Chapter 12: The Blacksmith’s Favor


It seemed, every opportunity the world had, it reminded me that my shelter was very much inadequate. Because I woke with a chill, shivering in the nippy early morning air. I had fallen asleep, letter still in my hands with my naked body outside the bedroll, but I shouldn’t have been this cold. My tired eyes looking around the room soon located a troublesome flapping sound and I let out a groan as I saw the nearby corner peg of my tent had popped free in the wind and was now noisily flapping.

I let out a deep sigh, massaging my eyes as a familiar ache in my testicles slowly began to remind me it hasn’t gone anywhere. And the hard firm shape in my anus was a patient reminder of my promise to myself, Kait and Dana.

I slowly pushed myself to my feet with a sigh. Taking time to stretch my arms above myself with noisy groans and popping joints. A quick drink of water.

It was early, earlier than I normally was awake. I stepped out of my tent in my sandals working the sleep out of my system with some deep breaths and some stretches. Even this early it was busy enough. I made eye contact with some bulls walking by carrying tools, waving at them as they said their good mornings. I walked the length of my tent. It had been the corner closest to the road that had popped open. In my mind it had been the proximity to the gate and the wind blowing through that had blown the peg up, but I was only speculating, really I had no idea. I grabbed the unruly peg as it flapped in the wind and bent my knees as I squat down low to the floor. My cock hanging limp between my thighs. I let out a deep, soft, desperate moan as I did, feeling my ass squeeze the toy. The difference was staggering, it wasn’t this snug when I put it in right?

Dana’s voice echoed in my mind, of her mentioning that the Witchwood plug would find itself bound to me, and begin to swell and grow. It didn’t occur to me the mechanics of that until I felt just how much larger the plug had grown within me in only one night.

My dick stiffened slowly, I couldn’t help but moan and smile as I pushed the peg into the soil and use the mallet to gently hammer the peg flush with the soil again. As I finished though, I just couldn’t bring myself to stand back up. The presence in my anus just felt so good. My right hand reached tentatively back. Sliding flat over my round butt cheeks, in between them to touch at the flat base of the plug. I groaned again, my heart beating harder. My fingers had a mind of their own, my hips and round ass conspired with them. My fingers wrapped around and gripped the base of the toy, and with a moan my hips eased up so my cute pink anus swelled over the toy releasing it from its grasp with a wide spread. Until with a soft “Pop!” the plug was out of my anus, getting a desperate shuddering moan from me.

I felt my butthole wink tight at the sudden release from the workout of supporting the swelling toy. I felt myself growing weak legged and my left hand pressed to the soft grass to steady myself.

I couldn’t help myself, I had to…I needed to!

And so, I pushed the toy to my tight anus again, letting my butthole slowly swallow the toy back in. I let out a shivering sigh, a flex of my now stiff cock. And once again I was pulling the toy back out to another soft “Pop!” a gasp of delight and the toy was pushed back in again.

I gasped softly, hiding as much as I could by the side of the tent. Letting out quiet moans as I played with this plug right by the road out of the tribe. Trying to keep it subtle when bulls and women walked past out the gate. Less than a few feet from me. But one bull, a guard, carrying a long heavy looking spear found his eyes gazing over, looking at me, at my ass. My temptations overpowered my embarrassment and I stopped being subtle for him, moaning and staring right into his dark brown eyes as I fucked my human ass with the toy.

He smirked, chuckled as he walked past, his muscular arm offering me a blown kiss as he walked out the gate. The thrill I got from doing something so perverted was intoxicating.

Gods I was so horny! Gods please somebody just fuck me! I wanted to cum so badly. But my mind tutted at me, chided me. I couldn’t cum it reminded me, my orgasm was for Kait to enjoy.

As if the universe was concurring, my eyes noticed a flash of beige as a door opened. And my eyes shot open as I noticed Rapps stepping out of his hut, he’s eyes looking over at my form by my tent. Grinning and waving as he stepped out to walk over toward me. I let out a sudden gasp as the cloud of lust broke and I pushed the toy back in my ass firmly before snatching my hand away and slowly standing up as I smiled and waved back.

My face flushed red as I stepped out, his expression as he walked nearer did not seem to suggest he had seen what I was doing. His eyes did slip down though, between my thighs and I realised that my cock was stiff and excited still. He smirked and stood next to me with his hands on his hips, the ribbons on his horns blew in the breeze.

“Well, long time no see Mister Alfie.” He commented with a smile.

“Y-yeah! How have you been?”

He shifted his shoulders. His loins were covered by furs, hiding his manhood behind it. “Busy, I have had to keep cutting lumber to trade. I have sort of a project I am doing at the moment for somebody else. Helping them get the lumber to make a fence. But I am just about finished, I am looking forward to sleeping in some.”

He stirred his hand as if to say ‘I digress’ looking at me. “What are you up to this morning, fixing up your pegs?”

I smiled and nodded. And suddenly crashing down on me, initially hidden by the fog of lust was dozens of memories of things I had to ask of Rapps next time I saw him.

“Y-yeah! Actually R-Rapps I have been meaning to ask you something concerning that.”

He nodded and smiled back.

“I need a more permanent structure to stay in, specially over autumn and winter.” I began gesturing to him. “I am thinking of doing wattle and daub, I was wondering if I could…get home he help working on it, would you be interested in getting me the lumber I need?”

He listened and nodded with a wide grin. “Funny you say that, I used to make wattle and daub houses all the time back in my old tribe.” He began. “It’s a good choice, they make for easy to build permanent structures but they aren’t resource intensive, just labor intensive. But once you get to the mud it’s something you can do easily enough. It just takes a while.”

I nodded and stepped forward. “I can, offer you a way to pay you somehow! I couldn’t make you work for free.”

He shook his head. “I agreed to help, I am almost finished with my job anyway. And what you’re asking is actually way easier.”

He did lift his finger. “I will need something though. A pair of things, namely a siding axe. I need to square some of the logs into beams. I am also going to probably be want say…a dozen iron spikes for the foundations. Not really any nails in a wattle and daub hut but I have plenty of nails for what we would need. If you can find a blacksmith, a siding axe, and the iron building spikes are all I need. I can give you a spare spike to take and use as an example, but any blacksmith should be able to make some simple iron spikes, they’re just big nails for logs really.” Rapps listed off.

“An axe and some spikes, in return for helping me with the lumber?” I confirmed in confusion. “Seems a little lopsided still, are you sure there’s not more you need?”

Rapps shook his head. “A hewing hatchet is the one big tool I still need but don’t have, haven’t gotten one because I don’t really know any blacksmiths in Broken Rock. If I have one of those it opens up double the work for me. So you get me one I’ll use it on your home. And then I can use it to make more stuff to trade and to get more work.”

Rapps and I agreed. For a moment I spoke about what my potential future home may look like, what it would require. He spoke of foundations, roof types. When he asked what kind I wanted I mentioned wood tiles.

He nodded slowly scratching his wide chin. “More sturdy sure, might take a while though it’s gonna require more wood. Why wood though instead of say clay tiles or thatch?”

It was a good point, but Rapps listened as I explained my reasoning. “Because I actually need a lot more than just tiles for my roof. Number one any spares I can use to make dies for my papyrus press. And secondly…” I said remembering Kait’s as he explained his need for a carpenter. “Because, if you like, there’s actually a big job available for one of the clans. The Clayrends, they need some wooden tiles for their bricks so they don’t lose so many this year when they bake them. So if we use wooden tiles, there’s actually 3 separate applications you could use those for…” I said sheepishly, feeling worried that I maybe coming off as condescending to the bull.

Rapps nodded slowly. Looking at me and smirking. “That’s good thinking…damn good thinking…” Rapps looked down at the dirt road of our street in contemplation before looking up at me. “And you said they need help, like the whole Clayrend clan needs this job done?”

I nodded back. “I’m uh…close with one of the Clayrend sons, I am sure he’d love to meet you and discuss this. He’s out of town for a while but when he’s back I’d love to introduce you two!”

Rapps nodded affirmatively though. “If the case is this big project for the Clayrends, I’ll do it, but if I can, I will probably have to tack more requests onto your blacksmith run. I am going to need a lot of nails for your roof, and I will probably also need a saw blade, something smaller I can use on logs to make these tiles, I’ll also probably have to go out into the woods and meet with Nikolas, one of the foresters for Broken Rock, and get his opinion on what timber I can use…” he mumbled talking more to himself then he was me. “It’s all doable though, if you get me the tools, I’ll get this done for you, that’s a deal.” He quickly added, offering me his hand.

I nodded back and I offered my hand to him. I had no idea how I was going to manage to get these tools for Rapps but considering this was the only side of the deal, I probably shouldn’t complain. I was getting half of a house for this, I shouldn’t be so worried. Rapps came out of the hut giving me some examples of what he wanted for me to take to a blacksmith and with that we said our goodbyes and made a point to reconvene as soon as we could.

Finding a blacksmith was going to be an interesting challenge. I honestly had no idea where to look, and Kait wasn’t here to ask. Rapps said he had no clue either. He was new to Broken Rock after all.

Of course one of the larger clans would probably have a blacksmith, but with the customs of this tribe being what they were they would likely not even agree to speak to me, and even then I doubted I had much to trade them.

But, staring at Rapps’ house the idea slowly irked its way into my head. Rapps was a skilled carpenter and he was in the district of the tribe for those without clans. It seemed as if this district managed to sustain itself despite their taboo in Minotaur custom, when nobody wants to trade with you because you have no clan, how do you trade? One presumes that you trade with the other clanless. It was not out of reason to assume there had to be at least one blacksmith in the clanless district. Surely?

Note to self, I needed to really dive into the clanless district. As interesting as it is to study the nature of the clans in Broken Rock, it was perhaps just as interesting to study those who acted in spite of it.

And so I took to the dirt road and began to explore the many streets of the clanless district. My sandals clicked against my heels, my subtle cock shifted with my footsteps, the swollen plug stayed stiff in my ass.

The style of the buildings seemed vastly non uniform here, that was the first thing of note. Whereas the clans seemed to share their building styles the huts and homes of the clanless families was far more varied. There was no need to share style, nobody had any obligation to. Log huts stood next stone ones, next to mud huts. Interestingly though, the homes still formed in the small little villas and enclaves. Sharing paths and some even had simple furniture, I came across a large group of women. Sitting at some kind of wooden table. A huge procession of wives, different ages, some tall some short. Pale skinned humans and tall slender elves, many deeply pregnant, others carrying infant daughters or calfs to their breasts to nurse them. They all spoke comfortably and intimately to eachother. Even though none looked to be in a clan, the dozens of families came together as if they were a clan.

Another hour of wandering followed. Rather ironically I came across a trio of Minotaurs and a tall human woman with extremely short red hair as they constructed what looked like a stone hut. I stopped to watch them a moment out of curiosity. I watched the three Minotaur carry the large stones in their thick arms, watched the woman layer what looked like a mud mixture and watched the stone be sank into the wall before being smoothed down. It was a slow process, a rock was taken from the small pile of stones they had, hefted by two or three of the bulls and sealed in with mud. Again and again. A little like how a bricklayer back home might lay a brick in mortar. Instead it was large hunks of stone.

The bulls, I noticed, looked slightly different too. These Minotaur seemed far furrier, more stout. I couldn’t help but wonder if they were from a different culture of Minotaur. The mere idea that there was more tribes and more esoteric culture to learn made my head spin. One tribe had been exhausting enough so far and I had barely gotten started!

More walking, and a creeping feeling that maybe I had made a misjudgement. Was smithing too high a skill to leave to the Clanless, did the clans poach the smiths whenever they appeared?

But right as I was beginning to feel the urge to give up I came across what I was hunting for. It was another stone building. Mostly a large stone forge area with a timber extension built. The closer I got to it the more certain I was it was a blacksmith. The small extension was no doubt a place for accomodation. But the forge held within had a somewhat tall chimney that billowed black coal smoke and glowed an amber orange.

I didn’t see anybody within as I approached, stepping up to the stone archway and feeling the intense heat of the forge. There wasn’t any wood for me to knock on, so I peeked my head in cautiously, slapping my palm gently against the stone in hopes of creating any sort of audible sound.

“Hello?” I called out. “Is there anybody here?”

Tools hung from the wall, all sorts of things were stacked in corners. Crucible pots, heavy looking wooden chests, an entire sealed area by an opening in the stone wall which looked to be a loft for loading coal into the pile from a wagon outside. There was an anvil by the open forge, to my surprise it appeared to be bronze, it was particularly obvious where the metal had been pounded and fatigued to expose the dark rich earth copper colour beneath the layers of oxide and tarnish.

My mood went from caution to a shimmering excitement as I saw, laying on what looked to be timber workbench with a slate top, a saw blade. Made of a similar bronze, but far newer, far shinier. It looked newly forged.

And it was there my ears pricked up, hearing a deep moan of delight from deeper within the building. From the extension side of the building. I felt a throb in my heart as I stepped closer, I had a feeling I knew what I was hearing, especially as the sounds of a more rhythmic impact grew louder, this doorway to that side of the house had a heavy door which sat ajar. I knocked this one, but as I slowly eased the door open I realized it didn’t really matter much. They wouldn’t have heard me over the deep groans and soft muffled claps of flesh meeting furred skin.

My eyes shot open and my face shaded itself a deep red.

Laying back on a creaking bed was a thick figure. Bovine and hoofed legs open wide, pushing into the timber floor. The bovine form was splotched black and white, like a Holstein bull. Between his thighs of pure muscle was a jet black leather mass, two heavy testicles that bounced softly with thrusts up. Wrapped from his thick medial ring up, was a pair of firm, muscular looking slate grey butt cheeks, a tight darkened anus winked as a dark, wet looking cunt desperately swallowed the top half of the obsidian cock. Stretched wide around it as muscular slate grey thighs rode the figure.

The woman atop, she was muscular, tall, her back was dotted with scars, and her hair was tied back in a tall pony tail of her ashy white air bounced and shimmered as the body bounced against it. She had long pointed ears. Her lean, muscular arms, all dotted with their own scars gripped the bull, one hand gripped a white ivory horn form his head the other gripped his barrel of a chest.

She rode him just as eagerly as he thrust up into her. Her voice groaned. “Breed me! Breed me you big perfect lump of steel!” She growled in excitement.

Her head looked over her shoulder and light blue eyes beheld my shocked and shy frame in the doorway. She bit her lip and giggled riding harder, moving her hips more eagerly into the cock. “Steinel sweetie, it seems ahhn! It seems you have a visitor.”

Her face, whoever she was, was vaguely familiar. In a weird haunting way, like her face was buried somewhere deep in some memory of mine. It seemed her pleasured eyes regarded me in much the same way. As if she had the similar feeling that we had met. Dark Elves were a rare and reclusive kind, I felt as if I should recognise her, I wanted admit for my sake I would remember meeting one if I had.

Her eyes drifted down to my soft pale uncut cock, twitching between my fat thighs.

“Gods and what a cute visitor he is.” She purred.

I broke eye contact in embarrassment, their thrusting kept up, the bull, I guessed named Steinel looked over at me with a chuckle.

“S-sorry to intrude…I-I didn’t mean to! I was just…I am in need of a blacksmith!”

Steinel grunted and nodded, his horns were straight, like sharp tusks pointing out of his forehead. He also lacked any kind of hair or mane. The closest thing to being bald I suppose a bull could be.

“Not at all, I uhf, apologise for not tending my shop. I figured I could ahn…sneak away for a moment.”  His voice was distinct. Heavily accented and booming.

The familiar dark elf giggled at that, regarding me and riding the dick harder.

“Not to…unf…dismiss you, but I will ahn…be with you in a moment, if you…wouldn’t mind stepping outside and waiting for me and my…partner to finish up?”

I flustered out and nodded looking away. “Y-yes yes! Of course I will just be outside! Sorry please come on m-come for me when you are ready! Sorry again!”

I burst away from the door into the forge, power walking with swinging arms out the door at into the yard of this forge again with a sigh and a shake of my head. Terribly embarrassed by what I saw.

Outside in the midday sun I had plenty of time to calm down. It was a somewhat long wait, interrupted by the sounds of pleasure bouncing around the stone out into my ear as I sat my plump ass down on one of the logs acting as a retaining wall for the path. I moaned under my breath feeling the log push the plug into my ass deeper. The sight had sent my cock into stiff excitement, but thanks to the boredom of waiting I had thankfully fallen limp again.

Then, finally, standing in the door to the forge was the Holstein bull Steinel, gesturing me in with a smirk. His enormous bovine cock hanging half hard off his hips, the black leather glistened from the sex, from the flare, white drops of cum drooled into the floor. And as I stared at it in approach I noticed a glistening silver ring pierced through the urethra of his bovine manhood, studded at the top which got me turned red again.

He reached up his wide muscular arm to a hook by the door and groaned as he slipped a brown apron over his chest which thankfully obscured his hanging cock from the front. The whole forge stunk of sex now, and the door to the bedroom was wide open and within the naked body of the dark elf laid, twitching and panting as thick globs of cum drooled off her fucked hole onto the floor, her ass hanging off the bed.

“Sorry about that, my partner and I are often apart so, we…make up for lost time when we are together, yes?” He chuckled leaning on his bronze anvil.

He bit his own lip, and I realised he was eyeing my cock hungrily, up and down which got a hard blush from me and a weak smile. He grinned “my my, she wasn’t kidding, you are adorable.” His eyes falling on my, far far smaller cock.

He gestured his hand at me. “Steinel B Androth of Grasswind, now of Broken Rock.” He said, introducing himself. “How can I be of help today…” he said stopping to stare at me again.

“Alfied Brandt of The Grand Capital College, but please just call me Alfie.” I replied back, bowing slightly. From the bedroom, I hinted the slightest perk up of the satisfied pile of fucked elf meat. As if she heard something.

“I’ve been sent by another bull, a carpenter, he’s in need of some tools so he can help me make a proper hut to stay in.”

Steinel nodded and smiled. “Lumberjack gear is what I cut my teeth in as a young bull. So that’s all easy, what does he need?”

I took the time to explain one by one the things needed. The siding axe, the sawblade, the lumber spikes the nails. He nodded. “Easy, I can do that in my sleep.” He commented with a chuckle, and a hand on his stomach.

In his bedroom the woman stirred on the bed.

“Only real limitation is material. All of my tools are bronze, iron is a little hard to get this far south of the mountains. But honestly bronze will suit him just fine, it’s only wood working.” He grunted.

I shook my head “Should be fine if the build quality is good.”

In the bedroom the dark elf sat up, massaging her head and quietly groaning as she stretched and stood up.

Steinel nodded back. “So, a siding axe, some lumber spikes, some nails and a sawblade.” Biting his lip again he adjusted his neck and looked. “Okay, so what are you willing to offer in return. His eyes taking me in up and down.

I swallowed and had to think. What would this bull want? The booze? Would he want paper? Actually he is a blacksmith maybe the jewels and precious metals may be more useful to him! He could make rings!

The muscular, fit form of the busty dark elf stood in the doorway, she was in the process of sticking a pipe between her teeth as she sighed and filled the pipe with a dried leaf which smelt like tobacco as she lit it. Her eyes studied my form with a smirk.

Watching her puff on the pipe stirred my mind into thinking. She was so familiar, from somewhere in my past, I just didn’t remember where.

“Well, I have some ingots of silver and some gems, I didn’t expect such things to be so useless in this tribe but…perhaps a smith could  have more use for them…” I began. The dark elf woman slowly paced, walking behind me inspectingly, and before I could make the connection I could already hear her giggling softly.

She stepped toward, her warm hands on my shoulder, she leaned in. “Alfie was it? That plug in your ass suits you Alfie.” She purred playfully which made me tremble automatically, her voice right in my ear. “How about you turn around and bend over, show Steinel this little thing.” She teased, I felt the plug pull against my ass as her nimble elf fingers playfully tugged on the wooden thing. Which got me to moan and pull my hands into my chest.

Steinel smirked and the dark elf giggled softly still tugging the wooden plug. “Oh c’mon don’t be so shy, you’re Steinel’s type you know!” She giggled.

“He certainly is.” Steinel chuckled. Looking away from me to the elf behind me, groping me as her pipe smouldered in her lips. “Think he could be any fun yah?” The bull chuckled with a hand on his hip.

“Oh come on Steinel, look at him, tell me he won’t be fun!” She purred, running her fingers along my neck. Leaning in she whispers. “Turn around, look at me little human. Give me a look at that cute little face.”

I did as I was told, feeling my heart vibrate somewhere between a full heart beat as I shuffled around on my toes to look up and stare into the eyes of the tall, ash skinned self. My blush turned me my typically embarrassed shade of beetroot pink. It grew even worse now, because that alarming feeling that I recognised this elf tingled at the back of my mind, like some thorn stuck in my mind. Who the hell was this elf, why did she seem so familiar.

Her warm, palms ran over my face, thumb playfully prying against my lips as she giggled. “Bend over, stick out that ass, show my Steinel that little plug in your ass, human boy!” She taunted.

I once again did as I was told, eyes still locked on hers, aching as the harsh angle made looking difficult. I stuck my pale ass out toward the blacksmith, who I heard chuckle and step in closer. Running his rough palm over my firm ass. Sinking into the flesh of my ass firmly as he groped my cheek. I felt his thick thumb push against my plug which for a moan from me, and a twitch from my cock.

“Mmm, Witchwood? and knights-bands?” Steinel grunted in approval. “If it wasn’t for that cute little dick of yours, nobody would even know you were a male.” He chuckled with another grope. “Just like any new girl joining the tribe.” He teased “Unfortunate, guess I have to wait to spear this fat little ass of yours!”

The elf smirked at Steinel “He still has a tongue you know.”

I felt my body tense, I shivered and moaned as I felt his firm hands grab my ass and press his warm, half swollen bullcock against my ass cheeks, teasing my plug with his half hard bovine cock. I could feel dribbles of my precum fall to the stone floor as this elf kept toying with my lips. Massaging my cheek. It felt embarrassing to have it known how turned on I was. “Now there’s an idea!” Steinel chuckled. “Quick thinking!”

“W-whu…wh?” I managed to stammer out before Steinel continued.

“I have a deal for you, if you like. I’ll do all these tools for you for free, in exchange for one little thing.” He said, a distinct playfulness in his accented voice. “We’ve been looking for somebody to join us in bed, we had initially thought it might be another girl but, hey you’re just as good as a girl.”

A thousand things shot through my mind, all over the place at once. But when I opened my mouth what came out was “Y-yes! O-of course! What do you need!” Before a pause, I then added. “I-I can’t use my ass…b-but I can…”

“Your mouth.” He grunted, still grinding his fat, soft, bovine dick against me. It was still slick, slick with his cum, with the wetness of this elf that pressed my face against her warm, firm abs.

“Tomorrow night we won’t here, we have a meeting with one of the clans, but the day after tomorrow, swing on by in the evening. You can suck my cock-“

“And I sit on your face.” The elf giggled, cutting Steinel off.

“-and I make these tools for you, all for free. How’s that for a deal?” He bellowed out a deep laugh, spanking my ass which got a hard delighted yelp from me.

I nodded, but there was just one problem. “I-I’ve never…s-sucked cock before…I’ve never even…had my cock sucked before…” I said nervously.

“Oh sweetie.” The elf said, hushing me like a child, her thumb pressing against my lips to silence me as I looked up at her. There was. Wicked delight across her face. Her nipples were dark, grey and hard as rock.

“I can teach you how to suck cock.” She purred.

I felt another delighted dribble of precum spurt cock to the floor. “O-okay, d-deal, I’ll do it.” I said nervously, almost moaning it out.

What was I even saying?! Was this even me? Kait was one thing, and Dana was Thean’s daughter, but these two were total strangers — well at least one probably was. What was this plug doing to me?

The elf seemed delighted, letting out excitedly little squeals as she kissed my forehead. “Perfect!” She smiled running her hand along me one more time before stepping back and toward Steinel, I stood slowly back up to see her kiss his cheek and walk with swaying hips back into the bedroom.

Steinel gave me another spank, and got another squeak out of me before he stepped back and grinned. “We have a deal. Does that time suit you, the evening the day after next?” He smiled. Walking his hooved feet back over to his anvil to inspect his tools.

I nodded nervously, slowly, my poor body now terribly confused that the sudden sexual excitement was gone, left in a sort of lustful whiplash. “S-sundown the day after tomorrow, sure.” I said looking into his bedroom, to the dark elf who was standing and brushing her hair in the mirror.

I felt the urge to speak up, to ask Steinel about this elf, about who she was, to scratch this itch. But as he looked at me expectedly I felt the awkward silence overcome me, and then I felt too anxious to ask.

“Yup! All good I’ll uh…I’ll see you the day after tomorrow!” I said backing out of the blacksmith slowly.

Steinel shook his head and a chuckled as he heaped something into his furnace. I couldn’t see what it was as I walked quickly out of the room and took a deep breath of fresh air. Looking around the dirt streets of the district as I felt my heart start to calm down.

I stood in awkward silence for a few moments before I began to walk back to my tent.

“Well, that’s that handled…for now…” I mumbled to myself.

It lingered at the back of my mind, as I tried to act normal the rest of the day. The reminder that I had just agreed to perform oral sex on another bull…

It had been quite the exciting past couple days. That much had been clear, my poor young heart couldn’t take all this excitement, and so I found myself walking back to my tent and grabbing my notebooks and pen and heading out the gate of the tribe toward the lake.

It hadn’t even really come to me as something distinct, but as a feeling of needing something calming, quiet, relaxing.

And so, I kneeled down in the soft grass overlooking the lake and with a pen in hand I got to taking notes. Humming quietly as the gentle lapping of the lake proved a relaxing backdrop. Gentle wind, and the sounds of random birdsong, both from the land and from the random noises of the water birds out and around the lake. I plucked memories from my mind and wrote them down, making sure to try categorise them as best I could. Then I laid, sighing as I felt the cool grass press against my naked, soft cock, tickling against my testicles which got me a playful giggle as I scratched away at my book.

The lake was still, besides some gentle skipping of the wind off the surface. So still as the sky grew more orange it began to reflect it back, it gave an odd and breathtaking illusion as I laid naked on the grass with my face in my left palm. Almost like the lake was a window, a glass pane flat to the ground that the same sky was projecting through.

I stared at the illusion, almost letting myself fell into it after a while, smiling, feeling my eyes grow heavy and feeling the temptation to nod off as the late afternoon sun warmed my body. My pen pressed against the paper still as I felt the wave of relaxation ease my bones and body.

It felt impossible that I was here, in this place. Like this was a dream I would wake up from. The capital was a nightmarish place, polluted and filthy, the air stank and the people were rude and the only time anybody saw green was when that green was in places it wasn’t healthy for it to be. Gods, and the noise too. The intolerable noise, I had almost forgotten there was one a time where my life wasn’t just interrupted by the din of constantly ringing bells, blaring steam whistles from the factories and trains, the bark of some horn thing that one of those new “Automobile” things some of the rich folks in the city had got.

Out here I felt myself in a dreamy state, feeling myself enjoying either the natural sounds of utter peace and quiet or maybe even the hallucinated sounds of a half asleep state, wind on the miles of grass and distant trees, birds and ducks arguing distantly.

It was hard to tell if I was asleep and snoozing in the grass, or if I was still awake. But what gave it away instantly, was the welcoming sound of Kait’s voice. A distant sound of a vague exclamation. “Hey!” Or “Wow!” Or “Hi!” Hearing the ghostly voice shook me back to reality, and got an excited glance as I tried to look for his disembodied voice. Only to realise I had probably dreamed it, and trying to swallow a wave of disappointment in my now aching heart as I sighed and let my book fall to the wayside and I rest my face on my arms as I laid on the earthy grass.

I felt the stiff wood deep in my ass. Was it swollen from this morning, thicker, wider? I could swear I felt the difference. I closed my eyes and trembled as I focused on it, swearing I could feel the slow swelling of the plug growing wider and thicker.

There was a pleasant finality to the Witchwood plug in my ass. As difficult as it was to have this in, I knew I would take it out for Kait, when he was home at last. That all this pent up sexual energy was his to release. It made me giddy, excited, to keep the promise to him. To myself, that I wouldn’t cum, until Kait was the one to give my orgasm to me.

That, was also another fun thing about the toy. It felt good, it felt real good inside me, it felt good to play with it!

My fingers found themselves gently, brushing, massaging my slightly swollen cock, as I tugged the plug out of my ass, and pushed it back in slowly.

Before too long, I was sat up, a hand flat and gripping the plug as I rode it with hard pushes of my thighs and hips, moaning nervously at first but after slowly looking around, I began to enjoy myself more eagerly, louder, less concerned with being caught. I moaned louder, my subtle cock stiffened and drooled precum into the grass.

I sighed and smiled, I closed my eyes. Moving my hands away from my cock to souley focus on stimulating my ass. Breathing heavily, feeling myself enjoy the pleasant stretch of my ass. I felt my dick soften slowly as it lost the attention It wanted me to give it.

In my minds eye the power of that dreaminess returned. I moaned out, I could feel his warm hand on my ass, I could feel the plug become his hard penis, I smiled and moaned out “Ahhhnn, Kaaaait!” I moaned, riding the toy harder and harder. Imagining myself drunkenly bouncing my ass up and down on my lover’s cock. Gleefully moaning as I did.

It felt good, it felt beyond good. But I cocked open my eyes and knew I had to stop. Otherwise I would cum, I would ruin this. And so I desperately pulled my hands away from the toy, sliding it back in deep and moaning as I let myself fall to a pile on my side by my book as I too deep breaths, moaning softly as I imagined my ass, bouncing, speared on Kait’s dick, how good it would feel to cum with him.

My eyes opened and I looked at the deep orange sunset on the horizon. Smiling tiredly, I imagined Kait’s warm hands, and his hard dick swelling as it pumped inside my ass.

I moaned tiredly against the grass, which slowly transitioned into a dour sigh.

Tomorrow…what did I have to do tomorrow…?

My mind flared up as I remembered the chief had said he wanted to talk tomorrow morning, finally do our interview. That was a big deal, I needed to make sure I didn’t miss that. And then in the afternoon the day after…I had agreed to come get oral sex lessons from this odd match made in heaven that Steinel had found himself.

Who was that elf anyway? I had definitely seen her face before. She was a big deal, I knew that much, and I knew she was a big deal because I had a reason to remember her face at all.

Had she visited my house? There was a ghostly image of her standing with my father, was that real?

I shook my head against my arms and sighed. That was going to bother me like crazy until I saw her again, when I remember to speak to her.

Before too long, I slowly, tiredly packed up my things, and made the walk back to the tribe as the sun began to disappear and things grew darker. There was a trio of bulls hauling handcarts out the palisade as I was walking in.  Back to back almost like some kind of convoy. They appeared to have the same yellow and white rough cut flags dangling from small poles on their carts as they wandered past. I smiled and wished them all good evening. Two of them were arguing too loudly to acknowledge me, some dispute about being late to leave the village. The third, the youngest smiled and gave me a defeated wave and a loud sigh. His cock was half swollen as he looked at me. He was a handsome looking young bull. I saw a fantasy where I invited him to abandon his duties and come back to my tent.

I prepared some fresh pages and ink for tomorrow. I would need it, something told me the chieftain was going to talk my ear off. And besides, best to make a good impression, this was why I was here at all, I want to make sure he invites me back. Wouldn’t be much of a researcher if I didn’t record these interviews well.

Once everything was ready in a small satchel by my bed I drank some water and sighed taking to my bed roll with a groan. Laying in the dark as I pinched gently at my bellowing tent wall, as I finished this entry off, laying and force myself to drift off.

Big day tomorrow, best not stay up.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt

Art by the beautiful and talented Miss Uni!

Hi! I am sorry to everybody as usual that this chapter took so long, things were going swimmingly and then I had to re-plan and get new art and then the delay came and I had to wait until I had more money to try again, but its here. I promise the next few chapters will come out a little more consistently. The art for them is mostly done and ready to go.So I mentioned this on my twitter but I am planning on opening writing commissions, however these writing commissions come with a pile of caveats. This sort of thing is more for me to give back to my readers, to give anybody a little something in return and help fund raise for future chapters. If you have a human or elf female OC that you feel might fit in Broken Rock hit me up anywhere you can or email me at ( )! I have some chapters coming up where I want to explore what the day in the life of the different tribe’s women is like!

For now its only human and elf women though, it may open up in future, but for now its restricted fairly heavily at this. I plan to flesh out the people of the tribe so I figure there’s no better way to do than then offer anybody interested the chance to have a character in the chapter. I am thinking of setting the price at around 10 dollars for about 1000-2000 words. Again please keep in mind I will be reserving a lot of creative control over these, if I don’t think your OC will work I won’t accept your commission. I will be making an announcement post about this eventually too but this one is for the early bird readers. Of course all funds raised will go directly to the artists working on the project! I just want to help give a little something back so its not all donations!

If you think your OC might do well in Broken Rock! Contact me, send me as much reference material and detail as you can and I’ll let you know what I think, payment will be handled through Ko-fi! AS ALWAYS please follow me on twitter to keep ahead of any updates, feel free to join our official discord if you want to hang out with me and the readers!

If you like my story and want to help its production any and all donations are greatly appreciated at all donations go directly into the wallets of my beautiful and talented artists to help speed up the production of chapters, and should you wish all donations are credited in the scraps chapters!

AS ALWAYS PLEASE SHOW THE ARTISTS YOUR LOVE — this story wouldn’t be nearly as fun if I didn’t have them lending their skills to the story!Thank you all so much, I hope you had a happy holidays, and I hope your New Years is even better, I promise you’ll see me again soon!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.