Chapter 01: A Memory of Inadequacy


Late last night we arrived at the last town before the wilderness into the Minotaur lands. This village is a human farm town by the name Linderly. I said my thanks to the driver as we parted ways, had a hot meal at the in and retired early for the night.
I left the town before dawn, and have been hiking the whole day. Just after midday I finally came across the river on my maps. The humans call this river the Fernery River, but it leads north east into the lands of the Minotaur, and begins in the mountains by the lake that Broken Rock sits by. The bulls apparently call it the Waking Waters, because it grows as winter ends, as if it was “waking up.”
I noticed this as I came into these mountains, but walking in it all day really underlined it, the climate shifting from the temperate mildness I was used to in the Capital to this strange humid air. This region is apparently very wet, intolerably humid and sweaty in summer and freezing and prone to snow in the winters.  I am thankful I can travel in spring, but even then it was brutal. Of a morning the air is a little too uncomfortably brisk and I am thankful for my thick scholars robes, but by late morning when the sun is in the skies the heat gets annoying and I sweat terribly. Made worse by the exertion no doubt.
I followed the river all day. I am thankful for such an easy landmark. I was never the greatest at orienteering, I was nervous about having to travel by compass but I just about jumped in delight when I read that this river lead all the way to my destination. It means more peace of mind, one less worry on the journey to worry about.
I have made camp here by the river in a small clearing. I have to say I am not the least bit worried about the solitude, it’s a blessing in disguise tonight. I decided to disrobe and have been laying on my bedroll naked beneath the stars! It feels so naughty but it’s freeing, it’s wonderful, the breeze is kissing every part of me that was sweltering before, and it’s a relief to cool off like this. All with the peace of mind that nobody can see me. I will of course get dressed before I sleep so I don’t chill overnight, but what a wonderful experience to have, I have never done this before, perhaps I will make a habit of stripping off every night as I write my journal
Out here in the nude has me thinking of the night I lost my virginity. It’s been stuck in my thoughts as I lay here…it’s an embarrassing thought, not a proud memory. Particularly since it’s my only sexual experience at all with another person.
Three years ago, it was the spring festival and my class mate, Scholar Felicia eachother and I snuck wine out while we went camping in the woods on our weekend off. We lied on the bedrolls under our tent and kissed and groped each other. I remember Felicia giggling and saying I “moaned like a girl” when she touched me.
She and I removed our clothes and I remember seeing this distinctly dispassionate look on Felicia’s face when she saw my penis and took it in her hand.I remember asking her what was wrong and she shook her head as she squeezed my shaft and slowly massaged my length. Sliding my foreskin up and down. “Nothing” She said with a swallow. “I just hoped you were…bigger was all.”
Maybe it was the mood or the situation, maybe the booze…but I was having a difficult time keeping myself stiff and erect for Felicia. No matter how much she massaged or teased the tip with her tongue. After some time she climbed onto my lap and pushed me inside her, and we lied there in the tent humping eachother for some time. I could barely keep my penis inside her, and even still I couldn’t stay stiff for very long before I had to massage myself again, which made for very on again off again sex.I do remember I did cum though, not very much, I gripped her hips and whimpered, thrusting as hard as I could I spurt out a string or two of my ejaculate before my softened dick slid out of her unceremoniously.
I remember a dissatisfied look in Felicia’s eyes she sighed and lifted her ass up, looking between her thighs and regarding the tiny drool of my cum from her womanhood with a disapproving glare. She and I cuddled in the tent and slept afterwards. At least she did, I didn’t sleep so well that night…
It wasn’t a very satisfying encounter. I wanted to try again but Felicia went to the festival with somebody else the year after. And she changed her major and is now in a different department. I think I have run through that night of pathetic sex about a dozen times a year since it happened. And I have blamed just about everything for it…but I know now it was the mood…something was off, I can’t figure out why, but I just wasn’t excited.
I don’t know why I wasn’t excited.
It is late, I should redress and sleep, I have a long hike tomorrow.

~Alfied “Alfie” Brandt.

(Art by the wonderful LokiKaze!)

Welcome back, and so soon! Its almost like I uploaded these two at exactly the same time, haha.

Unfortunately we aren’t lucky to have chapter 02 immediately uploaded to read, that one is still having its chapter art finished up, but the good news is that I am something like seven chapters ahead of this, everything else is either waiting on its art to be finished off or I am looking for an artist for it. So these should be coming out fairly quickly as their art is finished. I have a comfortable lead on the writing and all is going well, I am excited to get more into the story and show off the characters more!

Anyway I hope you can resist me totally blueballing you all and making you wait for that, if you enjoy the story please make sure to follow me and fav me here and follow me on twitter for updates on the chapters as they come along! As always please make sure to give the artist some love, this story wouldn’t be nearly as fun without them lending their pens to my work!

Thank you so much again for the read!


Are you 18 or older? A Tribe Called Broken Rock is an adult story, it's erotic furry smut, and contains writing and art of an explicitly sexual nature. This story is not suitable for minors.