Chapter 16: It’s About Time

@tribe_rock || /u/MidnaBlu || @faejunkie

As pleasant as the experience was to wake up cushioned and surrounded by warm flesh and a pillow of heavy breasts. I grumbled as I stirred. My jaw was aching, and I massaged it and stretched it out. My jaw had been clenching all night from the feel of it. And, if I had to assume, it was because of the hard swollen plug in my ass, and the gnawing ache in my testicles. I hadn’t had that much sleep either, all from utter paralysing sexual frustration. I squirmed against Jeena as I tried to sleep it off some more, dozing in and out of consciousness. But eventually I found her stirring. Stretching her arms and kissing the top of my head.

The two of us made small talk as we woke up, freshened up. Moving with the women of the clan to the kitchens to have breakfast. Once again, it was a simple, thick and creamy porridge. I was far too grumpy and tired to focus on the question of mysterious milk. So I ate and made as pleasant conversation as I could.

There was one great relief in all of this. Being that finally, Kait was coming back soon. Tonight, at last. It was almost enough to make me tremble with anticipation in that state. But I was tired. I wanted to wait for him, but I had work to do. And so, I headed back to my tent, telling Jeena I would be back to work on my writing in Kait’s room and I would stay with them on the Estate.

I headed back through the wide town square. It seemed far more barren today than normal. But as I looked up, facing the wind direction. It seemed the aggressive swathe of dark clouds on the air was an apt explanation, the air was humid too, the wind deliberate. I was no meteorologist, but on days like this one would have to be blind to not see the great risk of rain.

“Ahah, the traveling rumor is true!” A bulls voice said. It had a distinctly non Broken Rock accent to its Bovinian, sturdy, firm, hard like stone. I looked over and sitting beneath the awning of a wide, carved wood handcart, relaxed and reclined. Was a Minotaur, dark grey, with thicker fur, fuller hair.

I gave him a slightly querying look and he, still reclined back, smiled and gestured. “It’s lonely work being a wagon puller, some bulls I made camp with a few days ago told me about a gorgeous human boy who was in Broken Rock, with thighs and ass as thick and fat as a woman, and a tiny little dick. Seems you’re quite the popular fantasy with the lonely hearts in logistics, I can see why.” He grinned.

I blushed hard, but in my dreary state I couldn’t work up the energy to be embarrassed, I just smiled at him, opening my mouth to reply, he shook his head.

“Ah ah, no words from you adorable boy. I’m a married bull, and if you speak I’m afraid you’ll bewitch me the same way you have all the cart pullers of this tribe.” He chuckled and winked. “You should visit this tribal square at night, it’s where the cartbulls meet and sleep for the evening. I think you’ll be shocked just how much of a little fanbase you’ve grown.” He chuckled.

As he finished speaking there came a silent flash of white, and quiet rumble in the distance that rolled swiftly over the tribe and the lake. We both looked at the source, in time to see another pale flash.

“Mm, perhaps you should run along, before this rain comes?” He chuckled.

I was not going to disagree. The thought slowly grew in my head of both my tent flooding again, and having to get books and pages back to the Clayrends before the rain came, and so I offered an awkward bow to the nameless bovine logician, and scampered off desperately to my tent. Pushing into the canvas and making efforts to ensure my pegs were tight.

I was cautious enough to inch all my things another foot away from the sides and prepared a book and ink in a bag. Rolling up a page of enchanted paper to bring along. And there, I silently hoped I didn’t have too many more days where the rain had me nervous.

Right as the thought of a secure roof over my head was passing through my mind I heart Rapps call out from the flap of my tent, peeking his head in. He smiled at me and waved. “I was told there was a pretty new axe over here for me.” He said, as excited and bubbly as a child with a new toy.

I smiled back and moved over to take the axe and hand it to him. I watched Rapps bring it closer to his eye, taking a closer look at the curved and straight edge, nodding. “Once upon a time it was way easier to get steel tools here. Not so common anymore, but for woodcutting bronze is just fine.” He sighed and smiled back at me once more.

“Come on out, let me give you a quick demonstration.”

I followed Rapps over to his hut, beneath the covered working area. His huge legs bent as he hefted a log up onto a pair of saw horses, securing it and then going to work. “Siding axes are flat on one side and curved up on the other, so all I have to do is…this.” He said moving his arm across log in long sweeping horizontal chops. The axe bit into the wood shearing bark and wood away in hunks that occasionally bounced off and went flying, one chip even bounced off my stomach, which got a giggle from me and a laugh from Rapps.

After a few minutes he stepped back and gestured to the log, gesturing me to get low. I did so, squatting down, bringing my plump butt closer to the ground, my anus squeezing around my plug as I eyed log. Noticing that the rest of the log was it’s usual round shape, but the top was now relatively flat.

“Needs a lot more work, each side is gonna need at least double this much attention. But see, you just sweep the log on all four sides, and boom you have super sturdy wooden beam. Excellent for roofs plus it gives you a bunch of wooden chips which are good aggregate in daub.” He smiled.

It was a strange feeling, staring at the beam and hearing Rapps talk over the details. I looked back at my tent and suddenly, as if by magic the task of building a house for me went from an abstract impossibility, to something very plausible and tangible. I felt a bubble of excitement in my gut.

“I’ll get started on the beams tomorrow, it’s going to take a few days. But once they are done it’s going to be a matter of marking out your house, taking the tent down and starting to erect the foundation. Once the bones are up, it’s best to do the roof tiles first, then finally the mud.”

I nodded back excitedly at Rapps who looked at me with his hands on his hips. Hard muscle pulled open proudly on his chest and shoulders. “How long do you think it’s going to take from now till it’s done?” I asked cautiously.

“Hard to say…it’s going to take me a while to cut the tiles for you. And the wattle and daub will take you probably a good few days for each wall. But I can’t see it taking more than…a month, maybe? If you don’t dawdle on your work.”

I nodded, now I was bouncing and bubbling with excitement.

“You aren’t going to have a tent to sleep in for a while you know, and we’re probably going to need some help to make it go faster.” He warned.

That didn’t occur to me initially. But, perhaps it could be a fun change. “I’ll ask around, see if I can stay somewhere while it’s built. As for help well…I think I know a pair of bulls I could guilt trip into helping me.” I giggled.

Rapps nodded. “Well, then you got nothing to worry about. Its only a wattle and daub hut, as big as your tent is right now. We have the tools, and if we have six or eight sets of hands to help with the hard parts,  I don’t see this taking more than a couple weeks even if we take our time.”

I turned to look at Rapps and I offered him a weak smile and an embarrassed pink face. “Thanks, for all of this by the way, Rapps. I don’t know what to say.”

Rapps chuckled and shook his head. “Don’t thank me yet, your house isn’t built.” He grinned. “Besides, you got me the tool I needed the most to get more work. And well, it’s just what good neighbours do.” He said slapping my shoulder gently as another rumble of thunder crawled across the sky.

“If you had somewhere to be, best you scoot now.” He smirked.

I gasped and nodded stoutly, walking out to the road. “If it really rains, can you make sure none of my stuff is soaked?” I asked Rapps, puffing my cheeks out.

He laughed and nodded waving his arm. “Don’t worry, I’ll be around.”

With that, I was on my way, scampering off along the dirt roads and the streets of Broken Rock, into the tribe circle again, and then through on my way to the Clayrends. Jeena was sweeping the front of their estate, and she giggled softly as I ran in, puffing as I stood under cover at the estate.

“It’s just a little rain you know, no need to run from it.” She chuckled.

“Paper is literally worth more than gold in this tribe!” I said defensively as she giggled at me. “I should be worried if I am caught out in the rain with my books.”

She sighed and I heard the distinct sound of a fat water droplet smack the dirt, and another and another. Before my eyes the heavens opened up and began to drizzle. The intensity wasn’t that much, but the rain drops were heavy, wide. I watched them crater tiny holes in the dirt, the dozens of impact points slowly joining in a thin mud.

“Well, nevertheless, Good timing.” Jeena teased walking over and giving my butt a gentle spank, which got a surprised yelp out of me. She giggled again standing beside me, holding the broom.

“A-any word of…how long till…” I asked nervously, Jeena shook her head. “Not that I have heard unfortunately, I can’t imagine they are far away, I think the late afternoon may be a good bet still.”

I nodded quietly and looked over to Kait’s hut. “Do you…mind if I make myself at home in Kait’s hut? I need to get some writing done, been…distracted the last couple days.”

Jeena giggled and shook her head. “It’s not my room to give permission for.” She said beating the head of the broom on the step of the deck, dusting it out lightly. “But, I assure you, if I know our young Kait, and I think I do, he won’t object to your presence at all.” She replied. “Given how miserable it’s likely to be tonight, I would suspect he probably would appreciate getting back to a pre-warmed bed and his hearth already burning. So I’ll bring you some firewood.”

I nodded and gave my thanks to Jeena wandering along the covered deck, taking brisk strides through the courtyard whenever the roofs disappeared. Making my way to Kait’s hut where I took a moment to wipe my sandals and step out of them, leaving them by the door as I stepped into Kait’s home.

The air was still in there, likely the result of it being closed and empty for days. I opened the doors wide to let the light in, and finding no desk I made myself comfortable on the floor, sitting on his rug with a sigh, grunting as I felt the firm wood floor push against my plug, forcing it even deeper. After a few moments to collect my thoughts I started writing, leaning back on the bed and pushing my knees up, using the hardcover of a notebook as a writing surface.

I started by penning my letter to Lady Matilda. Scratching out the details of the last few days to her.

Dear Lady Matilda

Sorry for the delay in replies, things have been busy around here. I have found some time while I wait on the return of Kait tonight.

I began, listening to the rain on the thatch roof of the hut, letting a deep relaxed tremble run up my back.

The dark elf hero, Rainere Erekuin the Azuzbane, I have learned that she is here, and that she is married to a blacksmith by the name of Steinel, she’s been keeping her marriage secret from the south for some time. I met her through Steinel. I shared the night in bed with them both, giving my mouth to Steinel’s pleasure. I’ve never done anything like that before and it was exciting. It’s also worth noting because I joined them as a means to pay for some tools I was in need of for my shelter. Which I suppose means I used prostitution as a means to barter.

I explained to her the plan of my new hut. Having to pause a while to wash a new page with enchanted ink and let it dry. Making good on the wait by daydreaming of Kait’s firm hands on my body.

My cock twitched in excitement.

There is, currently, a wooden plug buried deep in my anus. One made of something called Witchwood. It expands and swells a little bit every day and I am encouraged to use it to play with myself, but deny myself orgasm. The idea being to make it more pliable so that Kait’s cock my push inside my anus easier when we get to be together again. I am told this is a fairly common process that women new to the tribe go through.

But I am not a girl of course, I am in two minds about this all Lady Matilda. Part of me feels as if I should be more indignant with comments about me being or acting like a woman, but another part of me is intensely excited by the idea, I am not sure what to think of it, do you have any thoughts in that regard?

Another page, I took my pen hand off the page and shook the blood back into it to numb the cramp.

The Matriarch of Clan Clayrend, I learned recently that she has a terrible issue with her knees. Something that causes her extreme pain if she is not careful.

It also appears that she is one to be quite stubborn about delegation, I want to try do something to help but I seriously doubt I could get her to relax more, I am after all not part of her family. But still, I don’t like the idea of thinking about her working with such pain.

Another page of enchanted ink was washed. I bit my lip and held the vial up to the light, it was still over two thirds full, but I needed to be more careful with it. If I had some Arcano-solvent I knew a little trick that could thin it out a little bit, make it last a bit longer. Enchanted ink was of course, exceedingly expensive, and as the final page of my letter dried off I wondered just how much it was costing me to send these couple pages. If I had to quantify how many gold sterlings to each page it was costing, if I could do it.

Anyway, how are things back in the south? How is the capital? I do admit, I miss some of the modern conveniences, like not having to worry about storage of food. But I would be lying if I said I missed the capital, things are so much, cleaner and quieter here, the folks so much healthier. The days so much less stressful without worrying about schedules or clocks.

It sometimes feels like these last few days have been a dream Lady Matilda. I can’t thank you enough for letting me come here.

Yours always,

~Alfie Brandt

Jeena knocked gently and stepped in with a smile, holding with her a trio of split logs under one arm. Letting them sit by the empty hearth, she also bought in some clay jugs and a simple linen rag and hard bristle brush. “I imagine he will want to clean off when he gets home.” She explained. One jug was filled with a sweet smelling and cloudy cider. It didn’t taste particularly boozy as I sipped it.

Outside the rain raged on, getting harder and more intense. It grew dimmer and dimmer as the midday became afternoon, became evening. I made notes as I waited, but eventually I ran out of things to note.

So I stepped outside, walking around the estate, making myself useful for a while, helping Jeena clean up in the kitchens and then helping Celica, bringing long heavy lengths of canvas over to the storage hut. Moving as quickly as we could as the rain pelted and soaked us both.

Eventually I went back to Kait’s room. Dried off and then made my way over to the hearth, feeling the nippy chill of the rainy evening on my now dried but damp body. I made an effort to light the hearth and stoke it slowly until it caught and began to burn, filling the room with a pleasant warmth.

I felt a pit of worry in my stomach as I climbed up and laid in Kait’s bed. Looking forlornly out the door at the now dark rainy outside. I heard footsteps, distinctly human, approach. My heart raced nonetheless. Seeing Jeena, and seeing a disappointed look on her face as she took an empty jug.

“No word yet.” She said. I frowned and she gave me a pitying look as I laid in the bed. “They are hauling heavy carts you know Alfie, the roads get a little harder to navigate when they get muddy. They’ll be here, don’t worry, it might just take them a little longer.” She reassured as she walked off.

After a while I eased the door closed slightly to stop the draft, but I couldn’t bring myself to close it, just in case Kait magically materialised in the doorway right as I did.

And there I laid, on a bed, staring out the door forlornly, and then to the fire. Again and again, feeling my heart leap at every sound, hoping it was what I thought it was.

I had been waiting so long, I felt myself dozing off. Again and again I stopped myself from falling asleep. After the third time I tried to find something to keep me awake. And there, I noticed that I had received a reply from Lady Matilda. I was a little surprised as I bought the pages to my eyes. I wasn’t expecting a response so soon, but I suppose Lady Matilda was in her study tonight and caught my messages right away.

Dearest Alfie,

I am glad you are well and safe, it’s wonderful to hear from you again. I hope you are keeping healthy and safe.

I have been busy, the whole college has been busy. The capital has been something of a buzz the last couple days. The Empress is apparently terribly ill, word has it from the medical halls of the collegiate that she’s caught some kind of Pox from a trip she took South to The Duchies. I haven’t caught up with it but it’s been an issue in the Duchies recently, the medical professors have been debating if it’s some kind of septic infection from the bad water, or something else.

I am told she is mostly fine and she should recover. But while she’s predisposed her son the prince Albyr has been handling her duties. Apparently Albyr wants to inspect the college, no idea on a date yet, but we are expecting him to do it.

I felt a twinge, like a strained muscle at the back of my neck. Crown Prince Albyr in charge of the empire? I am sure that did cause a lot of stirring back home, my mind was too foggy on memories of him to know if I should be nervous about this tour or not.

As for this Matriarch of Clan Clayrend. I was actually meaning to tell you next time we spoke. A dear friend of mine is actually headed to Broken Rock, she should be there in a few days. Nimana’Yanbana, she and I have been speaking recently, I found out about her travels and told her of you and she’s curious to meet you!

I recognised the unforgettable quirks of a Desert Imp name, Goblin’s had curious name structures, very alliterative and singsongy. I didn’t have to wonder their past, because Matilda went on.

She’s a tinkerer, from the deserts. Purveyor of artefacts and Old Magic. Healing and anatomical based mostly. She’ll have a lot of little trinkets with her in her cart, see if she can’t help your Matriarch, at the very least make things easier for her.

Old Magic was a whole topic unto its own. Very controversial field in the capital. The Arcanists guild was very critical of it, given that Old Magic or “Non-Arcanium Magic” used some kind of other method as it’s catalyst, rather than relying on refined Arcanium. It wasn’t exactly clear what it was just yet, it was theorised Old Magic got its power from the stars, or the sun, some believed it came from the moon, so said the scholars I knew who studied it at least.

But Old Magic was often the topic of scare and distrust campaigns from the guilds. Who spun tales of those who used it and experimented with its artefacts burning into ash or having grisly celestial deaths. Maybe it was with good reason, the Old Magic scholars at the college told me that if one wasn’t careful it was dangerous. That said, I had noticed The Sand Imps were where most of the artefacts and technologies of study had come from, they were experts of it mostly. And so the guilds were very fond of reminding folks Old Magic was “goblin magic”, with all the venom you can imagine.

I worried, would this stuff be safe for Celica? If Nimana could help her, would the magic be safe? I didn’t want to put Celica at risk.

Still, this friend of Matilda’s coming to visit was exciting news! I should love to meet with a Sand Imp, I had never met one before, I needed to make a note to speak to the chief to vouch for them. She would no doubt have a lot of interesting things to trade.

I finished reading.

As for you Alfie, I would encourage you to explore and delve into this part of yourself. I encourage you to keep exploring ways to feminize yourself to this tribe. Perhaps I am being presumption but I get the feeling you would enjoy that quite a bit.

The shame you feel, perhaps it’s reflexive. You have made a lot of progress with who you are but you still have some distance to go.

Everybody’s sexuality is their own journey of discovery. I encourage you to keep exploring it. Keep learning about yourself, keep experimenting with your gender. Feminize yourself more, take a more feminine role and explore your feminine urges. And on the flip side, explore masculine urges and take more masculine roles too! Find that balance, see where you feel most comfortable with yourself.

Don’t let our home steer your life in that regard Alfie. Your home, your society, that doesn’t define who you are, Alfie defines who he is.

And Whatever you find out about yourself, I will support whole heartedly.


~Lady Matilda

I felt a warm glow in my stomach and I smiled as I laid on the bed. Letting out a sigh as I stared at the fire a while. Grunting as I felt the ache between my legs remind me that Kait still wasn’t here. My ass gripped the plug hard as I waited. Gasping as I realised I had dozed off again.

I stood up and hefted another log onto the fire to keep it burning but zombie walked back to the bed and laid down again. It was getting hard to stay awake I tried to stay awake, held a book to try write something, to do anything. But I simply dozed off on the bed. I hadn’t had enough sleep last night and my body was making an effort to remind me of that.

I didn’t know what time I woke up. But I was stirred awake by sound. Shifting doors, hard hooves and hushed voices in the rain.

In the amber glow of the fire my blurry eyes saw a tall, bovine shape take one of the towels and the brush and head outside again. My tired heart leapt as I stirred and watched the figure sit and meticulously brush the mud out of his hooves using the rain to clean them. Finally he came back inside towelling himself hard and firm across his muscles.

I caught a look at his eyes as he looked at mine and saw they were open. And he broke out into a coy grin.

I smiled tiredly back at him.

Keeping the towel on his shoulder he walked over to the bed and squat down, bringing his face close to mine as his warm, still damp palm held across the side of my face, caressing me. I squirmed up into a ball and giggled softly at the touch, eyes still looking at his.

And then he kissed me, his tongue was in my mouth and my eyes closed as we both, at the same time, let out a deep relieved sigh.

“Am I dreaming…” I groaned softly as our kiss broke.

Kait chuckled softly and shook his head moving back to the fire slowly to keep drying off. “I should hope not, if I had to spend another minute in that rain I was going to lose it.” He chuckled softly. “So I better be home now or I don’t know what I’ll do next.”

I giggled tiredly as I hugged the bed firmly. Watching the firm muscles of Kait’s shoulders shift and stretch as he dried himself off, trying to get every drop of water he could off him. If I wasn’t so drowsy I’d have wondered how annoying it had to be to dry yourself off. Kait likely didn’t want to get his bed all wet.

Finally, he let his towel sit. Took a long drink of water and then made his way over to me.

I smiled tiredly and opened my arms, and my legs to him as he chuckled again and climbed, knees first onto the bed, scooping me up into his chest, kissing me. I moaned as I felt his swollen sheathe press against my own soft cock. Felt his warm chest press against mine.

Another relieved sigh as he laid down and cuddled me against him, my arms desperately wrapped around him as if he might still be part of a dream.

“Sorry I’m late.” He sighed. “The roads got a little…muddy on the way back.”

My hand placed to his chest as I rested my head against him shaking my head, murring into his chest as he caressed my lower back.

The ache between my legs was dulled, perhaps by the drowsiness or maybe something else. But the two of us laid together listening to the rain as he kissed my forehead and the two of us quietly fell asleep against each-other.

Warm hands caressed my stomach as I stirred into the new morning. Eyes closed as I felt Kait murr and cuddle me, squeezing me against him with a sigh.

Eventually our eyes met, I smiled and he smiled back and Kait leaned down to kiss me. I let myself relax and melt into his body. I found his hand move to reach and grip my ass cheek, and then, I felt his firm fingers on my Witchwood plug.

“What’s this thing, hmm?” Kait teased softly, tugging it gently and getting soft breathy grunts of delight from me.

“Witchwood.” I moaned softly to Kait, looking up at him. “Been stretching out, so I can take you.” I whispered with a hard blush and a giggle, I gripped his chest. Kait growled playfully, gripping my ass cheek and spanking it gently. I felt my aching cock throb in delight as he did so. “Don’t suppose anybody told you that Witchwood plugs are for girls new to the tribe to ease their holes into being more pliable.” He chuckled. “Whoever suggested you do this, they have my thanks for such good thinking.”

“They did.” I teased back, kissing against his furred chest. “I’ve been warming a lot to this whole “new girl in the tribe” thing everybody seems to be giving me.” I whispered, my heart pounded in my chest.

Kait’s hand gripped and pulled a my ass cheek and he groaned softly, as our cocks pressed together, his immense swelling sheathe dwarfing mine as we embraced and groped each-other.

“There wasn’t a single night I was out there where I wasn’t thinking about spearing this fat girly ass of yours with my cock.” Kait bellowed softly into my ear. Teasing, taunting, as he gave my ass a gentle spank and squeeze.

“I haven’t cum in days.”I whispered to Kait, desperately. A moan in my voice as I grinded my hips to him. “I’m so horny Kait.” I moaned, kissing him desperately.

Kait’s own moan met mine and he nodded. “So am I.” He whispered. “This morning I have to help cover up the wagons and prepare properly, we didn’t do it all last night. I also want to run a very quick errand to get something for you. But after that, Dad says we’re going to relax. He wants to have a little dinner party.” Kait grinned, squeezing my ass.

“Food, beer, music…” Kait smiled. “Nothing big, and the calfs and kids won’t be there either, just something to relax so all of us can unwind with our…lovers, now that we are back.” He chuckled.

I was frustrated at still having to wait. But my mind was bought back to the night I had gotten drunk with Kait and I gave an eager tremble. I was shocked by how exciting the idea was, after all this I felt ecstatic at the idea of getting a little boozed up and dancing again with Kait.

“Sounds like it’s exactly what I need.”

Kait kissed my neck and smiled “I agree.”

Kait gave my rump another gentle smack and shifted slowly climbing out of bed with a stretch and moving to his bowl of water, humming as he washed and freshened himself up.

“You will have to keep yourself occupied until the afternoon of course.”

I stretched in his bed and smiled as I admired Kait’s body as he washed it. “Can I come with you into the tribe, so I can see what you’re getting for me?”

Kait chuckled and shook his head. “Nope, it’s a surprise. One I thought up in the middle of the night when I was in the clay flats and was thinking about how much I wish you were there to keep me warm.” He grinned.

I whined at his answer and he chuckled moving over to scoop me out of the bed, holding me up for a moment to kiss my forehead. “Not gonna work on me, sorry.” He taunted.

“Fiiiiine” I sighed, smiling up at him as I made my way to the wash basin too. “I do have to go speak to a blacksmith, maybe pop in to visit the chieftain. So that should keep me occupied for the day.

“I better see you back here before sundown though. Don’t make me come looking for you Alfie. I’ve been alone digging clay for days. Who knows what I might do to you.” He teased prodding my stomach playfully as I washed.

I giggled and nodded, stepping up to the door of his hut and smiling as he snatched my body into a cuddle. Pulling me into his form, my thighs pressed to his. My subtle cock and balls pressed to his much more immense own. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes looked up, bewitched and locked in his as he looked down into mine. He grinded his hips up and down so our cocks pressed and massaged.

There in the door for the first time in days I got to stare into the eyes of Kait and he got to stare into mine. The both of us smiled, I felt my heart beat and I felt his in sync with mine.

I moaned for Kait, as he kissed me, held me firm and pushed his lips against mine, tongue into my mouth.

Looking up at him as I relaxed into his grip, there wasn’t a thing I wouldn’t have done for Kait in that moment. His palm pressed against my chest, caressing down to my belly as we stared helplessly at each-other.

My mind was a wash, he had completely stolen it from me and all that was left was my eyes shimmering up at him, and my complete infatuation with him.

I never wanted him to let me go, I wanted to feel him kiss me, I wanted to hear him speak to me, cuddle me. I wanted Kait so badly.

Gods, I wanted him to fuck me, I wanted to bounce my ass on his big fat bovine cock, I wanted to moan his name as he pushed into my anus and fucked it like he was breeding it! Gods how the hells had he done this to me. Didn’t I used to be frigid and restrained?

“This evening?” I moaned, playfully up at him.

“This evening.” He bellowed back. Reassuringly giving my ass a squeeze.

We finally parted, but separating from touching his body was the hardest thing I had done all week. And I, nursed a swollen dick all the way to Clanless district, checking my tent was fine. None of my books were ruined. I waved at Rapps who was at work on a log, and also waved at Cass, who was kneeled down watering some plants near her hut.

I stopped by Steinel’s hut. He was alone, commenting that Rainere was still in the tribe, just off on her own enjoying the wilderness before she had to leave. We spoke for a while and he handed over a small basket of nails. A mess of them, small carpentry ones and huge thick iron stakes for the log joints. “I’ll have Rainere swing by eventually and get the basket back.” He smiled.

I thanked Steinel and headed back to Rapps, handing him the nails and leaving him as I headed into the tribe. The town square was far more busy today now the rain was over. I found my way to the Chieftain’s estate, walking around and eventually finding Hulbrik in an open garden area, inspecting the foliage of what I realised were vegetables in a small patch of raised garden beds. As small as it was though it was quite expansive, I wondered who tended to it normally, Hulbrik didn’t strike me as the type to tend a garden. Though, perhaps it was his, who was I to say…

“Ah, Mister Brandt, how can I help you today.” He offered, standing up, dusting his bovine knees off.

I bowed my head and stepped forward. “Sorry to interrupt and intrude without invitation.”

Hulbrik shook his head. “Nonsense, as long as I am not asleep, or with my wives, I am always happy to answer questions for you.” He grinned.

“I have, somewhat of a request.” I said to him, bowing my head as I clasped my hands over my lap. “There is a wanderer coming up north to visit the tribe. A desert Imp from across the seas. She’s a friend of my instructor, and she likely brings with her many interesting things to trade.”

Hulbrik nodded, giving me a raised brow as he scratched the base of his horn. “Aye, and what about her?”

“I was just here to vouch for her before she arrived. So that the hospitality of this tribe could be extended to her, as much as was to me, any friend of Lady Matilda’s is a friend of all. I have never known Lady Matilda to keep bad company.”

Hulbrik turned his head back and forth but nodded. “Fair enough, I’ll make sure she is invited and welcomed. How will I know her when she arrives?”

I smiled at Hulbrik. “Her name is Nimana’Yambana, so my lady tells me, and well…do you know much of sand imps?“ I asked softly.

“Can’t say I do, unfortunately.”

I nodded and smirked, bringing my hand up to about my ribs, laying my palm out to gesture. “Hard to miss a sand goblin they are…stout little creatures. Never met a sand Imp myself, plenty of goblins but, never their brethren across the sea. She’ll be quite the sight when she comes I imagine.”

Hulbrik chuckled and nodded. “Cannot wait to meet her. Thanks for the heads up. Can’t vouch for how willing folks be will be for trade with her, she’s an outsider after all and well, as you’ve picked up bulls and girls don’t really trust folk they don’t know with trading, but hey, there’s always exceptions right.”

I made small talk with Hulbrik before politely making my exit from the conversation, wanting to head back to my tent before it was time to go back to the Clayrends. But Hulbrik stopped me with a “Oh, Alfie.”

“I got word the Clayrend bulls returned late last night?”

I nodded and gave another smile. “Oh yes! All healthy from what I saw, all of them a little worked to the bone but all good regardless.”

Hulbrik smiled and lifted a finger. “Wait a moment would you? I have something I would like for you to take.” He said disappearing into his long hut, before returning before too long. With a tightly bound broad leaf in twine, filled with a powerfully scented dark brown herbal leaf inside it, earthy, but almost delightful mint chocolaty. “What is this?” I asked curiously.

“Geamoss and red peppermint tea.” He bellowed back with a smile. “I was given a bag of it by our tribes new teadruid, lovely woman, very skilled at what she does. It’s for you and your Kait, to share.” He smiled.

I gave an inquisitive look to the chief.

“The tea promotes good satisfying sex, little Alfie.” He teased. “It relaxes, it excites, energises, makes the air richer, makes the orgasm harder.” He smiled. “For you, and your Kait to share tonight, so you and he can celebrate and unwind more properly.” He winked.

I turned a bright read as I clutched the tea. “O-oh!” I gasped, feeling a throb ache between my thighs. “T-thank you, I will…let Kait know when I get to him!”

Chieftain Hulbrik chuckled gestured me away with a hand. “Go on then, be on your way to your lover. The Druid’s say the rain may return late tonight.”

I was still burning red, bright red, when I walked away. I didn’t know how to react, sex with me and Kait was still so taboo in my head. I was still grappling with the idea of my desires for Kait being normal, having such a frank acknowledgement of our love and our sex was a little much for my mind to handle.

I was curious about the tea though.

I did as I said I would and returned to my tent. I collected another book and took a moment to stare at my fish as it hung from a string. Dry, but at risk of spoiling soon. I gave a shrug and took it with me, might as well give it to the Clayrends and share it with them for this dinner, better than letting it go to waste. My eyes also, fell on the oil vial, still by my bed. And with a playful smile I picked it up and bought it with me.

It was careful timing, as I walked through the tribe again. Eyes on the sky as it’s bright spring day had mellowed into late afternoon. The ache between my legs hadn’t really disappeared, and so I wondered if that constantly ticking clock in my head had meant my mind had never been off what Kait. That subconsciously I was eagerly counting down the hours till the evening.

I found my way back to the estate and handed the fish over to Jeena and the handwives. Kait still wasn’t back yet, I was early. But the work was done for the day. I came across the other bulls, preparing for the events tonight. Smaller in scale than the party I had joined at first, and it seemed more focused on staying beneath the cover of the decks of the huts, anticipating the rain. Kalden and one of the other Clayrend brothers hefted the doors open to the dining room of the main longhut and had moved the table and chairs.

“Ahhh! Mister Brandt!” A booming and excited voice spoke out from behind me and I found myself quickly towered over by Tabbard Clayrend who clapped my shoulder firmly, only slightly forcing the air out of lungs.

“How are you, are you well? How goes the papers on our beautiful tribe!”

I had forgotten just how immense Tabbard was, emotionally and physically. Standing there two feet from me and towering over me it felt as if Tabbard was the column holding up the entire sky. The way he completely dominated the environment. Everybody was listening to him, paying attention to him.

“G-good mister Clayrend! I’ve been in the process of…making a more permanent hut. Getting that organised so I have somewhere drier and more stable when the rains really come.” I said back, nervously trying to make it seem like I was matching his energy. Which I simply couldn’t.

He smiled though, nonetheless he grinned ear to ear and nodded. “Excellent, far more comfortable for you than an old tent. Now surely you will return the hospitality and invite us all to your hut for dinner once it’s built yes?” Tabbard roared out.

His sons all laughed but I let out a stifled nervous chortle. “A-ah if you’d like me too I am sure I could!”

Tabbard chuckled and shook his head. “I jest, no need to worry.” He smiled. “I do wish you the best though. It is good to see you again.”

Celica stepped up behind him. Smiling herself with her sharp smile lines, she held in her strained grip a bronze brazier, one from the party. Her spirits seemed significantly improved from the night before last. “I think it would be quite amusing to see how many of my boys and girls we could fit into a single hut, for a dinner party!” She teased, hefting the metal object.

“Yes I….Celica!” Tabbard grumbled reaching over and effortlessly taking the brazier in one arm, holding the metal thing in his grasp. Celica seemed ashamed and Tabbard shook his head with a sigh. Leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I told you, you rest. You have given me an army of big sturdy sons, so you sit your butt down and let them work for you woman.” He chided her with a worrying smile.

I watched a complex series of emotions play out on Celica’s face as she stared back up at her husband. But any resistance she tried to have boiled away instantly and she nodded. “I know, I know.” She smiled. “I just figured I would…”

Tabbard chuckled playfully and with his other hand, he scooped his wife up by her hips and hefted her into the air, getting an excited and loud giggle and swoon out of the mature woman. He held her in one arm, and the brazier in the other. Celica’s round mature butt was in the air as she flailed weakly, her legs kicked weakly up and down, her mature cunt in my sight as she soon went limp and sighed, giving me a look over her shoulder and an embarrassed smile like she had been defeated.

“If you’ll excuse me Alfie, I have to go find a way to lasso my wife to a chair so she can’t get back up again.”

I smiled at the sight and Celica gave me a weak wave as her husband carried her off into the dining hall. Effortlessly carrying her as if it wasn’t even a difficult task.

Still without Kait I headed back to his hut, leaving my things within. Taking a moment to sit on his bed and relax. Feeling the hard wood plug against the mattess. I blushed, standing up slowly, reaching behind me and slowly tugging the plug out of my ass. Sighing as my anus was relieved to relax more than normal. I left the toy to sit on the floor by the hearth as I took a drink of water and walked to the door. Watching for a moment as between the huts Kait’s familiar figured walked in, followed behind by another familiar figure. The heavy busted, soft tea and milk coloured fur and woven cloak of M’Lynne .

I walked back out. As Kait lead the Elder Wife to the dining hut and I made my way over. Stepping up beside Kait, who wrapped his arm around my waist as we watched Tabbard speak with M’Lynne, holding her hand up and kissing it softly as he beamed at her.

It was a cute sight but I leaned against Kait’s warm body and smiled up at him. “Was my surprise that M’Lynne is coming to join us for dinner?”

Kait chuckled and shook his head. “Nope,  actually I went to her because she had your gift, but once she learned I was back and what I was there for, she insisted she come visit for a while.”

“Why?” I said curiously. Seeing M’Lynne turn around slowly and look to me with a coy smile, slowly making her feminine bovine way over to me. Pulling a helpless flush off me as this woman, this cow who had seen the old Alfie, compared it to the progress the new Alfie had made.

“Like I said, she found out who my gift was for and she wanted to check in on you.” Kait said as M’Lynne made her way to our side. Kait grinned at her and leaned down to kiss my forehead before he walked off to the dining hall, leaving me with the busty elder wife of the tribe. This rare specimen of a female Minotaur. “Mister Brandt, Alfie, shall we walk a little. I won’t be here long I am afraid. The Wheevers have a daughter in labour, I need to stop by and see how it is progressing.”

M’Lynne s voice was soft, smooth, deep and matronly. But it was undeniable, she had essentially ordered me to follow her as she walked her hooves across the courtyard. I followed behind her and joined her at her side hands clasped over my manhood.

She looked over her shoulder, and I moved my head to see what she was observing. I watched her, watch Kait stand by his mother, offering Celica a drink from a cup. M’Lynne smiled at me as we walked aimlessly a bit, putting some distance between us and the family. “Good young bull, good blood and a mind with a lot of potential that Kait. But, he’s young and very proud, a little too proud for his age.” She chuckled softly with a sigh. “But, if I had a brick for every proud young bull in this tribe I had met, I could pave every road in Broken Rock.” She winked.

I smiled at her.

“He’s starting to realise he loves you.” She smiled. “But he’s too…hard headed to accept it yet.” She looked at me. “Too scared and too confused to admit it.”

I felt my heart seize in my chest and I opened my mouth, but she raised a finger. “And you, are too. But in a different way. You’ve made a lot of good progress, but you have a while to go. As does he, and in that sense you two are perfect for each other.” She giggled softly.

I wanted to speak, but I didn’t know what to say. Did I love Kait? I didn’t know, and I opened my mouth to say something but she shook her head. “I have more of a read on him, as I have known Kait longer than you. He is nervous and scared about opening up again, because he’s had his poor proud little heart broken. And so he’s nervous about opening himself to you. He loves and is proud of himself because he feels alone, unloved.” The elder wife sighed, running her hand along her curves to bring her cloak into her. “Now that’s not to say that his family doesn’t care about him of course, but there is big differences between the gentle reassuring love of your mother and family, and the firey passionate admiration of a lover.” She smiled. “That’s where he feels alone.”

I finally got a word in. “He…seems so confident, so much stronger than me, h-how can he be nervous?”

M’Lynne nodded and wiggled her finger. “Precisely what I mean Alfie, he means well, I take it he sees the vulnerability in you and he wants to reassure it, but he puts on a face. I don’t mean to imply he’s some emotional wreck of course, but thats part of what I mean. There’s more to being man than strength, boys his age think there isn’t, but a bull is as much his mind as he is his body. He thinks strength is stoicism, but a strong bull isn’t one who hides his vulnerability, his needs, his wants. He loves you, but he doesn’t want to admit it because he wants to believe he doesn’t need anybody.” She sighed and chuckled. “Seems to me that’s how he’s lasted this long alone.”

She laid her warm soft hand on my shoulder. “And, he’s perfect for you, and you’re perfect for him. You, I have less of a read on, but you’re also too scared to admit you want to be vulnerable, because I think you’re scared of being seen as weak or vulnerable. And as I understand your home doesn’t take kindly to boys being vulnerable or weak, or feminine.” She smiled.

I gave a hesitant and careful nod. “H-how do you know this?”

M’Lynne grinned. “I council, and I empath, that is one of my many roles as the Elder Wife. I tend to the emotional health of my husbands and wives. As did my mother, and her mother before her.”

I was trying to understand, and I suppose my confusion read on my face because she elaborated a little more. “Brother Kiulvire, The Peace, as they’re known.” She grinned tapping her cloak, showing the same repeating pattern of a flower with wrapping thorns. “They gave the Minotaur the strength of emotion, mastery of the self. Balance, in body and emotion is their domain. They were a warrior of great command who carried a staff and never killed or drew blood of another creature. They encouraged empathy, and emotional maturity. It’s said they stopped the tyranny and rampage of the great Chief Stonebroken not with violence but by coming to his side and offering him compassion, a caring voice to hear his pain and support him. It’s said they became dear lovers, and Chief Stonebroken would go on to be one of the greatest leaders of our people’s history.” She explained carefully, summing up with “Elder Wives follow the words of many of the brothers and sisters, but particularly of The Peace, consoling and emotional reading is our domain.” She grinned, proudly.

I nodded, I kept trying to wrap my head around the idea of a great warrior who didn’t fight “So he fought with words.”

M’Lynne shook her head

“They.” She smiled and corrected. “Kiulvire was born with the body of a bull, but they didn’t consider themselves a bull or a cow, they chose to be a mix of both. Like I said, Kiulvire preached the mind over the body. That emotional and mindful beauty could and always would conquer any raw physical trait. They also didn’t fight that’s not really true to what they believed. They cared, they loved, they consoled, they wept, they laughed.” She listed, shaking her hand. “An interesting topic, a whole lesson but for another day. I can teach you of all the Brothers and Sisters if you like.”

“I would very much like that M’Lynne .” I whispered back and smiled.

“See me the day after next, At my hut, I should be free.” She said the both of us looking over as a burst of laughter came from the Clayrends. My eyes fell, automatically, on Kait who was sitting by his mother.

“It…j-just feels so soon to say I…I love him…I-I don’t…know…” I whispered to M’Lynne .

M’Lynne waved her hand gently. “Of course it’s too soon, but, I can see your roots tangling together with his. Sure it takes some time to grow into each other, but every relationship ever starts as passion and lust Alfie Brandt.” She giggles. “And as the passion you have for each-other grows, you’ll grow right into each-other’s arms.” She smirked. “You will change, as will he, I can see it. You’ve made such changes already, but there is still many more to make.” The cow smiled, adjusting her shawl over her shoulders, letting it rest on her shoulders.

“And you two will grow together, learn together and grow stronger together. Which is why I said, you and Kait are a perfect match.” She winked. “Perhaps I am wrong, perhaps this is just a passing fling of lust, or maybe it’s something more. But, does that mean you won’t want to try anyway?”

I thought for a moment, and shook my head.

M’Lynne grinned and stepped in, leaning in to kiss my forehead and hold my shoulder gently. “Come, I won’t take any more of your evening away.”

“Mrs M’Lynne , what…gift did Kait get for me, from you?” I asked with a blush as we walked back.

M’Lynne giggled and shook her head. “Now where would be the fun in me telling you that, you will find out, don’t worry.”

I nodded with pursed lips, walking across the wide courtyard but feeling another question rise.

“A-another question I keep meaning to ask you…” I said stopping briefly, bringing my finger down to trace the bands of my thigh tattoos. “These tattoos you gave me, what’s the meaning of them?”

M’Lynne giggled loudly, mischievously. Smiling at me. “Another lesson, perhaps when you visit I can explain in more detail. But in the past, centuries ago. There was a war between humans and Minotaur, and a human woman, a brave horseback knight wielding a great halberd and clad in heavy shining armour, rode into the Minotaur lands. Her mission was, apparently, to slay all the chieftains, bring the Minotaur to their knees. But, so the story goes, she got to our lands and fell in love with our people. Rather than slay the great old chiefs she let them seduce her, allowing each to mount her and breed her, one by one. Mothering a child to each chieftain, riding from tribe to tribe to submit to each one. She turned on her home, declaring the war to be unjust, vowed to fight for the Minotaur. And then, it’s said she took her young family to the valley peaks near the Citadel, and founded her own great tribe. And there, to this day, sits the Tribe of The Knightspeak and the region is called the Knightspeak Valley.” She explained.

“But, those tattoos, they are called Knightsbands, they supposed to represent the great thighboots that The Knight was said to have worn. They represent a woman who was born south who has come to our tribes to join us, after coming to love the ways of our people.” She winked.

I felt my heart skip a beat in shock as I realised what the tattoos had been implying to those around me. “R-really! Y-you said they would help me fit in!”

M’Lynne grinned “and didn’t they?” She smiled. “Sure, perhaps I…took liberties with your wants here. But I feel like I was quite spot on with my analysis, even if it was a little gung-ho.” She said waving her hand at me. “One of the midwives I work with, spoke that the “cute human boy” who’d shown up in the tribe had a Witchwood plug in his ass. So, it seems to me my analysis was spot on.” The cow winked.

I eventually returned to the rest of the Clayrends and M’Lynne made her small talk before saying her good byes. Both of us agreeing to meet up again soon to chat.

Kait walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my waist with a smile. Giving me a curious look as we waved at M’Lynne as she walked off. He handed me a cool clay cup of the boozy smelling beer I had tasted days ago  during the family dinner party.

“What did you two whisper about over there?” Kait teased softly. My eyes moved up to meet his own. My heart fluttered as M’Lynne ‘s words of Kait’s thoughts swirled in my head. Did Kait really love me, did I love him?

Why let Kait’s knowledge taint my own observations, after all I was supposed to be a man of academia. I needed objective results!

“Nothing you’re allowed to know yet.” I teased back with a giggle.

The tone of this party was far more…intimate than the dinner party the first time I visited.

This night, was for the lovers, it was for lust, it was for sex and the atmosphere was one of that sexual intimacy. Food, drinks, music from one of the brothers on his drums. The rain did return but it was a light shower, it was pleasant and relaxing. It cleaned the air, made it purer.  Kait leaned against the support beam of the deck, and I cuddled up against him as we ate and drank, me being careful to consume far less than last time. Instead before too long me and Kait took time to brew the tea.

Kait was far more focused on the tea, the stink of that chocolate peppermint smell was vivid as the hot water hit it, I was focused on Tabbard and Celica, who had fallen back to their room, and atop their bed, which I spied through the open door, Celica had her lips wrapped eagerly around the enormous, hard, swollen cock of her husband, sucking it silently as his hand ran through her hair.

My heart pounded in excitement as Kait handed me my cup. As he bought his own to his nose. “Red peppermint is quite the treat.” He chuckled. “It’s rare, but they say the new tea druid in town knows how to find it real easy.” Kait whispered walking with me, hand in mine as we went back to join his brothers and their wives. Cuddling against the beam again, as I sipped the tea. It was strangely thick, I was expecting far thinner for a tea. But it was pleasant, the mint climbed up my nose and into my sinuses. The chocolate warmed my stomach. I let out a sound like a purr as I cuddled against Kait. “What’s so special about it?” I smiled.

“It makes you hornier, and it makes your orgasms harder.” Kait whispered into my ear as he drank his own. And I shivered cuddling into his chest as I felt my own warming my stomach.

I wasn’t sure if it was working, that said I didn’t know if it was possible to want Kait more. But I did notice a more thrumming electric bounce to my heart beat, it was deeper, and between my legs my poor balls ached, my anus, now free of it’s plug squeezed tightly, the muscles confused as to why there was nothing there to hug.

The others had been dancing, erotic displays, while the bulls sat back and watched, holding their wives against them. Though they did eventually look to us.
“Hey Alfie.” One of the wives asked from beside us, as her husband, one of Kait’s many brothers held a drum and she held a flute. “Why don’t you give Kait a show?”

I felt my heart throb, somewhere in there my eyes gazed to their instruments. And a memory of feeling like I should blush and try refuse. But instead I smiled and nodded against his chest. “Never done something like that…might need some pointers.”

The husband grinned “you’re a good dancer, we know that already, just let it come natural.” He grinned. She added to his sentence “Mhmm, all from the hips and ass, don’t feel restrained.”

I nodded slowly, looking back at Kait who grinned and gripped a handful of my ass as I slowly stood up and nodded, standing over him legs open either side of his thighs, as I looked down at Kait who’s firm, sheathed cock twitched and pulsed.

Music started, drums, a playful flute. The music was tribal and playful. I stood and let myself listen to it before I slowly, put my hands to my waist and shook my ass in wide parabolic arches up and down for Kait. Feeling my heart pound excitedly as I moved it to the beat, feeling the two increase the tempo and decrease it to playfully control my ass.

Hands moved down my thighs and released held up slowly above my head. I felt the drum beats grow harsher, a signal for the shake of my ass to grow more firm. I felt my eyes gaze down, watching my flaccid pale dick flop back and forth with my hips, slapping gently against my thighs as I kept the display up. Hearing one of the wives giggle out a

“Look at his cute little cock flopping around!” she giggled from somewhere to my right.

Somewhere distant a more nervous and scared Alfie wanted to shrivel up in humiliation. Buried deep in the muscles was a want to run away and flee. But he, this old nervous Alfied Brandt was far from control, the more confident Alfie just smiled. Kept shaking his hips and let his fingers slide down his stomach, until index finger and middle finger caressed then flopping dick and smiled. Alfie refused to be ashamed.

“It is cute, isn’t it!” I said back with pink cheeks, admiring it as I swayed my hips. I felt the pounding of my heart watching between my legs the swollen cock sliding and swelling of Kait’s sheathe as he held it. I heard his breathing and I shivered in delight swaying faster. I felt a bubbling and delighted sense of pride.

I was making Kait horny, I was exciting him! It was me!

The best of the music changed, and with it a cue to change my moves, I leaned down, squatting, legs and knees open wide, hand gripping the ankles of Kait’s legs, near his hooved feet. My fat ass opened wide, showing off my pink anus to my bovine lover, bouncing my hips up and down in the squatting position, my flaccid and soft dick bounced up and down, slapping against my thighs quietly as I let out a moan, eyes rolling. I felt it, a warm presence of a palm sliding up my thighs, thumb and fingers sinking into my butt cheek with a groan from beneath me. Firm arm encouraging me lower.

I looked over my shoulder, chest heaving in hard breaths of excitement. Eyes locked with Kait as I kept going. Heart excitedly pounding. As the song slowly came to an end and I heard the gentle applause of the others to our side. Somehow I was still squatting, and a hoppy stinking beer ended up in my hand and Kait’s hand, I felt myself gently fall back into Kait with a moan, his hard chest to my shoulders. His now stiff flared cock pressed between my right butt cheek and his stomach.

His chest was heaving too, I could feel his heart beat. I sipped the drink, and in my ear I heard him whisper. “I think it’s time we headed back to my hut.” He bellowed as quietly as his deep chest could offer. I trembled and smiled, nodding as I looked out the corner of my eye back at him. Kait grinned back, eyes half lidded as he gazed at me. “It’s about time you got your gift.”

I giggled softly and let Kait’s arm wrap around my waist. As I whispered back. “Oh yeah, is just gift what I think it is?”

Kait chuckled “well, not exactly, but a little bit.” He smirked.

Our beers were sipped to completion and be and Kait stood, cuddling as we took our things inside and we said our good nights to the others who seemed had the same idea. Kalden and his wife waved to us, Kalden winked at me as me and Kait walked along the deck back to his hut. Avoiding the wet where we could. We stepped into his hut, past his sliding door and into the warm. Kait taking a moment to stoke his fire as I sat down on his bed and watched him, watching him take his time to brush off his hooves with water. Which seemed to be a nightly routine of sorts. Before I watched him retrieve form a burlap bag, a small wooden bowl, a jar vial of paste and a vial or something else sticky and clear. Finally there was a branch, one that I realised was familiar, but wasn’t sure where from.

Kait gave me a wink and said “bare with me, it’s going to take just a moment.” He said, taking a knife and over bowl he whittled the branch carefully into the bowl, as small little shaves and cuts along the branch he could, running the blade of the knife up and down against the exposed light tan of the wood. I watched on still confused at the small bowl of saw dust, but as one jars of paste were opened, and the red paste was emptied into the bowl with some water. I realised what it was, it was a mix of the same red tattoo ink M’Lynne had made. My heart pounded in excitement as I spoke up with a “Oh! And what are you planning on doing with that?”

Kait chuckled as he saw my face and realised I had put it together, using the branch to stir the paste mix. “A tattoo of course.” He chuckled.

“Ahah, and what tattoo am I getting!” I said crossing my leg on his bed, resting my head playfully on my palm.

“Well, I got back into town, wanting to give you another one, so I went to M’Lynne to ask her for advice. Something that suits you, something unique to you.” Kait grinned as me kept stirring, taking a moment to shave more dust in with a knife. “And Mrs M’Lynne said I should get you something that reminds you of your first submission to a bull, something to serve as a permanent reminder…that you were mounted and fucked by a man.” He chuckled, eyes firey with lust.

He stood up by his fireplace letting it warm as he gestured to me. “And I agreed.” He chuckled. “So, you’re going to bend over, and show me that big round girly ass of yours.” He chuckled.

I could help myself, my heart skipped a beat and then another and I felt myself excitedly autopilot, slipping my naked human body off the bed, and bending over it, gripping the sheets for a moment as I looked over my shoulder at Kait who carefully massaged the clear paste into his palms and then, slowly, pressed his left hand into his red paste. Lifting it up to show me with a smirk. I smiled back, toes squeezed.

Here was another permanent change to my body. I didn’t know exactly what he had in mind, but I knew it couldn’t be subtle, nothing I could try hide from sight, or explain away.

A permanent reminder I had submitted to a bull, that I had bent over and let Kait, a man, mount me and fuck me.

My soft, uncut cock throbbed in delight.

The hard hooves bounded off the hardwood floor as he stepped up behind me. I could feel his towering presence and eased my ass toward him, almost too desperately. And with that, his sticky red palm came down, gently pressing against my left butt cheek, thumb perhaps two inches from my butthole, fingers squeezing in ever so gently. He palmed, and held it pressing it in before carefully easing off.

I tried to get a good look at it, but the angle proved a little lacking to see it as anything more than some red finger stubs on my butt. And so, my hands quietly went to my hips to push them and hold them proudly, looking back at Kait who grinned, carefully washing the paste off his hand with rag and water.

“How does it look?” I moaned to Kait. My eyes shimmering in their sockets as I felt an utterly desperate need for validation. Kait responded by gripping my shoulder and spinning me around gently, pulling me in, and pressing his thick lips to mine, before I even had a chance to moan his tongue was in my mouth, deep in my mouth, exploring it as his now clean hand pressed against my chest, caressing it as he kissed me, pressing his far larger, fatter bovine cock to the side of mine as he did.

I was so completely helpless in his grasp, even if I wanted to run, I couldn’t, Kait held me and utterly overpowered me with his kiss and his body. As was his total strength and dominance.

I didn’t want to run though, as my eyes looked up at his face, as his hands held and embraced my body into his, I was filled with a profound desire unlike anything I had ever known.

I needed to bend over for Kait, I needed him inside me, I needed him to fuck me, I needed him to pound my little human asshole until I didn’t need anything anymore.

I needed him so badly.

His palm came up to caress my face as he broke the kiss slowly, running his bovine tongue slowly against my cheek with a soft groan as we stood together. I felt his hand on my cheek, my hand caressed his, I managed to look up at him again with tremoring eyes and say “R-rose oil, I-I bought rose oil, it’s’s just with my things…”

Kait nodded and kissed my cheek softly as he stepped over to my things. Taking the amber vial and returning to my side. Being separated from him filled me with a profound panic, like I was in a dream and he would vanish. And so I desperately stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his waist, whimpering as I moved to kiss him again. Kait’s firm hand came up to hold the back of my head, caressing my scalp.

Our kiss broke, and as I pulled away I realised Kait was biting my lower lip, pulling it gently with a chuckle, which got a desperate moan from my mouth. My head felt like it was spinning, my mouth hung open and my tongue fell uselessly out and Kait took this as an invitation to press his tongue to mine. He gripped my hips and pulled me into him, stepping forward to dispel the shift in weight. I felt his hard, twitching bovine cock press against mine. Both of us moaned as our tongues pressed. Our eyes locked in half lidded gazes. And again, I felt my heartbeat in my eyes. I saw the heat and the fire in Kait’s. He was so excited, so turned on. I could see it in the way he looked at me. I could feel it in his cock as it throbbed against mine. His hand gripped my ass, squeezing firm fingers into the human dough of my butt cheek. Our tongues still pressed as we both gasped at each-other. Kissing and breaking again and again.

My eyes looked down as my hand eagerly wrapped it’s subtle fingers around the thick bovine cock. I saw from the flared head, from the thick urethra beads of cloudy glass drooled and dribbled in occasional drops to the floor.

I felt Kait’s hand, gently, eagerly ply my butt cheek open, and after a moment as our chests beat against each-other in tandem I felt a dribble of slickness down the cleft of my ass cheeks. And a warm hand, moving in, pressing and massaging as the scent of wild rose filled the air.

I moaned loudly, feeling the warm oil slick fingers massage, toying and prodding against my winking anus, exposed to his exploring hand as he grunted and smiled. I pressed back into the kiss, spreading my legs and eagerly twitching my ass up and down for him as he dribbled the oil and massaged it in, his finger prodding against my asshole. I stroked with a firm grip on his shaft, my free hand coming down to massage its palm against the sticky flare, gathering Kait’s precum, an approving grunt in his lips as I did. Massaging it against his shaft, his shaft flexed in delight in my hands as I did. My own dick hung limp beside his hard cock, pressing against it, smearing against my groin. I ran my fingers over my dick, feeling how excited I was, dribbles of my own precum joined Kait’s on the floor. With a hard moan my fingers massaged our two cocks against each-other.

Kait was looking down too, both of us breathing against each-other as he watched me squeeze our dicks against the other, feeling his flared cock head prod my subtle testicles.

The first words in a while escaped his lips as he chuckled out. “See that there…” he purred. “Your cute little limp cock?”

I nodded and whimpered in sheer delight. Unable to say anything, unable to express the utterly maddening delight it gave me to see my limp human dick against Kait’s bigger, harder cock.

“That’s why I prefer boys” he moaned, his forehead pressed to mine, his finger prodding my anus still. “Boy’s bodies are just so much cuter when they submit.” He teased into my ear as he pulled me in again for another kiss, that broke into our tongues tangling in our mouths.

“M-my dick…is so limp…” I moaned with a shiver. “It’s like it knows what’s about to happen…” I whimpered.

“So eager to submit your dick can’t even find a reason to get hard.” Kait teased gripping my ass cheek again. Forcing his tongue against mine again.

It was euphoric, every inch of me was in pure pleasure. Never in my life had I been so free of any worry. I never wanted Kait to ever stop kissing me. Touching him, Tasting him, feeling him, feeling his huge heart beat pounding against my subtle chest. Feeling him touch me.

I needed it to go forever. I needed it to be every hour of my life from now on.

But, eventually I did break our kiss, our tongues separated, little silk threads of spit connected our mouths for a moment before they broke.

Our eyes lingered helplessly locked on the other, my breath was laboured and hard as I felt it in my muscles, in my bones. It wasn’t even a conscious thought, more an instinct. My body moved, legs shifted and bent, arms moved and my body spun slowly, deliberately until I pushed my fat ass back against Kait’s hard, slick, bullcock. Letting it rest and grind slowly between the same oiled cleft of my butt.

Kait kept his hand on his hip and the other hanging loose as he watched me. Slowly bend down, my hands gripping the side of his bed, holding it and gripping it as I stuck my ass back, more, eagerly forward him.

It was all in pure instinct. I squeezed my toes into fists as I stuck my round ass back toward the Minotaur. I hadn’t even registered I done it until I was already panting as I bent my head over my shoulder to look back at Kait. Any masculinity I had was abandoned more and more with each desperate throb of my heart. I eagerly displayed my oiled up anus to Kait, holding myself in position as I offered it to him.

It didn’t seem at all taboo, it felt so very right, like this is how it should always have been. Like it was the natural order for me to surrender like this, to abandon my manhood and submit to a stronger male.

My masculinity, my flimsy male pride, was a virgin sacrifice, offered up eagerly to my handsome conquerer.

And my boypussy was the alter…

Kait stepped forward, his firm hands gripped my hips, squeezing his fingers into my flesh.

I bit my lower lip, my eyes fluttered and I tried to stifle a moan. Kait’s hand moved from my ass to grip his cock, which I finally felt press it’s flared flat head against my butthole. The feeling alone almost sent me over the edge. I moaned out, feeling the comforting warmth of his glans pressing, massaging, and drooling precum against my oiled hole. The feeling made my cock flex between my thighs.

I could hear the ringing in my ears of rushing blood. I moaned, my tongue forced out of my mouth in excitement.

“By the brothers, you’re making the most adorable sounds, my little Alfie~” Kait purred from above me, gripping my ass and slowly pushing, prodding my anus with his flared cock, again and again, pushing and teasing.

The pressure built on my anus, and for a terrifying, heart stopping moment it felt like it wasn’t moving. But then, finally, my breath caught in my throat as I felt my butthole slowly, gently, being speared open. Spreading wider, wider and wider as Kait pushed and gripped my ass cheek like a handle.

The breath caught in my throat turned into an overjoyed moan as I felt my boypussy spread, accepting the flared head of my conquerer into my body, the slick oil of my ass and the slick shaft of Kait’s man hood pushed in, slowly, gently, forcing my insides open wider and wider. Kait let out a grunt as he carefully eased more and more of himself inside me. I felt my mind go blank, focusing only on the sensation, focusing only of the soft stretch, of my anus feeling every little vein and pump of Kait’s bullcock slide deeper and deeper inside.

I moaned again, desperately desperately it felt like I was trying to push my tongue out of my mouth. Inch by inch it went deeper, but not only did I feel it push and slide inside, I felt a little orb, like a hard ball of warm glass beneath the floor of my ass. Unlike the rest of my ass it refused to be forced aside so easy, and I felt it sandwich, pressed against the stem of my testicles and Kait’s invading shaft. My eyes rolled back into my head and I felt the little orb flex, I realised then what I was feeling, my prostate. It felt amazing, indescribable, to feel every inch of his penis press and grind against it as it entered. My hands gripped the sheets of Kait’s bed like I was desperately holding on for dear life.

Deeper and deeper it went inside me, grinding against me, stretching me out more, and more until, finally, I felt it stop, a firm round press at my stretched boypussy, which couldn’t push its way in. My heart pounded, and I let out gasped moans each time I felt a sudden push from Kait to try force in, but it refused. My tongue hung out of my lips in shock as I eased over my shoulder to see. Kait’s hard, bovine cock was half buried inside my ass, and the thick medial ring of his inhuman penis was proving too large to force in.

Kait moaned, I could see the utter delight on his face as his hard cock flexed inside me, he leaned over me letting his free hand slide up my body, up my back between my shoulders to grip the back of my head. Giving my locks of brown hair the most gentle tug, pulling himself closer to my ear to let out an out of breath chuckle. “How does it feel, little human boy?~” he growled playfully into my ear.

I answered Kait with a desperate moan. But my voice stammered out a gasping. “O-oh my god…I-it’s really happening! I-ahn..I’m being fucked!” I gasped out. My mind so flatlined from excitement the reply seemed pointed at nobody. Though gradually, sense was returning to me as we had stopped to catch our breaths. I heard Kait moan, chuckling at my reply, his hand letting go of my hair and sliding back down my body so he could grip my waist.

“Does it feel good, do you like having my cock buried inside your little ass, hmm?” he sighed back with a chuckle, testing his grip on my body as he eased back upright.

“A-ahn uh-huh!” I moaned back. “F-fuck me! Fuck me Kait!” I gasped out.

Kait groaned, and I felt the slow feeling of stretching relieving, as he slowly withdrew his cock, I trembled and felt the massage over my prostate again, feeling the flared head threatening to pop out of my anus. Before he gripped my ass and I felt a gentle thrust, pushing his shaft slowly back inside. A pause for a breath and then cock was sliding back out again.

Each gentle thrust into my anus drew a moan from me, a squeeze of my fingers in the sheets. I heard Kait moaning too, taking deep breaths as the pace slowly grew faster and faster.

I let out a deep moan, feeling his cock throb inside me as he fucked me, the gentle brisk pace of his dick sliding in and out of me, massaging my insides, my prostate. The gentle slick sound of his cock sliding in and out of my butthole filled the air in the room, it was loud in my ear. I could hear the subtle differences in the hush sound.





flllp slllk

flllp slllk

“Hnng…Kait!” I let out in relieved delight.

“Unnfff…Alfie~” Kait moaned, I could feel his own relief in his voice.

Gods, how had he done it? Was it really so easy? Years, I had sworn by my identity, sure I had…slipped up occasionally, maybe had some sexual confusion…but I remember being so sure I was heterosexual. It had never been a question on my mind until I met this big, stupid beautiful bull…

A few days had all it had taken, he just walked into my life, and effortlessly obliterated that meticulously crafted wall. And now he was sliding his cock in and out of my ass and making me moan his name.

Any resistance I had he melted. There was something like a comforting glow inside me, growing, warm, and encompassing. I wasn’t sure was it was…but it was growing.

“Move that ass Alfie, show me you want it..” Kait groaned. “Show me you want me…” he added, with what my mind identified was an aspect of begging.

My own legs began to move, as he grew faster. I couldn’t help but move back, riding my ass up and then down the shaft eagerly. Kait moaned, gripping my ass softly and stopping his thrusting for a moment to let me do all the work. Between my gasps I did what I asked keeping the pumping sensation going inside me as I bounced my hips against Kait’s cock,

I felt the burn in my thighs as I worked myself onto my lover’s shaft, indulging in the feeling of it getting deeper into me. I could feel beads of my precum squeezing out of the slit of my cock and dribbling to the floor as Kait groaned again. “Ahhn, work that ass human boy!” He sighed. “Let me hear how much you want it!”

“K-kait! Ahh haaah kait!” I begged out as I rode my ass back into his dick, feeling Kait move his hands along my ass and grip me again. “I-it’s so…g-good! It feels so good!” I gasped. Kait sighed and slowly started thrusting again, letting me keep bouncing my ass back into him, still feeling the push and bulge in the middle of his shaft as his medial ring staunchly refused to let him in deeper.

The upside was, Kait was thrusting harder, grunting deeper as he thrust into my body as my ass moved back to take him. The pair of us moving faster, and louder. I strained out an overjoyed whimper and a “F-fuck me! Mount me like a bitch and fuck me!” I groaned, feeling another dribble of precum ooze from my shaft to the floor. Eyes rolled back so far it felt like they could snap their stems, my tongue lashing whorishly out. The two of us gasped harder and harder, along the floor of my ass I felt that staunch prostate overjoyed as the pounding massage squeezed and tormented it.

My glasses shimmied up and down my face with each thrust, moving from Kait’s hips into my ass, and then into my body. But cramps were forming in the joints of my hips, my thighs wanted to keep working me back but I slowly felt my rhythm faltering and, soon Kait’s was too. The pair of us slowed down to a pause and gasped slowly. Catching our breath and letting our muscles relax. Kait kept himself buried inside me as he reached down to grip my torso and pull it up, until my shoulders, sweaty and red from exertion was against his chest. His hand moving to pull me into a kiss over my shoulder, we both moaned exerted into it. Breaking apart my eyes watched Kait smile at me, and I smiled at him, his hand caressed my face.

“Feeling good?” He whispered. Softly, caringly, panting slowly. Checking in on me.

I whimpered and smiled, nodding eagerly as he held me against him. “I-it f-feels so good.” I moaned.

The energy of lust was returning to both of us and Kait chuckled, gripping me firmly. “You want more?” He teased.

I nodded and my tongue poked out at him with an excited smile. “You’re making me into such a slut!” I moaned taking a moment to focus on his eyes.

“This was always you.” He purred back at me, caressing and massaging the base of my head. “I think this Alfie’s just never been allowed to ever come out to play until now.” He whispered. “You should, hahaann…” Kait moaned as he slowly eased his cock out, letting the flare pop softly from my boypussy as it came to rest with a slap on the shelf of my ass cheek. “ …hear yourself. This is the happiest I’ve ever heard you sound.” He chuckled.

“I-I ahh…” I panted softly. “I don’t think…I’m v-very straight…Kait.” I sighed, feeling my butthole squeeze and wink in disappointment at being empty.

“Hah…What gave it away?” Kait chuckled as he held me. “Some things starting to make sense now are they?”

“First time I had sex, back in the capital it…didn’t feel nearly this…good…” I whimpered.

Kait leaned in and kissed me again, pushing his tongue against mine as his grip on my body eased. His hard cock still pressed against my ass cheeks as he held me and eventually let go. “You want more?” He whispered, and all I could manage was another delighted moan and a nod. “Let’s change positions.” He offered.

I concurred and I turned around, letting Kait grip my shoulders, feeling his hard slick bullcock slap and prod against my subtle testicles as we looked at each-other and he gently eased me down to sit on the bed. His hands on my shoulders he eased me down to lay back, I looked up at him from the bed as his hands slid down to grip my ankles.

With a gasp I felt him pull and push my legs up, bending my knees above my chest as he grinned and simply said. “Let me show you how a bull really mounts his cow.” He grunted, grinning at me as my eyes shot open and I saw his hooves come down on his bed, either side of my wide hips, gripping my legs for support as he stood up on his own bed. His legs bent, knees coming down and butt sticking out as he squat and I suddenly found his hard cock slapping against my soft balls. As he pressed my legs forward he held them, grunting as he gripped me. Pushing my body into the bed.

His hand bought his flared cock to prod at my anus again, grunting above me as he did so. Looking down at me, making my heart pound uncontrollably. My eyes locked on his, I was gasping as I felt my heart race.

“You ready?” He teased.

I nodded furiously, moaning and letting out a soft begging, giggle. “Fuck the man out of me Kait…”

The attitude of the sex had changed completely now, Kait chuckled and stated, he looked down at me, massaging and prodding his cock against my ass. My moaned, my legs helplessly shifted in his grasp, knees pressed into my chest and my feet pushing against his hard muscled chest. I felt my eyes wide and bright behind my glasses, looking between Kait and my uncut cock, laying flat against me. Drooling precum down as I felt Kait taunt my butthole. Seeing Kait’s face had changed the nature of my whimpering submission to him. Before it had been an utter submission to a stronger animal. Here, our eyes locked and didn’t move, staring at one another as Kait groaned and started slowly forcing his cock back inside me. Pushing my hole back open, stretching it around his far more immense penis, the flared head pushing in, inching its way in deeper and deeper. The hard ball of my prostate was still there, delighted to be getting its loving massage back, but this time it was in the roof of my ass, now that I had swapped to my back.

I had read maybe my height in books about sex, romantic views of sex, erotic views of sex, anatomical views of sex. In all those depictions and descriptions of sex, not a single book had ever adequately explained how much [i]fun sex was. None has prepared me for how much fun it was to feel a cock pushing inside me, to feel another warm body gripping you.

I moaned, eyes struggling to keep from rolling away from the intoxicating gaze of Kait, but his own face squeezed and pulled into open mouth closed eyes moans, pushing that medial ring to the ring of my boypussy. Watching his face, his body, revealed a whole show of emotions. There was that relief, that overjoyed expression of pleasure again.

He started to slide out and thrust down, thrusting into my anus, pushing me against the bed in slow deep thrusts, and that pleasure continued, but it was broken up by his eyes forcing themselves open to gaze down at me, taking a moment to inspect my moaning face. He kept doing it.

The expressions of joy, It was almost enough to send me into a shuddering orgasm. My body was making Kait feel so good! I, Alfie Brandt, my body was doing this. Kait’s pleasure was because of me! My feet pressed to Kait’s chest and he thrust down harder. The room filled with the same subtle slickness of massaging skin, but with the now rhythmic slap of my subtle cock slapping against my own body, and the soft stressed wood creak of his bed beneath us. My dick flicking precum across my stomach as the force of his impacts were pushed into me.

I realised something as we stared at each-other moaning to one another. Kait was feeling the exact same thing. The same utter excitement and joy of knowing his body was giving me this pleasure. He kept looking back at my face just to enjoy the sight of me in ecstasy, overjoyed form knowing he was doing it.

For a few moments, everything in the world melted away and everything just became me and Kait. My hands moved to wrap around and hold my legs open wide for him. I gave him a wide smile from moaning lips as he kept thrusting down into my boypussy, eventually coming down to one knee and pushing his hands against the wall above my head, to brace himself, now not needing to hold my legs anymore. Faster and faster our bodies moved and our eyes locked, I felt the melting massage of my prostate pressed by his cock. In that moment I felt so vulnerable, so submissive, so weak. But I wanted to, I wanted Kait to see all of it, to see how vulnerable he had made me, how much I trusted him, so much so I had let him inside me. Everybody else in the world was gone, it was just us, sharing each other’s bodies.

My glasses had fallen crooked on my face from the angle and I moaned up at Kait, giving him a relieved moan watching my cock bounce and slap noisily against my stomach, I bit my lip as I felt the hard ache between my legs, building, like a coiled rope threatening to snap. Days of restraining were failing, I could feel it. My fingers ran delicately over my dick, across my aching testicles, my finger prodded against the glans of my cock. Before I could even say it, Kait moaned out, strained above me with his hands gripping the wall, hard muscles and shoulders flexed as he looked down. “I-I’m…gonna…cum…” he bellowed to me in soft sighs thrusting into me.

“I-I’m…so…close Kait!” I begged. “Harder! Please!” I moaned.

Kait, my sweet, gorgeous Kait, obliged, without question I saw his strained muscles renew for one last push, thrusting harder, speeding up. His bovine cock sliding in and out of my hole faster, faster.

“G-gods…yes…YES!” I strained out, gripping my thighs. My eyes rolled, my teeth clamped on my lips. I wanted to give a warning, to say I was cumming, but it started to happen. Like waves of pure ecstasy, low and ebbing at first but each quick wave grew harder, faster. My prostate was the source of the wicked pleasure, seizing and squeezing and spasming like it was shooting arcs of electricity into my hips. I bucked and I screamed out throwing my chest up and moaning out a “K-Kait!” As hot, slack strings of white cum flicked from the slit of my cock, falling across my belly and chest, flicking as my helpless dick slapped against my stomach. As if all happened I felt hyper aware of the bellow and grunt, the hard thrust, Kait’s thick penis shoving in and erupting, hard, gushed of thick seed were spraying deep inside me. My mind was struggling to handle it, ears ringing and mouth gasping, blurry eyes locked on Kait as the two of us connected for a brief moment, becoming the same body, like a circuit, passing the orgasm back and forth between us in a beautiful loop. I could feel the pulse at the base of my cock, hidden behind my skin, and the hard squeeze of my anus around Kait’s dick. In return, as I squeezed around Kait’s shaft I felt the distinct pulse and convulsion of gentle muscles as his cock pushed another, and another hefty rope up and hosed it into me.

Every muscle in my body tensed and one by one the glow of warmth relaxed me. I felt my orgasm twitch inside me, lingering for so long I couldn’t believe it, finally, coming to a stop as I felt the full weight of cum plugged inside my hole as Kait sighed his arms slacking from the wall as his arms slackened and gently grasped my shoulders and chest, wrapping around me with a relieved moan, his lips came down to mine and we kissed, moaning quietly into each-other’s mouths as our chests heaved. Slowly his chest came down to press against mine as we embraced tighter. Our lips separating as we both breathed and sighed against each-other, my exhausted head rested against his shoulder as his hand moved to run through the soft sweaty hair on my head.

There wasn’t anything to say. He and I just looked at each-other and cuddled for a moment, his hand caressing my head as I sighed, quietly admiring the fullness I felt, the now delightful absence of an ache between my legs. The glow didn’t seem to go away though, it seemed to be gentle wash over me. Kait’s free firm hand, gently caressed against my soft penis, touching and massaging it gently with a palm as he leaned in to kiss me again. I let out a tired and satisfied giggle, massaging my thighs against his, feeling the warm soft fur bristle against my skin.

“You came so much…” Kait teased softly. Slowly, easing his hips back, sliding his slowly softening cock out of my butthole. With a soft, wet pop, my anus was free, and I let out a deep moan and a tremble of delight as I felt the torrent of hot cum ooze out of my hole as it winked in the ambient aftershocks of pleasure.

Kait eased his softened cock up to press and lie beside mine, climbing up inches past my cock, oozing with cum from the flared head as I felt his hot, warm heavy testicles press and massage against mine.

“I-I th-think you came a little more…” I said like a purr, still feeling the torrent of cum oozing out and staining the sheets.

I stretched my neck out and gave Kait a soft kiss on his chin as he smiled down at me. Whispering. “T-thank you…” I said with an embarrassed smile. “I…think…I really needed that.”

Kait chuckled gently and shook his head. His eyes betrayed to me a greater depth of admiration, but he just said. “We both needed that.” He smiled caressing his hand up my chest.

We did separate from the embrace, as Kait smiled and stood, moving to get us some wet rags to wipe ourselves off. He laid down on his back and with open arms and a satisfied growl he welcomed me crawling over and climbing ontop of him. Pressing my soft dick to his as I laid another kiss into him, slowly pulling off my glasses and letting them lay beside us.

The energy was gone now. I was exhausted, in a good way. I cuddled myself into his warm naked body, resting my face against him as he sighed and carefully laid his head against mine, wrapping his arms around me.

I hope this acts as the best indicator it can be of that reader. Even in these words it still strikes me as profoundly impossible to describe how good I felt, how satisfied I was. How at peace I felt. Every touch of his warm hand on my body felt gentle, every aspect of me felt clearly and more defined. Like some layer of grime had been finally wiped off the whole world. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind now, there couldn’t be, that this was the truth. Kait’s cock inside me had changed me, set certain that the lusts I felt for him were not a trick of the mind. There wasn’t a second from the moment he first pushed inside me, to our shared orgasm that didn’t feel right.

The truth didn’t upset me, it put me in a profound feeling of ease.

Alfie Brandt was gay, and Alfie Brandt wasn’t going to be ashamed of that anymore.

It might be hard, and it would take some time, but Alfie Brandt realised that night, that this wasn’t something he was going to run from anymore.

I wanted this, every second of this bliss. Of Kait’s warm reassuring body, his touch, his body inside mine. I wanted more. If I could bottle up the feeling of drifting off as I cuddled my naked Kait, I’d get addicted to it.

For the first time in my life, I felt certain about who I was.

This feeling, was Alfie Brandt.

Art by a whole lot of folks and here they are!

Thanks MidnaBlu for the comic, and her half of the animation
Thanks also to MsLily for her bonus art!
Annnd to GameGWL for his work on the cover art!

Thanks to FaeJunkie for his art on the animation also!

Well well, happy belated anniversary of A Tribe Called Broken Rock!

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me. And thanks for sticking with Alfie, I know I cock teased you and my poor beloved Alfie for so long, but I hope this makes up for it.

I am sorry we ended up having to delay this a day, but I did really need that extra time. This chapter is gigantic as you have seen and I needed the time to add to it and finish it.

I implore all of you to not miss the comic, it’s a 5 page little thing that my artist MidnaBlu made perfect for me, with help and guest art from MsLily and GWL Games. The comic couldn’t have come out any more perfectly. As always the individual images will be available as they upload their stuff. And they will be available in the tribal gallery channel of the broken rock Discord server. (Which you should totally join!)

—BUT if you’re reading this from my super sexy new website, you don’t need to do any of that, because it’s all right up there!—

Don’t miss the animation too! Seriously, thank you so much to MidnaBlu, again! For half of that and FaeJunkie who helped make that all possible. Big thanks to SukeBancho and Opalu for lending me their voices. I am immensely proud of it too. I really am excited to do more animations like these, I have a couple already in the works.

Don’t miss out on the question too! That’s should’ve went up about an hour or so before the chapter, so I hope you didn’t miss it! Big thanks to KeichiKun for the little art piece she did for that!  If you have a question to ask Alfie you can send it to him in the Enchanted Ink channel of the discord, or if you want text only and anonymously, send it to the curious cat!

An enormous thanks, most of all, to those of you who chose to help support Broken Rock on Ko-Fi. I said it in the comic footer but you are looking at your money in action. A good half of all this stuff was paid for by your donations. As I always say, every dollar you send goes right into the pocket of an artist. This kind of stuff would be so much harder to do without that support, so THANK you for helping me do that. If you like Broken Rock, if you like my writing and want to see more comics and animations, please consider supporting me and my incredibly handsome and sexy team of artists.

And please please please show the artists and collaborators some love! They helped me make this possible, and these guys are so talented it makes me so happy they choose to keep working with somebody like me.

And last but not least, a huge thank you to you, the reader, for showing up every chapter and reading my stuff, for sharing it, for retweeting my stuff. I still cannot believe so many people read this thing I make. It may not feel like much but, it’s so special to know something I write keeps drawing folks back in. And I hope this story is as good as I can make it.

Thank you all so much, and here’s to another year of our cute little scholar gaybo~


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.