Chapter 17: Morning After

The expression, slept like a log, came to mind. I stirred briefly in the morning, whining softly until I felt the warm reassuring hard muscled arm of my lover wrap around my waist and cuddle me. I fell back asleep quickly as I nuzzled the warm chest beside me.

Though even the deepest sleeps ended and it seems as if we didn’t raise till late morning. I groaned and stretched my limbs to satisfying cracks. Lightly kissing Kait’s chest as he sighed softly. I didn’t move I just kept cuddling and kept my eyes closed as I tried to desperately wrestle for more sleep. But Kait chuckled and gently pat my rear. My eyes opened and found his looking down at me admiringly. I smiled back up at him and offered his hard chest another kiss.

“You know it’s hard to get out of bed when there’s a cute human boy curled up on me like a cat.”

“I’m not purring yet.” I shot back tiredly.

Kait chuckled as he stretched. “Looks like my brothers let me sleep in. I can hear them working out there. That does mean I gotta make myself useful though.”

“Do you gotta?” I whined and massaged his chest.

“Uhuh, I do.” Kait grinned giving my butt a squeeze as he shifted me off him, sitting up in his bed with a noisy stretch.

“I do need a bath though, a nice hot one.” He commented. And suddenly as I laid naked in his bed I felt the stickiness and itch on my body. As if I was suddenly now aware of how dirty I was. “So do I…” I giggled softly.

Kait tiredly stretched and stood up hooves to the floor. “Well, come on then you. Up you get, let’s go make a bath then.” He smiled, offering his hand to my tired body, before he chuckled and forced his fingers to tangle with mine so he could pull me.

“Okaaay okaaay!” I whined playfully, giving Kait a grin. My freshly woken heart throbbing as I let myself be pulled up, shifting my feet into the sandals as we held hands and walked out the door of the hut.

As Kait had said some of his brothers were already at work, it seemed smoke billowed out of the kiln I had seen Celica and the girls cleaning. And back and forth the Clayrend brothers walked. Carrying clay bricks on wooden plates back and forth to sit them out to bake in the sun.

Kait waved and them and they waved at him. And with that he smiled at me, brushing his black hair out of his eyes and leading me along the decks of the huts, toward one made of wooden beams and logs rather than the brick I had gotten used to. He shifted the door open and revealed a dim area. A small standing structure of smooth beige clay, round in shape. Stone bricks on the floors that sunk into pits where Kait took split logs and tossed them in.

I had seen Thean’s half barrel bath which was quite primitive, but this seemed purpose built, far more complex. There was even tall raised barrels of their own that I realised was a water reservoir. Kait turned the spigot and slowly water noisly splashed into the tub. A thing that could probably fit two and a half of me in it. The barrels, I noticed were fed via rainwater from the gutter of the roof.

Kait disappeared before returning back with a burning length of wood. Easing it into the pit and dusting his hands with a sigh, leaning on the tub as he looked at me. “Used to be our old kiln, but it got too small, so dad and Kalden reshaped it into a bath and built the bigger one out there.” Kait gestured.

“See if you can hunt down Jeena for some towels and a washcloth I will keep and eye on this while it heats up and fills.” Kait smiled and I obliged, walking back out into the sun. Walking the length of the villa until I found Jeena in the handwife dorm reclined on a rug with some cushions as a baby calf, one I recognised as Kalden’s nursed quietly on one of her breasts.

She smirked at me as I came in. Giving me a little wave and a gesture to be quiet.

“O-oh! My apologies Mrs Jeena.” I whispered, watching the calf. “I can…come back later?”

She shook her head and smiled “Did you need something Alfie?” She whispered back.

“Me and Kait need…towels was all.”

She smiled and gestured over to a simple wooden cabinet in the corner. Where towels were neatly stacked. Simple thick unsealed linen lengths. I smiled and took a pair and what looked to be an old washcloth. Heading back out I heard Jeena giggle softly. I looked back at her over my shoulder and she simply smirked.

“Tell Kait I like your new tattoo.” She purred gently. Running her hand gently through the fur of the calf.

I offered her a blush and a nod making my way back over to the bath hut. Seeing Kait turning the spigot off to stop the water flow and stirring the bath with a tall wooden ladle. The room was already warming up and Kait smiled as I stepped back over. Dipping my finger in, lukewarm already.

Once again Kait sat and cleaned his hooves with cold water and a hard bristled brush. I watched curiously as we waited for the water to heat up.

“Seems an awful pain to constantly be cleaning your hooves.” I commented to Kait, who smiled and shrugged.

“I don’t mind it. It’s a little tedious sure but it means I don’t have to worry about shoes like humans and elves do.”

Finally steam began to ease off the water surface it was warm. Kait used a stoker to even out the burning wood and with that and some stray dry sprigs of what I could only assume was an herb. Kait climbed slowly into the tub with a sigh, muscular butt soaked as he gestured me in.

I smiled and joined him in the water. Letting out a loud delighted moan as I felt the hot water on my thighs and feet.

The tub was wide, but with me and Kait in here it was far snugger than it looked. I shifted myself in the water, looking over to find my bovine lover approaching, shimmying up to me, thighs to my body. Ladle in hand, he smiled and eased the hot water over my chest and arms and massaged me firmly. I could feel the sheer adoration in his gaze as he did so.

I let out a delighted shiver, opening my arms wide as I let Kait wash me. Taking the washing rag and using it on my arms.

But soon I found him pushing me gently against the side of the bath. I felt the heat of his testicles on my own. Hot and swollen off his body in the warm water, his sheathe swollen with blood as he pressed against me. Cleaning me intimately as he smiled at me, ringing the cloth over the side of the bath. I didn’t even think of resisting. I couldn’t imagine wanting this intimate moment to stop. Our eyes met, I offered Kait a quiet moan and he reciprocated with a kiss, gently pressing his tongue to mine as he held me.

“Hey.” He whispered softly. I looked up at him, smiling and almost feeling dizzy with how much my heart throbbed just looking at him. “Hey.” I said back softly to him.

“How do you feel?” He whispered with a smile, putting the wash cloth down and running his hands through my face, washing and wetting my hair.

“How do you mean?” I grinned up at him.

“Come on, last night was a big night for you.” He said with a soft kiss on my cheek. “You had sex with a bull last night, remember?” He teased gently to me. “This is your first morning as a cute gay boy.”

My face was already red from the hot water but it probably got darker as I giggled and nodded, understanding. “Oh yeah, I certainly did have sex with a bull last night, didn’t I?” I teased massaging my hands over his hard shoulder muscles with a murr of delight.

“So, how do you feel?” He repeated.

“I feel…” I said pausing for a moment. Thinking, how did I feel?

I felt a lot of things, all at once. So much so the morning since I had woken had been a blur of emotion and thought, so blurred that I kept myself focused on Kait to avoid it. So, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and forced myself to digest the feelings one by one, and explain them to my lover.

“Closer.” I managed out after a pause, looking off over his shoulder at the corner of the ceiling.


“Yeah, to…you, to myself.” I added, eyes returning to his. “It’s…weird, it’s hard to explain…”

Kait pressed his lips to mine and kissed me briefly. “I like weird and hard to explain.” He winked, waiting for me to continue.

“On one hand. I feel uncomfortable. Because you throughly destroyed a…comforting lie I was telling myself.”

“Oh yeah, what’s that?”

I nodded and massaged the hot water into his own chest. Washing him slowly. “That I was…straight…” I chuckled. “Sure since we danced that has been…on shaky ground but. The plausible deniability was there. But not anymore…”

“Is that a bad thing?” Kait smiled caressing my face as he gently grinded his bulge to mine. “As I recall you were quite enthusiastic to have my cock thrusting into your round ass.” Kait teased with a gentle spank on my rear.

“No, but it does mean I really have nothing to hide behind anymore…if somebody ever confronts me about it.”

Kait was holding my hips as he pressed himself gently to me. He made an inquisitive face as he leaned into me. “Why would somebody confront you on that?” He said reassuringly.

“W-well, maybe not here but…back home it’s this…isn’t normal.”

I felt a sudden but caring grasp on my body. Kait leaned in, running his hand against my cheek as he looked firmly into my eyes. “Alfie, It’s normal everywhere.” He whispered. “You, are normal, it’s your home that’s being abnormal, not you.” He said, punctuating his sentence with a smile and a gentle kiss on my lips.

My heart throbbed again in my heart as he held me. There was a sudden shock in my core. My soul had wanted to find a comfortable little hole of misery to wallow in, and his loving hand had yanked that hole away before I had a chance to sink into it. Leaving only the subtle throbs of adoration as I looked up at Kait.

“I know, I’m sorry.” I whispered back to him, giving him a nod as the hot water ebbed around our hips. “I’m just…getting used to things still.”

His hand caressed my face again. “Gotta wonder how such a warm soul like yours came from such a cold place.” He chuckled softly to me, pressing my hips onto his, pulling me up gently by my butt cheeks as he eased himself down to recline in the hot water, with me against him.

The gentle and deep caressing as our hands washed and massaged eachother in the hot water were playful, but they turned more intimate as I kneeled between his bovine thighs in the hot steam rising off the bath. Kissing his lips gently and giggling as he caressed over my round ass. He’d effortlessly made me hard again, my subtle cock stiff between my thighs, joined soon by his own. I looked down seeing the dark black leather of his sheathe parting for the half hard flared bullcock as smirked and opened his legs wider.

I indulged my newfound lover. Kissing his chest and bringing my hands down to gently wrap around his submerged cock, thumbs against the flared tip I gently squeezed and massaged Kait’s penis. Smiling a nervous but playful look up at him as he reclined.

I could feel the hard throbs of his cock as his heart pumped blood to his bullhood. His penis slowly stiffening and hardening. Poking out of the water as it ebbed at the medial ring of his fleshy cock. I looked up at him and he looked down at me with a smirk as I squeezed his cock. Another throb of the heart.

“I…have a favor to ask of you by the way…” I said in between my gentle strokes up and down the top half of his bovine rod.

“Oh yeah?” He chuckled.

“Work on my hut starts soon and well…I am going to need a place to stay for a few weeks while it’s built…”

“Want to move in already huh, you like me that much?” Kait chuckled letting his left arm hang over the back of the tub.

“I-it’s only temporary!” I whined back with an embarrassed look.

Kait chuckled even more, leaning in to kiss the top of my head and running his right arm down my body. “Of course you can stay with me, you cute dummy.” He grinned. “Why would I say no to getting to have you warming my bed?” He teased.

I gave Kait a gentle beam, smiling at him. Giving his cock another gentle squeeze. I was compelled then, as if I was back in Steinel’s room, to bring myself back to practicing my servicing skills. I slowly, carefully eased down. Shifting my ass up out of the water. My lips half an inch from his flare. “Thanks.” I whispered kissing the tip of Kait’s penis, gently wrapping my lips around the tip bringing my tongue to prod and lick gently against the wide dick slit of his cock.

With closed eyes I held his bullhood by the shaft in one hand, gently sucking on the top two inches of his penis. Trying to focus on running my tongue along the ridge of his glans. Feeling a little thrill run the length of my spine as I heard an approving groan from above me.

Slowly I parted my lips from Kait’s cock again, feeling another giggle break out of me as I looked up at him, teasing his dick with my thumb. “I-I have another favor to ask of you…”

Kait bust out into a chuckle and shook his head. “Two in one morning huh? Feeling greedy are you?” He teased with a soft groan.

“Me and Rapps are…going to need some help building the hut. I could…use your set of hands some days to help build it…”

Kait grinned at me, running his hand through my wet hair and shaking his head with a light giggle all his own. “Fiiiiine I guess I’ll help. You’re lucky you’re so cute.” He winked.

I smiled back and my lips found themselves wrapped around his cock again. Sucking more deeply now and letting my tongue trace the little bumps and veins at the first inches of his penis. Bobbing my head subtly up and down. Behind me, rising off the water was my round ass, freshly marked with a red palm on its left cheek. The very mark of a round love heart at the squeezed knees. Only with a limp cock hanging down the middle of it.

Kait gently ran a hand through my hair. Giving the top of my head a gentle little tap with his thumb. “I can see you’re having fun Alfie.” He whispered. “But, I do have to do work you know. I can’t stay in this bath forever, as much as I would like to.”

I whined in protest around his flared as I sucked it.

“Besides, no cum in the bath water, some of the others of my family have to enjoy this too you know. Can’t let this water go to waste. I am sure my brothers want their turn to lounge around in a bath while I do all the work.” He chuckled.

I separated from his cock with a disappointed sigh, looking embarrassed up at him. “Sorry, I…got a little carried away.”

Kait chuckled and shook his head. “Nothing to apologise over. We just have to hit pause until later.” He winked. Hefting his body up until he stood, carefully stepping out of the bath tub, with the water coming cascading off him in little showers as his fur lost the battle to hold surface tension with gravity.

He smiled and helped me out of the water. Smiling as we stood together and toweled off. I dried myself off much faster than him, and so I stepped up and helped towel him off. Smiling as we both looked at eachother and admired eachother’s bodies. Kait helped me dry my hair  as I looked out the door at his brothers walking the length of the dirt courtyard carrying bricks to sun bake.

“What am I going to do for a whole day huh?” I pouted playfully to Kait as he dried my hair. Getting a soft chuckle from him. “You can sit and watch me work if it makes you feel better.” I could tell he was grinning from the tone of his voice.

I stretched my arms over my shoulders as he finished. “Maybe one of these days I should actually watch you work, I could record it. But for today suppose I should go check on Rapps, start preparing to pack my tent back up.” I said, more to myself then go Kait.

“Just come back before sundown.” Kait whispered with a chuckle and a squeeze on my butt cheek.

I let out a giggle and closed my eyes. “And why am I coming back before sundown?” I said back, knowing the answer.

“Because you’re spending the night with me again.” He growled playfully. Giving my shoulder a bite, which got an excited gasp from me and a hard twitch of excitement from my cock.

Kait smiled and plucked my towel off my shoulder, winking to me as he walked out the door of the bath.

Eventually I made my way back to Kait’s hut, plucking my glasses off the bed, the lenses wiping the layer of grime off the world as they worked their magic. Well, bar the cracked lens of course.

Kait was already at work with his brothers as I waved and made my exit. Walking back through the town circle of Broken Rock. The circle was less populated than it normally was. But it was still busy. There was a group of young girls, elf and human, and what I realised looking closer was the green body of a young Orcish girl. They stood wide in triangle playing area marked on the ground with coloured wood blocks at the corners. They were playing what looked to be some kind of ball game where the goal was in the centre of the playing field.

A trio of bulls were noisily arguing about something in the middle of the circle, by the rock in the centre. It looked very animated but not particularly serious.

Eventually though I made my way back to the clanless districts, back to my street. Smiling as I saw Rapps beneath his covered area, working on hewing another log. Behind him there was what looked to be a good half dozen roughly squared hand hewn beams already stacked and waiting neatly.

I noticed Cass was there too, sitting in the steps to the hut and making conversation with Rapps as he worked. She waved at me as I approached, and Rapps smiled and let me inspect the work.

“About half done, after that I still have to do your tiles, square the logs and then saw them, good news is this is softer wood so it will saw easy.” He said. “I’ll make sure to make two as big and as square as I can, like you asked.”

I smiled and Cass spoke up. “A woman came by yesterday evening looking for you, big tall Dark elf girl. She wanted to chat she said, she bought another basket of nails, I left them in your tent.” Cass’ accent was rich, flowing, distinctly Duchy sounding, she did have a very strong grasp on bovinian, probably stronger than mine. Perhaps stereotypical but hearing her accent bought to mind the images of the Duchies, warm balmy wheat fields, castles and villas, fine red wines and sharp white whines with crusty baked goods. My moment of daydreaming was broken at the mention of a Dark Elf though.

“Rainere.” I said with a soft smile. “Shame I missed her, she’s leaving soon I want to see her before she leaves. I’ll make a point to visit her and Steinel soon. Hope she wasn’t disappointed, did it seem like it what she wanted to speak about was urgent?”

Cass shook her head. “It seemed casual enough. I told her the cute southern boy was off being taken by his handsome brick maker boy lover.” She whispered teasingly, which predictably turned me bright pink. “She seemed very understanding.”

I seemed confused at how Cass had known where I was but she grinned and gestured to Rapps. “You should know your neighbour loves to gossip.” She winked.

Rapps chuckled and shook his head as he swung the siding axe and squared off some more. “Oh please Cass, I don’t gossip I just told you where he was because you asked.” He smirked. “If Alfie asked me where you were yesterday, I would’ve told him you were off tangling legs with the tea druid.”

Cass giggled softly, resting her elbow on her soft thigh and her palm against her jaw. Eyes looking at mine. “And there is no shame in that either yes? I think we agree that a girl pressed to another girl in pleasure is a beautiful thing, just as a boy opening his legs for another boy is.” She purred.

My addled mind saw imagined images of Cass and whoever this other woman was against eachother. But the mention again of this tea druid caught my ear. “This tea maker, does she make the lovers tea, I had some of that last night…”

Cass perked up at the word and nodded. “She certainly does, how did you take to the lovers tea! It’s a signature of hers. Did it wisk you away to helpless orgasm and lust? Ahh…to be a fly on the wall as your brickmaker boy took you!” She sighed playfully.

The topic of sex had been so casually broached and there the three of us — well two and a half, Rapps was busy — I realised me and this woman I had only met a few days before were talking about the details of my sexual encounter. A fraction of a conversation this improper back home would have people upset.

It felt oddly liberating to be surrounded by a society who’s views of discussing sex were so, casual, so free.

“I-it’s hard to say, it certainly excited me I could feel a difference but…I had been waiting days for Kait to return and I don’t know how much of my…excitement last night was because of my own body, and how much was the tea.”

Cass nodded curtly “Leila is a master of what she does. The lovers tea is a so very subtle effect, one that excites the mood rather than dominates it. But the red peppermint she uses can very easily intoxicate the mind and body in want for pleasure, if you’re curious you could ask her to make you a more…strong blend.” Cass said with a playful wink.

“P-perhaps!” I said with a lippy, embarrassed smile. “I should like to meet her so I can see her teas though…and to thank her!”

Cass smiled. “Come with me, the day after tomorrow, I am going to visit her and get some more myself. I am sure she would love to meet you.”

“Of course!” I said clasping my hands over my lap.

I turned to look at the tent and then to Rapps who evidently had the same thought in his own mind. “I should be onto the tiles by the next day. So perhaps we begin work building within a day or two?”

I nodded “I need to see if I can visit another friend of mine to ask his favour tomorrow. And I will need to start moving things and be packed up. But sure, maybe the day after tomorrow, certainly this week?”

Rapps nodded.

I heard Cass speak up. “What’s the plan for your things?” I turned to her and shrugged. “We’ll Kait is letting me stay with him, and keep some of my stuff there. But I don’t want to clutter his room with all my furniture, plus it’s quite a bit to walk for all the stuff I don’t need…”

“I can look after it.” Cass smiled and titled her head. “Got some space, and if it’s only for a few days I’m happy to oblige.” She smiled. “Heck, if you want you can even bunk at my hut some nights.”

I smiled and bowed my head. “That would be awfully kind of you Cass, saves me a lot of walking. Is there anything I can offer in return?”

Cass tapped her finger on her lips. “What’s that imperial saying, the fastest way to get to a girls heart is through her stomach?” She smiled.

“I-i’d always heard it was the fastest way to a man’s heart…” I said softly.

Rapps chuckled as he hewed a length of bark and wood. “Honestly I think everybody likes eating. So it works either way.”

Cass smirked and stretched her arms above her head, the soft dark brown tufts of hair beneath her arms on full display and her soft, heavy breasts bouncing against her chest. “Point is” she said, retaking command of the conversation. “Something we used to do back in the Duchies, was build a bonfire and roast and grill meats have hot potlucks of stew…get the whole street together.” She smiled. “So I was thinking, mister lumberjack here can get us the wood. Let’s do that.”

I smiled and nodded eagerly, the thought alone was enough to get my stomach grumbling. Barbecued meat roasted vegetables “that sounds like a great idea! But where do I come in…”

Cass smirked. “Well, not much of an event if we don’t bring meat. And I haven’t had bacon or pork belly in years so…how about I task you with finding us meat, boar perhaps?”

I nodded again, but this time more cautiously “I…agree of course but…I’m afraid I am not one to hunt much…”

Cass nodded “I’ve noticed.” She winked. “But you are a people pleaser, you got a blacksmith to make tools for Rapps. Do you know any hunters?”

I was about to open my mouth in rejection but I nodded quickly. Remembering the tempting lips and soft voice of Dana Woodstend. “I do actually, I’ll speak to her as soon as I can get to her house and let you know what she says.”

Cass grinned. “See? It all works out! We can chat more about the details when we go visit Leila. But I have all sorts of things planned! We organise that, we can consider part of your board and storage paid off.” She said standing up, her toes squeezing in her sandals.

“P-part?” I stammered our as she stood next to me. Her soft finger reached out and prodded gently against my soft dick. Which got a gentle gasp from me. It was testing, she had a careful look in her eyes, as if she was waiting to see if I’d take her hand away. But when I simply turned pink and let her, she continued. Fingering grinding up and down the length of my flaccid prick.

“Well another fast way to a girls heart is between her thighs.” She grinned, playfully. “I’ve only got the one bed Alfie Brandt. I’d love to get you regularly aquatinted with it.” She said biting her lip as she stepped in closer giving my dick a squeeze.

“S-sure!” I squeaked back.

Rapps chuckled at the sight. “Careful with that one Alfie, she’s easy to please but her appetite is never ending.”

Cass shrugged widely and stepped away back toward her hut, swaying her ass cheeks as she walked. “A healthy woman should have a healthier appetite.” She giggled back. “See you soon Alfie!”

I headed into my tent and collected some of my more important things. Ink and books, scrolls and so on, stacking them into a rucksack, one of the few I had used for my long hike. I said my good evenings to Rapps and made my way back to the Clayrend residence.

It was late afternoon, approaching the sunset when I got back. Waving and smiling to all the Clayrends as I moved to Kait’s hut and put my things away with a sigh. Taking my journal and pen out to the deck which in the late afternoon sun was fully bathed in light. Letting my round butt sit to the hardwood I looked out at the open and wide courtyard noticing a hefty portion of it sported lines and lines of mud bricks, still dark and wet, sitting atop dust marked wood tiles. Beginning what was likely days of baking in the sun. In amongst them was Kait, a little black fur figure squat down hefting a hard clay lump to the wooden tile. Adjusting it and then loading another. He was the only Clayrend out there now. Even before then all the work done today made up very little of the space in the court yard. Assuming they were this productive every day they still have maybe seven days of space left to fill with bricks to bake.

It shocked me, how much production and skilled labor this one villa was producing. All without machines or engines. Just food and muscle and family love.

I busied myself noting in my journal, tending to my daily work of pulling memories from my mind and jotting them down so I could make them into more cohesive thoughts for these reports. As the afternoon wore into dusk the villa seemed to fall into an eerie sunbathed quiet. Most of the family it seemed was gone and we were the only two souls awake.

I didn’t even realise Kait had stopped working, and finished up until I peered out the corner of my eye to see his body walking back over.

I held my book and smiled up at him as he grinned at me, diligently brushing his hooves. He was stood on the wooden steps of his porch, his heavy sheathe hung loose atop two heavy testicles, both almost at eye level.

“Kept you working late didn’t they?” I smiled at my lover.

“Only fair, my brothers get to enjoy their wives and I got to work.” He winked.

“Maybe one of these days you could work with me and record what we do here during the day”. Kait smiled.

I concurred and nodded back. “Sure, that could make for a good day. Little busy the next couple days but, I do want to see what it is Kait does when he’s working.” I teased.

“Lot of work and science goes into making bricks you know, I’m not just out there playing with mud.” He chuckled stepping past me and kissing the top of my head.

Kait smiled and stretched his limbs hard, he let out a grunt and a sigh stepping into his hut. Disappearing to only the gentle sounds of his water basin.

The view had, rather perniciously reignited my sexual desire, since staunched from this morning. Like a red ember buried in tinder, it smouldered at first, making it hard to focus on my notes, then it smoked, the images of Kait’s firm body and his hanging bullhood kept me daydreaming a moment while I waited for my ink to dry, but then it caught, my stomach swirling in little loops as I heard the sounds of Kait returning to my side. My hands closing the book and looking back over my shoulder.

I could tell he was up to something by the smirk on his face as he approached me, my eyes drifted down just in time to his hand to see he held my rose oil in his hand. I found his grip on my shoulder, and then my knee as he squat down, plying my knees open to expose my subtle human cock. Stealing a gasp from me as he held me down against the deck of his hut, pressing his heavy bovine testicles to my subtle own. Growling playfully at me as he uncorked the amber and let it glaze his fingers.

“A-ah! K-kait!” I said in surprise with a hard blush clawing across my face. His fingers coming down to press and massage against my tight pucker, massaging the oil into my anus. Getting a loud moan from me as my legs hung open at his hips. “W-what are you doing?”

Kait chuckled and pressed in firmer. Smiling as his sheathed cock swelled and I saw the flared head pushing free slowly of his sheathe. “The work day is done, and there’s a cute little human boy in front of my hut.” He grinned. Slicking his hand with more oil to grip and massage his swelling penis which already dwarfed mine and was still growing and swelling with noticeable pulses of hot blood.

“B-but, w-what if somebody sees!” I gasped out, another moan, toes curled as I watched him massage the oil into his cock.

“So what if they do? The young ones are with the handwives so they won’t see. Nobody else here isn’t themselves an adult animal.” He grinned.

“B-but! W-we-ahhn…we’re…we’re outside!” I gasped. My excuses were weak and born from an instinctual anxiety, as they failed to stop the force of masculine lust, they just sounded more desperate and less coherent.

Kait chuckled as a bead of precum oozed down his now hard shaft from the urethra. “So we are.” He growled playfully adjusting his squat hooves. “Good, I want the spirits and the gods to see me mount and fuck my little Alfie!” He smiled and bought his cock down to prod at my winking anus.

“I want them to see how I turned this cute human into my eager little lover boy.”

There was very little I could do, his fat flat flare prodded tauntingly against my anus, spreading and smearing the oil in with his precum as it pushed deeper and slickened more and more. He had me wrapped around his finger the second those glans pressed against my ass. My dick twitched, leaking its own precum. And slowly, my thighs and legs started to open wider with a gentle moan. Kait grinned and pushed my legs up and open, coaxing them wider and prodding harder. I felt the gentle stretch in the lower muscles of my haunches as he pushed my knees and legs up.

“Mmphh, such an obedient little girl when you want something, aren’t you?” He teased.

I let out a loud moan and rolled my eyes in pleasure. “A-ah…I love it when…I’m called a girl!” I sighed, feeling a bead of precum ooze from my slowly stiffened cork.

The pressure was too much and I was too on, I felt the tight ring of my backdoor ease open carefully as Kait groaned and the slickened first inch of his penis slid inside stretching me open carefully as he sunk down into me. He chuckled at my admission as he helped himself to sinking in another inch. “I know.” he teased.

I grit my teeth and moaned as I weakly limply moved my arm back under my head to keep my poor human cranium from knocking softly on the wood of the deck as I lay there, rolling my eyes in delight as I felt Kait push himself deeper and deeper, stopping only to dribble another bead of oil on his exposed shaft to make the invasion of my ass easier.

There was a profound sense of ease in me as once again Kait invited himself into my body, trying to push his medial ring past but stopping after it proved too tight. I moaned and smiled letting my fingers fall down to the head of my half stiff cock, letting them squeeze and tease the rounded half exposed head of my penis as it poked from my foreskin. His lips caressed mine, brushing against my mouth and giving me a gentle kiss as he started to thrust into my body. Gentle and slow thrusts to get used to the action. I let out a sigh of pleasure as the tension escaped my body.

Somebody I cared about, somebody I might’ve even loved, was making love to me. And as I was learning as a relative newbie to the joys of the world of sex. Feeling somebody like that inside you, gifting and helping eachother to reach orgasm. It had a profoundly positively effect on your mood.

Once he was into the groove, his hands moved, letting my feet rest against the sides of his chest as he thrust into me, one hand gripped under my arm and the other pushed and held his heavy upper body up against the floor by my head.

I felt his lips against mine again, kissing with gentle grunts as he thrusted. He whispered out a quiet “Mphh…how’s that feel, does that feel good Alfie?” He whispered tenderly.

My eyes were closed and I let his thrusts rock my body up and down, I felt the firm shaft of his dick slide in and out of me, pressing against my prostate as I sighed. I managed out a nod and a “I-ahh…feel amazing~” I sung out.

I felt an excited throb in my heart as a though emerged at the back of my mind, and I let it give voice. Cracking open my eyes to see Kait had closed his own, enjoying his penetration between gentle grunts. “Y-you…ahnn…make me feel so good Kait.” I whispered out, fluttering my eyes, I didn’t even have to lie, it was just the truth.

And as I had guessed. I saw a distinct pulse of excitement flood through his veins and crawl onto his face. Pleasure, radiating off him from the encouragement. Kait was excited by that it seems, excited by the idea that he, his body, was bringing such pleasure.

“Unnff…oh yeah? Do I make my little girl feel good?” He asked, it was teasing but I could tell he was excited and he wanted to press the encouragement on, and given the similar flood of excitement climbing down my spine, he was adding on in returned excitement. He wanted more, and he knew just how to make me give him more.

So I obliged my Kait. “Ahhnn! Yes! You make me feel so good Kait! I’m your little human girl Fuck my little boypussy! Look how hard my little clitty is!” I cried out, feeling hard excited throbs between my legs as I improvised in the throws of excitement.

Even so soon, with just two chances to make love we were already learning how to excite the other better.

Kait let out a deep almost desperately excited groan of approval as his thrusts grew harder and faster. He grunted louder and I moaned softer, clamping my eyes shut as I indulged my senses all on my body, my legs and feet wrapping around him.

I had to grip the tip of my penis, massaging it in my thumb and finger, letting go of it made me break down into a tremble as I felt my cock slap against myself with each powerful thrust.

I let out another girlie whine as I felt the squeeze beneath my dick, I trembled, another squeeze as my orgasm threatened to relieve, bounding out from my prostate. Hearing the gentle slick grip of my ass squeezing around the invading shaft.

And just like that I groaned out, and felt it letting go, my hand came off my penis and as it clapped quietly against my lower body, I squeezed my toes as I felt the eager pumps and squeezes of my penis as my orgasm overcame me, thin ropes of cum sprayed out as my dick messily flopped around and flicked my cum over my body.

I felt Kait run his hand along my chest as he let out an excited growl. Thrusting in hard, deep, his medial ring pushing desperately against my anus, but even with the effort, it refused to push in. His cock swelled and bulged and spurting thick heavy cum deep inside, pumping it more and more. I felt my eyes fluttering as a billow of warmth, like a heavy blanket falling gently over my body. Gasps breaking down slowly into gentle breaths of delight, my arms squeezing Kait’s body as he chuckled softly, his lips gently brushing kisses along the top of my forehead.

“How am I going to get any work done with you living with me?” Kait groaned with a relieved sigh, chuckling as he squeezed me and left his cock buried inside me.

“You’re telling me.” I moaned into his fur.

“Who knows, maybe he will be good for your productivity.” A familiar woman’s voice perked up.

My senses were too dulled from orgasm to react but I still groggily looked up along the post to Kait’s deck seeing Jeena Habrieve leaning against the support beam. Her arms beneath her breast.

“Jeena?” I said with a pink face.

Jeena giggled down at me as Kait chuckled and kissed my head. “What’s up?” He grinned at his handwife. “Come to join in have you Jeena?”

I was trying to disappear under Kait in embarrassment as they spoke which seemed to only overjoy Jeena more.

Jeena grinned and giggled, her fingers along her jaw. “I wish.” She purred. “Maybe another night.” She winked, looking at me. “No, I am here to make sure you two lovers eat tonight as well.” She winked. “I can see you’re busy, so I’ll go ahead and bring yours out for you both.” She winked.

Kait smiled, and I couldn’t help but smile up at her from the deck as she stood over and watched Kait cuddle me with his bullhood still deep inside me. “Thank you Jeena, we would appreciate it.”

Jeena smirked and blew a kiss at us as she turned around and walked back toward the other buildings, swaying her ass cheeks gently as she left us alone.

“Does she always sneak up on you like that…” I whispered to Kait with a weak smile and a giggle.

Kait shrugged and smiled “I think she’s just a fan of yours honestly.” Kait said nuzzling into my chest. Rolling his shoulders as he readjusted above me.

I moved to push up but Kait chuckled and pushed down to me, his chest to mine, which got a little “eep!” As he did it.

“Going somewhere?” Kait grinned.


Kait grunted and let his cock thrust in, a noisy splatter of white cum escaped around his cock, pulling another moan from me as he pinned me to the deck.

“Oh god…” I whispered, a smile pulling over my lips as he started thrusting into me again.

Close Ups of Alfie’s Cute Butt by Nugg and the comic is by FoxAndTail

Jesus I have had to rewrite this goddamn footer no joke like five times, So sorry if this is a little brief or rushed.

Make sure to follow me on twitter! For all chapter updates and so on!

Come join our sleepy discord server! All the art is uploaded there as well, I know its annoying to have to do this side thing but this really is the only option for multiple picture sets. If you know good alternatives let me know, I do really need to work on a permanent solution. (HEY LOOK AT YOU, YOU’RE ON THE PERMANENT SOLUTION!)

The Curious Cat is back, make sure to send a question to Alfie and he will answer on twitter and in the scrap chapters!

Please consider supporting the story on Kofi! This story is expensive and I am still only a college student at the moment. So any and all donations help me pay for art to keep these chapters coming out as fast as they can.

And please please please show the artists and collaborators some love! They helped me make this possible, and these guys are so talented it makes me so happy they choose to keep working with somebody like me.

See you guys soon, I have an animation coming this next week or so, not Broken Rock related but I wanted to practice animating a vanilla scene with a girl and well, there’s not many girls in this story lmao or much “vanilla”


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.