading books and learning great swathes of things. She doesn’t let on much but I can’t shake that she’s quite storied, how else would she have developed skills like that.

My thoughts had been on Matilda quite a bit today. I once again thought about tossing away the page about my sodomy…but I remember Lady Matilda showed me her own journals, where she described in detail even the embarrassing and less glamorous going’s on. Her period for one, and a night of intense sexual inter course she had with a man she met while traveling the desert coasts of the south-western continent of Alquaren.

I must keep it, I think about tossing it away and then I think about Matilda’s disapproving face picking up that page and unfurling it. Telling me not to hide my shame from the reader, to be honest in my journal. Honesty is what my instructor demands, and I won’t refuse her wisdom. I admire Lady Matilda too much to ignore her wisdom.

I wonder if that night before I began this journey. When I stood by her classroom with my valuables she had agreed to watch while I was gone if I had the courage and the honesty to say what I wanted if she would’ve agreed. She was wearing just a beautiful thin slip over her heavy, mature breasts, the gown clung to her wide hips and over her round ass. I could see her nipples pressing against the bed-wear. Her soft lips moved as she spoke and her blue eyes felt like they moved in slow motion. There was always something about her hair too…dark brown like mine, bobbed and cut neat and perfect. She cut her hair shorter like the nobles did, short and neat, professional looking. I wonder if she was not just a Lady by qualification but a lady by blood too?

I close my eyes and I swear I can see the gentle contours of her mature pussy outlined on the gown. I stared at her body and said my “goodbyes” and “thank yous” nervously as she smiled at me. I wanted to tell her how much I admired her and how much I wanted her. I wanted to ask if we could have sex that night, just in her bed for a few hours. I remember thinking how if I stayed and had sex with her that meant I was at the college bright and early. How convenient it would be if we had sex, not just how good it would feel. As if I could persuade her to let me between her legs with logic and rationale…how foolish.

I wanted her so badly…I admire my instructor so much, I don’t care if she’s older than me. Lady Matilda has been nothing but kind and loving for me, encouraged me to follow my emotions, taught me, comforted me when I cried. I would call her a second mother to me, because she really is, but I feel ashamed to admit that because calling her a mother puts question into my sexual urges for her.

How’s that for honesty Lady Matilda? This admission is almost two years coming. These feelings about you are as honest as my thoughts get about you. I wonder if you know already how I feel. After all, you let me sketch you nude for my anatomy class. When I close my eyes I can still see you standing in your dress under-suit, half naked, the way the tip of your tongue gently touched the top of your mouth as you smiled and opened your legs for me, showing me your pussy. I nearly broke down into orgasm just from that! The whole experience was so erotic that you had to know how I felt about you, surely. Right?

That night I was in her rooms she gave me a gift for my journey. A small Arcane ink kit. I have taken it out of my pack and stared at it a dozen times these last few days. It’s probably the most expensive thing I own now. And it’s a gift from her. So she and I can share letters instantly. She asked me to write to her with any doubts or thoughts, I thought about writing her tonight. But I won’t, I will save this precious ink for more important letters. For times when I really need to hear her thoughts. I am sure such nights will be coming soon.

I think I understand why Lady Matilda is such a fan of journal keeping like this. It’s been a few minutes since I was writing, I shed my robes and took a cool bath in the river to wash the sweat off. My mind is more at ease now

Writing down my thoughts like this is like a delayed confession. Admitting something on these pages feels powerful and impactful, but in reality I know it will be months, maybe even a year before somebody else reads this.

The thought, it seems so harmless now but just as final. I am reading my admission of feelings and lust for Lady Matilda and there’s a weight to it of course, but it feels like the thought is liberated from my head at last, like it isn’t boiling away. That in some small way, it’s already been said, even though it will be some time before she sees it and knows. Plus I don’t have to be there to see if she rejects me.

Anyway, my eyes are locked on the horizon now. Against the crystal clear dark purple of the night, between the creamy smears of stars and planets, I swear I can see ghostly little puffs of smoke. Maybe I am imagining it, but it certainly feels like I am close to Broken Rock. Here’s to what is I hope my final night camping.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

(Chapter art by the lovely and patient Momma Uni!)

Good. Grief.
I am really sorry to all of my followers and readers, there was a hitch on my end and I had to get some help with the art for this chapter after things suddenly fell through with one of my other artists. But it’s all good now! I again cannot express how sorry I am this took so long, I was not expecting it to take a month to get to chapter 3, I am really frustrated with myself that its sat this quiet. I really do urge you if you are a fan and want to keep up with this to follow me on twitter, I will try to in future keep my updates there as to what is going on with Broken Rock’s progress. Nonetheless the good news is that it is smooth sailing from here! The next chapters are all fairly ready and organised and their art is already finished and ready so the next couple chapters should come out quick. I actually plan, as penance for taking so long, to have chapter 4 come out in a day or two on the weekend so after keeping you all waiting a month for an update my apology is two chapters updating this week. Again the chapters for this story are actually far far ahead of the upload and usually what I am waiting on for an upload is the art. So if the art is done for a chapter we can pretty typically just go on ahead straight away.Anyway, thank you all so much, as always make sure to follow me on Twitter if you want to keep touch with my updates and whereabouts. As always please make sure to give the artist some love, this story wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them lending their pens to my work!

Thank you all for the read!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.