Scrap Page 01: Minotaur Physiology

Oh Gods…

They’re massive!

I had expected them to be larger, of course, but I had no idea the contrast would be this stark!

I did some exploring and some initial note taking and I found a good spot to spy up on what appears to be a small work yard by the palisades and my tent. And I found this to be a particularly useful spot for my anatomical studies! Most of the workers are totally naked, their labor involves lifting logs carried into the town and left in the yard, not sure where they take the lumber, maybe off to be cut to timber? I used my small spot of elevation to spy some time studying my first Minotaurs.

Taking note of their anatomy, using my standard yard poles and some string I rigged up a very simple method by which to measure the bulls as they walked passed or into the yard. Getting a fairly handsome sized sample size of 122 bulls! The shortest one I measured was about 5’11 (155.7cm) and the tallest 7’2 (219.4cm) Giving me an overage height of about 6’6 (201.1cm) which is huge! I don’t remember the exact number but the census data of the Narvaran Imperial Guard regiments had their average height at about 5’8 (176.7cm) or so! So even the shortest bull I have seen is significantly taller than the average man. They did start to get a little suspicious of the poles and strings (and presumably the human staring so maybe a more subtle method is in the books for further data…)

It’s hard to tell ages, honestly most of them look older than me but they all are taller than my by a far bit so perhaps that’s the explanation for that, but they don’t appear to have the subtle aging markers we humans do until you look closer (which I was not of course). But I did notice the ones with greying hair all tender to have larger and longer horns and once I noticed that it became clear that their horns appear to slowly grow larger and longer as they get older. They make a good marker for age when it’s less obvious.

Lady Matilda had alerted me as much but the bulls have mostly bovine anatomy, with bovine legs, hooves, tails, and heads. Really their only humanoid feature is their chests, arms and hands. A far leap from the accepted anatomical standards. Scholar Nolan Tovoln’s “Textbook of Non-Humanoid Anatomies” shows Minotaurs with feet and no tails, which calls into question its accuracy. Particularly in the internal anatomy section where Scholar Nolan says they have two hearts? Which I significantly doubt. I suggest we update these texts immediately. The text is nearly 200 years old by the point though so I wonder how much of it is science and how much of it is myth or art?

Finally their sexual anatomy…

I had expected the bulls to have…significant penises of course but I think I underestimated…

It was hard to see, as my best looks at their penises were when they squat down and their cock’s hung between their thighs. But they appear to have fairly standard mammalian anatomy, a pair of large testicles hanging beneath a muscular taint and a round pronounced anus. As expected for a beastman race their penises are sheathed, but when they are erect and or swollen it appears their penises are a subtle mix of bovine and equine shapes. Perhaps more equine looking. With long ringed shafts, flat flared heads, and pronounced urethras. Again all my sightings were at a distance, but based on my estimates of their average thigh sizes and from the few who appeared to have swollen cocks, My estimates for their average penis size to be hovering at a minimum of 10 inches (25.4cm) but some of my estimates got to as enormous as 15 inches (38.1cm). There is no recorded average human penis size on record at the college but…using my own penis as a reference, I come in at around 3.3 inches, but we’ll round down to get a solid number. Of 3 inches (7.6cm). At these size differences it’s not even a competition…I couldn’t actually sustain an erection long enough measure, almost like my dick knew there wasn’t even a point in trying to shape up and forcing me to measure myself limp.

These measurements are by no means conclusive though…I need to get a closer look at their penises to get solid readings I am comfortable with calling accurate. Maybe even hold them so I can measure them…I am not satisfied until I have accurate results!

I’ll think of something, but this will have to do as an estimate for low!

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.